loved it!
Sam hears terrified footsteps when he is out by the boardwalk. A young girl is being chased by a posse of men out to kill her. Her memories have been washed away by drugs. How does he keep her safe?
I just googled this again and yes, it‘s a series and I feel a bit sad that my Onleihe doesn‘t have volume 2. If my research is correct volume 3 is about to be published in May 2019.
Much action and full of suspense. I liked that although it requires not to think too much about some things and not to ask questions about for example a background-story.
I was surprised that when I thought it‘s showdown-time there was about an hour to come.
A massive spectacle with a real unexpected twist.
The right book for you if you‘re able to ignore the improbable.
Welcome to my sleepless night.
I hate when worries don‘t let me sleep.
Let‘s hear 👂🏼 how much progress I can make in here.
Military souped-up stuff in team one against military experience in team two. I‘m really into it and can hardly stop listening. 😍 Which is good because the last 3 days at work were so, so hard. (The dawn of a mayor crisis. It bums me out heavily. 😢)
Now, after 3,5 audio-hours something happens that even in this very fictional story feels overtwisted. The more because I know that it‘s impossible. So for now I decide for a late breakfast. 😋
Today, I got a really heavy blow in the neck at work. 😢
So I need to be read something.
Look, what my Onleihe made available to me today.
New ear-👂🏼-feed for my commute.
Scheint aber, als hätte ich da mit ein bisschen Pech. Denn das ist wohl der Auftakt einer Reihe.
(Was nur insofern doof ist, als dass ich mit Simon Beckett zum Beispiel auch noch hinterherhinke.)
Aber mal sehen, vielleicht gefällt‘s mehr auch gar nicht. ??♀️
Das habe ich mir ursprünglich vorgemerkt, weil ich den Sprecher mag. Aber dann fand ich auch den Inhalt interessant:
„Dem Veteranen Sam Dryden läuft beim Joggen ein Mädchen über den Weg. Rachel ist auf der Flucht. Doch warum jagen bewaffnete Soldaten eine Zwölfjährige? Schnell wird Sam klar: Rachel ist kein normales Kind: Sie kann Gedanken lesen.“
?? https://www.rowohlt.de/taschenbuch/patrick-lee-mindreader.html
Ab 5.12. kann‘s losgehen.
I enjoy reading thrillers and mysteries while on a plane. A well—paced plot helps to keep me focused. The hero is ex-military with a “particular set of skills.” While on a run, he rescues a young girl being chased by bad guys in the middle of the night. The book takes a bit of a science fiction turn, but is a standard thriller with rather flat characters. It is the first in a series, so perhaps the characters are developed later. Entertaining.
Some of my book series, with the help of WordCloud. Some may be repeated, just ignore them. Looking forward to read more series.