Stuck at work for parent teacher conferences - and bored. No one comes to see the school psychologist (which is fine - just boring!). So sitting here reading and checking litsy!
Stuck at work for parent teacher conferences - and bored. No one comes to see the school psychologist (which is fine - just boring!). So sitting here reading and checking litsy!
This is a total surprise to me. I was offered the first book in this series to read by the publisher, and enjoyed it. A book I‘d normally pass over. So I thought I‘d give the series another go, and I‘ve really liked this one too. It‘s an old-fashioned police procedural, likeable characters throughout, and it‘s interesting to see what life was like before all this new-fangled technology 😉
This is a well written mystery, with great character building before anything untoward happens. Then Pollard and Toye, the police, arrive and so the mystery itself begins. This is not a tale to rush through but to savour the wonderful writing. It reminds me of the novels by Josephine Tey, gentle but intriguing enough to keep you engrossed.