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Joined November 2016

Book addict. www.goodreads.com/cathysaid
Yellowface | Rebecca F. Kuang
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Ambitious, I know. Perhaps I should shoot for the end of 2024.

kspenmoll 😂😂 8mo
jlhammar Great goal. Keegan, Makkai, Rash, Clifton - all fantastic! Yellowface was a good audiobook. 8mo
cathysaid @jlhammar It really was so well done. Made an unlikable narrator much more entertaining. 8mo
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Bit of a reading slump right now. You know the one...where you start a book and know it would probably be good if only you could get your brain to focus? This audiobook kept my attention. Excellent brain candy. Domestic crime thriller that moved fast enough to keep my attention with enough drama to engage. A bit unbelievable but really...do you want your brain candy to be rooted in reality? 😂 #audiobook

BarbaraBB Just checking in. Hope all is well 🤍 3y
cathysaid @BarbaraBB Hi there! I check in occasionally but haven‘t been posting. Not much time for reading lately but hope to turn that around over the holidays. Thanks for checking on me. Hope you‘re well? 3y
BarbaraBB Yes I am! I hope you‘ll find the time to read during the holidays! So many best of lists at the moment, makes me greedy! 😘 3y
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Before the Coffee Gets Cold | Toshikazu Kawaguchi
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Apparently I enjoy Japanese magical realism? Never knew that was a genre. (Some classify #Murakami as such, so I guess it makes sense because I ❤️ him.) In this novel, Kawaguchi explores how the past and future affect the present in the intersecting lives of quirky and engaging customers and employees that visit a cafe where one can sit in a specific seat and briefly time travel. An unpredictable and delightful novel. 4/5 ⭐️

Tamra I really like the premise but I couldn‘t get into the audio. I‘d like to try it in print. 3y
cathysaid @Tamra It‘s funny...I skipped over it several times browsing the available library books but finally borrowed on impulse after borrowing several I didn‘t like. And I was pleasantly surprised! 3y
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cathysaid @BookwormM Thank you! I had no idea there was another one! 3y
Trashcanman Where are you?? Come back!! 3y
cathysaid @Trashcanman Here I am!! Thanks for checking on me. How are you? 3y
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Darling Rose Gold | Stephanie Wrobel
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It starts like a Dateline episode and ends up being more Stephen King. Munchausen by Proxy mixed with batshit crazy. Unreliable narrators usually annoy me but this structure of both sides (parent and child) really works. Entertaining, fast-paced and disturbing read.

EvieBee 😂😂 3y
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Good Behaviour | Molly Keane
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Well now...this will be interesting 🤢🐇🤢🐇


Trashcanman What it is home slice?? How are you?? 3y
rubyslippersreads 😳 I‘d always planned to read this book, but now I‘m not so sure … 3y
Cathythoughts I loved this one 👍🏻❤️ 3y
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cathysaid @Trashcanman Trying to keep my sanity in our currently insane world. How are you? 3y
cathysaid @Cathythoughts Oh good! Taking it on the plane with me 👌 3y
cathysaid @rubyslippersreads Other than the reference to a blended rabbit dinner, it‘s good so far 😂 3y
Trashcanman @cathysaid Well you know, same as it ever was. Just breathing and trying to be human. 3y
rubyslippersreads @cathysaid @Cathythoughts As long as there‘s nothing else along those lines, I‘d probably like it. (And now I know why the Virago edition has rabbits all over the cover. 😏) 3y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Thanks for the tag @Eggs !

Favorite thing about my current job = I get to continue to work from home until July

Career advice for younger self = Don‘t expect to use your degree 😂

First thing I do in the morning = Guzzle half a pot of coffee 👁👁

Last thing I do at night = Read myself to sleep with my Kindle


I just started my NYRB Classics Book Club selection so I‘ll tag @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen @vivastory @Suet624 @Megabooks

Megabooks I answered earlier and our #3 is the same!! 😁😁😁 3y
cathysaid @Megabooks It‘s the sweet nectar that keeps those around me alive ☕️ 3y
Eggs Love that career advice-IKR!?! Thanks for playing 📚👏🏻😉 3y
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Cinfhen Thanks for the tag!! Great career advice!!! It‘s so TRUE for 90% of the people I know 3y
BarbaraBB You‘re so right about #2! Although I would have loved to work in the field of my degree (International relations) 🤷🏻‍♀️. Thanks for tagging, I already answers the questions, and good luck with the #NYRB 🤍 3y
cathysaid @Eggs @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB I think it‘s a matter of having to be flexible when life happens. A girl‘s gotta eat! 3y
Cinfhen Or a girl‘s gotta read @BarbaraBB @cathysaid 😘😘😘 (edited) 3y
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The Arsonists' City | Hala Alyan
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While there are a few minor weaknesses, overall this was an engrossing family saga spanning several decades and locales including California, Damascus and Beirut. Love, loss, familial loyalty and personal ambition all converge to make this a thoroughly engaging and pleasurable read. 4/5 ⭐️

