IR. This myth book is the perfect picture book to help students learn about the Greek god Zeus.
Audio book- https://www.audible.com/pd/Young-Zeus-Audiobook/B00F979XMA?source_code=AUDORWS07...
UDL- 1.2
EL- audio or visual available
IR. This myth book is the perfect picture book to help students learn about the Greek god Zeus.
Audio book- https://www.audible.com/pd/Young-Zeus-Audiobook/B00F979XMA?source_code=AUDORWS07...
UDL- 1.2
EL- audio or visual available
#ANewChapter Day 1: Karas explained in his Author‘s Note found at the #NewBeginning(s) of the book how his visit to Greece gave him the resonance he needed to come up with this book project. This book is an effective introduction to myths for younger kids who may not be too predisposed to really find out the gory details about all the gods and goddesses. This is definitely a more sanitized version of the tales. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-6U5