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The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Ninth Grade Slays
The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Ninth Grade Slays: Ninth Grade Slays | Heather Brewer
If middle school sucked for Vladimir Tod, high school is a real drain. Besides being a punch bag for bullies, he's still going nowhere fast with dream girl Meredith. Needless to say, practicing his vampire skills hasn't exactly been a priority for Vlad - until now. A monumental trip to Siberia with Uncle Otis, training alongside the most gifted vampires, is exactly what Vlad needs. And he'd better get it right, because the battle brewing back home with the vampire who's been stalking him . . . could be Vlad's last.
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Ninth Grade Slays | Heather Brewer
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This was a decent follow up to the first. It definitely wasnt worse at least. Going to give tenth grade a try and if I still feel mediocre I might abandon the series, it's not what I expected...

#scarathlon @TheReadingMermaid
+6 (or 8?) For #TeamStoker
--Do you get points if its on theme AND Halloween related or just for the Halloween related?

BeansPage It's either or. You either get the points for it being on theme or you get the points for it being Halloween. Obviously here we will choose the larger of the two 😉 so it will be five points for the book and one point for the post. Six points total. 5y
BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
BeansPage 😘😘 5y
23 likes4 comments
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Ive been trying hard to make it through books but everyone in the house has a cold and has been stuffy and sneezing. Even this poor guy has been sneezing all day! Sorry Bub! Makes the #scarathlon harder but snuggles from pup easier.
+1 point #TeamStoker @TheReadingMermaid

BeansPage Feel better soon sweetheart! 🧟‍♀️ 5y
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Poor Vladimir, it sure does suck making new friends only to have them stab you in the back.

I love this kid!

Also, 9th grade really is the worst. I see Freshmen walking down the hall and it‘s so easy to spot them. They are tiny compared to the juniors and seniors. Also their maturity level is still that inbetween innocent and reality phase so a lot of them wander around shell shocked. ok, enough of my tangent!

Megabooks I don‘t know how school systems decide whether to have a 7-8-9 or a 9-10-11-12 because it seems like either way a lot of 14 year olds don‘t fit in! 5y
Nevermore88 I have the vampire slayer POV book and all of the series it was pretty good. My daughter is now reading it. 5y
LibrarianJen @Megabooks here it‘s pre-k through 5th and then 6-7-8 then 9-10-11-12. Although they are building these new schools that I don‘t know how I feel about. I worked at one for a semester and it was interesting. They are K-8 schools with elementary on the bottom and middle on the top. It‘s just weird because 4th grade girls hormones kick in and they drool over the middle school guys. 5y
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LibrarianJen @Nevermore88 so far I‘m loving it. 5y
Megabooks @LibrarianJen Even if you separate them it‘s hard. The sophomore boys at my high school, when they‘d get cars (25 years ago before graduated licenses), would drive down the street to the middle school and pick up their 7th grade girlfriends. 🤢 One of the girls in my 6th grade class got pregnant with a high school boy and her parents forced her to marry him...in the 90s!! 1990s not 1890s. 😡 5y
LibrarianJen @Megabooks Wow! That‘s just. Ugh. 5y
43 likes6 comments
Ninth Grade Slays | Heather Brewer
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1. 🧛‍♂️
2. Going to Pagosa Springs. It will probably be my last chance to go this year. I‘m going to relax and catch up on all my Litsy mail.
3. Mint Chocolate Chip
4. Played guitar and base in school, but haven‘t played either in years.
5. 👍🏼

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The series keeps gettin better. I like Vlad's sense of ethics - even if it comes to his bullies. But I must admit I could foresee some of the twists. Still looking forward reading the next one.
#zacbrewer #heatherbrewer #thechroniclesofvladimirtod #vladimirtod #vlad #ninthgradeslays #eigthgradebites

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Starting the day with a good book and a strong coffee in the morning sun - even in december. Life is cool. ❤️
#thechroniclesofvladimirtod #vladimirtod #vlad #ninthgradeslays #heatherbrewer #yalit #yalitsy #yaliterature #vampires