The Arsonists' City | Hala Alyan
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Nevermind that my TBR is over one hundred books. If one goes into the library to renew a library card, one can‘t possibly be expected to leave without any beauties...can they!!?! #LitsyLovesLibraries #WhatTBR

EvieBee Okay, that 🍸 looks soooo good!!! 3y
Tamra Pish Posh, never mind about a TBR. 😉 3y
cathysaid @EvieBee Extra dirty because otherwise what‘s the point? 3y
cathysaid @Tamra Right? I 99% believe that 😂 3y
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New-to-me author. Highly recommend this amazing Southern humorist. 5/5 ⭐️ Blurb says it better than I can:
“These meticulously crafted parables recall William Faulkner‘s scope and Flannery O‘Connor‘s corrosive wit. Imbuing each story with charged drama, Gurganus, a sublime ventriloquist, again proves himself among our funniest writers and our wisest.”

First story not my fave but the rest are superb. If you‘re from the South, you‘ll recognize. 😂

A Moveable Feast | Ernest Hemingway
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Finally finished reading as I‘m also watching the Ken Burns PBS documentary. If I could give more than 5⭐️ I would. Quintessential Hemingway...and I love his writing. Fascinating window into his day to day life in the early Paris years. Mind you, it is Hemingway so largely unreliable but his classic writing style. I think, however, I enjoy it so much b/c I know a bit about his life. Reading without any background knowledge might be less enjoyable.

SamAnne This is one of his I haven‘t yet read. But I‘m also feeling prompted by the documentary. 3y
cathysaid I thought it was more interesting to read along with/after the documentary. It‘s a pretty quick read. 3y
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His Only Wife | Peace Adzo Medie
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Set in Ghana within the city of Accra, this #debut explores marriage, family, and finding your voice. Afi marries Eli at the request of both families even though she doesn‘t know him. Believing he will change, she hopes to become his “only” wife. Throughout the experience, she discovers what she will do for love and security. I enjoyed it though occasionally found it hard to understand some cultural differences. Still I highly recommend. 4/5 ⭐️

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The first one is good. But this one is not. Gotta #DNF it.

Eyelit I‘ve heard that from quite a few people. That‘s unfortunate because the first one was so good! 3y
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Another great installment (the 10th) of the Will Trent series by Karin Slaughter. And guys...this one is truly twisted. It is also a rare #crime #thriller series that continues to engage without being (too) predictable or formulaic. But the best part for me is the narrator. I won‘t read these physically because this narrator, Kathleen Early, is simply excellent. 3.5/5 ⭐️ #audiobook

Tamra It‘s so wonderful when you find that narrator. 3y
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Books 4 and 5 in the #series. DCI Craig Gillard is a cranky veteran investigator in these British crime thriller police procedurals. What I enjoy most about these is the end is not (always) predictable, though some are more effective than others in this regard. I saw Louth compared to Mark Bellingham in some reviews and I think that‘s pretty accurate. Solid #crime novel and equally good #audiobook series. 3.5/5 ⭐️

Trashcanman 🤗❤ 3y
cathysaid @Trashcanman 👀❤️👏 3y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Ahhh...the south. 40 degrees one day, 70 degrees the next. Lucky for you I edited out the glaringly white legs. Husband said they‘re blinding. 😂😂 #classics

Tamra Oh god I wish! 😁 3y
BarbaraBB Lovely picture! Legs will turn bronze in no time 😉 3y
cathysaid @Tamra Bizarre weather. Just bizarre. 3y
cathysaid @BarbaraBB 😂 I wish. I burn and then pale. But hey...there‘s always bronzer. 3y
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Another amazing presentation by Attica Locke. Gorgeous description, characters that represent time and place without succumbing to stereotype, and a plot that keeps you turning the pages. Drama, mystery, intrigue and crime novel. 4/5 ⭐️

Trashcanman ❤👁👁❤ 3y
cathysaid @Trashcanman Happy to see you my persevering friend! 3y
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One by One | Ruth Ware
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Employees at an internet startup gather at a skiing chalet in France. When an avalanche occurs and everyone is trapped...well...the title pretty much tells you the outcome. Interaction between characters was entertaining but the backstory and overall action is little more than a rewrite of Agatha Christie‘s “And Then There Were None.” Readers that haven‘t read that Christie novel will likely enjoy without having that comparison. 3/5 ⭐️

