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The Secret History of the CIA
The Secret History of the CIA | Joseph John Trento
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Chronicles the origins and history of the Central Intelligence Agency and analyzes the performance of its leaders and members during the Cold War, including Soviet double agent Igor Orlov and mole hunter James Angleton.
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The Secret History of the CIA | Joseph John Trento
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The Secret History of the CIA | Joseph John Trento

This amazing work of journalism has a major flaw. The writer uses the same CIA sources repetitively. These sources heighten their own value and contributions to the CIA. But after reading between the lines, how would a reader, after learning about what the CIA does, even trust them to be telling the writer of this book the truth? Is it great journalism, if the reader can't even trust the sources a journalist uses? Still worth the read, though.

cathysaid Schrodinger‘s Cat! 6y
hhavel Hi! What is Schrodinger's Cat? Please explain, as I am very curious. Thanks! 6y
cathysaid “In simple terms, Schrödinger stated that if you place a cat and something that could kill the cat (a radioactive atom) in a box and sealed it, you would not know if the cat was dead or alive until you opened the box, so that until the box was opened, the cat was (in a sense) both ‘dead and alive‘.” 6y
cathysaid 👆I am in NO WAY a quantum physicist, so that is one of the more understandable explanations I found on the web. Your comment about whether you can trust an explanation about the CIA given the explanation came from CIA sources made me think of the parallels. 🤪 (edited) 6y
hhavel That's fantastic! What an idea! It turns the scientific method on its head, and gives the imagination a chance to breathe. It lends clout to science fiction books as well as its many authors. Where did you find the Schrodinger's cat idea? There must be other strange but fascinating ideas like this. Maybe I've been reading the non-fiction stuff for way too long. 6y
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The Secret History of the CIA | Joseph John Trento

My God, why did I have to pick up this book? Amazing investigative journalism about the Cold War CIA against the Russian KGB and other intelligence services. The more you read, the more you realize what human filth these spies are. Very sad, but also very true. They live horrible and tragic lives. How they live with themselves is a mystery to me.

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