Hit Like a Big Leaguer: Batting Tips, Techniques, and Strategies for Coaches and Players | Jack Maloof, Tony Gwynn
Youth baseball players learn the secrets of hitting smart and batting big Batting is more than just making contact; it is about the swing, the stance, the follow-through. Majorleague hitting coordinator Jack Maloof--who has fixed the mechanics of such explosive hitters as Tony Gwynn, Roberto Alomar, and Cliff Floyd--shares the same techniques he used with these big leaguers to help players in senior youth leagues and up hone their individual hitting form and make the most of every atbat. Hit Like a Big Leaguer is a compendium of how-to hitting, including preseason drills, on-deck mental game strategies, and the ultimate skills to make every appearance at the plate count.
(less)Youth baseball players learn the secrets of hitting smart and batting big Batting is more than just making contact; it is about the swing, the stance, the follow-through. Majorleague hitting coordinator Jack Maloof--who has fixed the