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I see some of you post about missing holiday swap deliveries and thought you might appreciate. 🤣😂

Hooked_on_books SO accurate! 😂 4y
LibrarianRyan Yeah, this is josh yelling about his packages bouncing back and forth between STL , Peoria, and Champaign.

cathysaid @Hooked_on_books @LibrarianRyan It‘s just bizarre and so random. And while I want to blame USPS...it really just follows the pattern-less pattern of the last 10 months. 🤷‍♀️ 4y
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A Quiet Place | Seicho Matsumoto
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The Kate Burkholder crime thriller series by Linda Castillo is a go to audio for me, with Burkholder as Chief of police in a small Amish town. Villette is my current classic read (which I‘m savoring slowly) while the Ruth Ware is my brain candy when I need a break from 19th c. sentence structure. 🤣 And Matsumoto will be a new-to-me author. #weeklyforecast

dylanisreading How is One by One? I have it on my tbr. 4y
cathysaid @Bianca I‘m only a couple of chapters in so I can‘t really tell yet? But I‘ll let you know in a few days! 4y
veritysalter I just finished A Quiet Place and really enjoyed it. 3y
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Troubled Blood | Robert Galbraith
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DNFing for now. 100 pages and I just can‘t get into it which makes me sad as I‘ve liked all the other Cormoran Strike novels. I really hope this isn‘t a case of a series-dying-after-the-first-three syndrome. I‘ll try again later. 🤷‍♀️

Sapphire It gets better when it gets back to the core characters. 4y
cathysaid @Sapphire Good to know. I‘m definitely going to try again. 4y
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Villete | Charlotte Bront
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I think that is the best 19c. version of “Get the f*ck out” that I have ever read. 🤣🤣🤣

Nute 😂 4y
LeahBergen 😂😂 4y
batsy Ha! Yes :) 4y
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It | Stephen King
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(Sent to me by a friend so I can only generally credit the interwebz.)

BarbaraBB 🤣😱 4y
Trashcanman ,👋👋👋💜 4y
cathysaid @Trashcanman Hi there! Happy to see you my friend 4y
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Since Ready Player Two was recently published, I decided I should see what this was all about. To my surprise, I really enjoyed it. Not my normal reading fare; I think Wil Wheaton‘s spot on narration increased the appeal. Set in a future world lived largely online through avatars, Wade and a group of friends fight evil forces in an attempt to achieve a massive online quest. Once again I‘m reminded I need to branch out more in my reading. 4/5 ⭐️

PurpleTulipGirl I think I‘m going to need to get the audio book for this with one of my Libro.fm credits. I really enjoyed book 1. 4y
Suet624 I'm with you. I have this stacked but I've avoided reading it. I think you might have provided the nudge to get me to move toward it. 4y
cathysaid @PurpleTulipGirl He really was the perfect narrator. I‘m glad I chose audio since it‘s so unlike most of my reading choices I might have put it down if I tried in print and I would have missed out on a good book. 4y
cathysaid @Suet624 It just never appealed to my reading tastes but when I saw it was available on audio and the second book was just released I decided to give it a try. It took a bit to get into but about an hour in I was hooked. Good reminder I need to step out of my box sometimes. 4y
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Interesting premise and had potential, but the ending felt so prepackaged that I felt cheated by my investment. A village outcast wrongly accused of murder defends herself in court. But the big whodunnit reveal at the end...eh.

mollyrotondo I agree. The reveal was a flop. 3y
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✔️ Normal People (eh)
✔️ Someone We Know (entertaining audio)
☠️ February‘s Son (sad it was a #DNF as it is a #Europa and I generally love those)

So far I‘m enjoying my #CurrentRead of Transcendent Kingdom and hope it is as good as Homegoing which I loved.

I‘ve started and quit four #audiobooks this week so I hope The Birds That Stay makes the cut 🤞

#WeeklyForecast @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Love the graphics 😍And I also had trouble settling into my audio this week. But I did manage to find a few that were awesome 🎧💗 4y
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Someone We Know | Shari Lapena
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Domestic thriller. Think Wisteria Lane in Desperate Housewives (dating myself here 😂). The mystery ends up being who would NOT want to kill these neighbors? If you‘re looking for brain candy in an #audiobook format then this is perfect. 3/5 ⭐️

Chelsea.Poole I loved Desperate Housewives! 😆 4y
cathysaid @Chelsea.Poole I‘m so happy someone got that reference 😂 4y
Chelsea.Poole Actually kind of makes me want to read it 😆 @cathysaid 4y
cathysaid It is wonderful peek-in-the-neighbors-windows entertainment. Classic audiobook brain candy. 4y
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...‘cause what else can you do?

Hazel2019 Lol so true! I‘m waiting for two myself and they just sit at some post office half way to their destination...whyyyy??? 😆 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🤣🤣🤣 so true!!! 4y
Caroline2 😂 so funny!!!!! 4y
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Normal People | Sally Rooney
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I feel like I‘m missing something here. This seemed like a lot of badly written teen angst. Thought perhaps it was YA fiction (I don‘t like YA so I tend to judge the genre - not the readers 😊- harshly), but I don‘t see that it is? Lots of repetitive relationship drama and I never connected to any character. But it gets great reviews so I fully admit perhaps I don‘t understand or it wasn‘t the right time for me. 🤷‍♀️ 2/5 ⭐️

Where Are You Roaming? | Gabrielle DuBois
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I see a lot of people here with shipping issues so thought I would share. Apparently FedEx and UPS are even directing retailers to USPS.


Normal People | Sally Rooney
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Finished this week:
Fake Like Me / The Truth About Melody Browne

Current reads:
Normal People (my kindle read)
Edge of Eternity (my paperback that is taking an eternity to get through even though I really like it 🤷‍♀️)

Up next:
February‘s Son (a Europa and Edgar award winner recommended by CrimeReads)
Someone We Know (my up-next audio read)

#weeklyforecast @Cinfhen

Cinfhen I love the way you did your graphics 😁 4y
cathysaid Thanks! 4y
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Melody, after living more than half her life thinking her adoptive parents were her real parents and not knowing any better due to post traumatic memory loss, begins to have flashback memories of her childhood. These snatches of memory lead her to investigate and question all she thought to be true. Another solid, drama filled, low substance yet highly entertaining listen from Jewell. 3.5/5 ⭐️


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Fake Like Me | Barbara Bourland
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A lost again, found again, lost again painter has the chance to work at an artists‘ colony in rural New York. But the majestic lore surrounding the renowned colony and the reputations of the artists don‘t live up to the hype. In fact, the small group of friends residing there turn out to not only be sadly normal, but they are hiding a secret that could destroy the lives of all associated with the colony. Interesting but underwhelming. 3.5/5 ⭐️

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Why yes, I am sitting outside on my patio in my pajamas while #audioknitting and drinking wine at 2pm on a December afternoon. It‘s called “vacation.” More specifically...vacation in the south. 😂 #knittersoflitsy #audiobook

Bookish.SAM All of those things sound delightful !!! 🧶🍷🎧📖 4y
Hestapleton I love all of this. 4y
cathysaid @Bookish.SAM @Hestapleton It takes so little in our current circumstances to make me happy 😂 Which I suppose could be viewed as a silver lining. 4y
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eanderson 🤣🤣🤣 4y
EclecticBookLover @aroc 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 4y
aroc @EclecticBookLover 🤣 I read it in the voice too! 4y
cathysaid @aroc @EclecticBookLover Right? How could you not? 4y
EclecticBookLover Its perfect! 😄 4y
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Freya | Anthony Quinn
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My #20BestOf2020 is actually only nine. Not nearly enough reading this year given that it‘s been...you know...2020. But still, these were really good and the best of what I did read. Several new to me authors and my favorite is tagged. These lists are really helping me get excited about my reading plans for the new year and it‘s nice to look toward to that.

batsy I loved The Tenant of Wildfell Hall! 4y
Cinfhen Dead Mountain and Apartment are both on my kindle waiting for me 🤗🤗🤗 4y
BarbaraBB I loved Apartment! Looking forward to another (and better) year following your choices! 4y
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cathysaid @batsy Right? I‘d never heard of it until my husband bought it for me 4y
cathysaid @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB I‘ve taken screenshots of both your posts 😁 4y
Megabooks So glad there are so many Teddy Wayne fans on litsy!! Cathy and @BarbaraBB 💙👍🏻 2020 was definitely a weird year (to put it mildly)! 4y
cathysaid @Megabooks Weird indeed 4y
CarolynM I love The Golden Age ❤️ 4y
cathysaid @CarolynM So glad I stumbled across it! 4y
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All This I Will Give to You | Dolores Redondo
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This #crime novel set in Galicia, Spain is truly a page turner. Manuel learns his husband died in a car accident, and then discovers his secret life in Galicia. While settling Alvaro‘s vast estate which includes a dysfunctional, rich family, Manuel finds Alvaro‘s best friend (a priest) and a bitter retired detective who refuses to accept an “accident” occurred; this unlikely trio goes on to solve mysteries surrounding Alvaro‘s death. 4/5 ⭐️


cathysaid Trigger warning: sexual assault 4y
BarbaraBB Good to know. I have a book by this author too: 4y
cathysaid @BarbaraBB Looking forward to hearing what you think! 4y
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rwmg @cathysaid @BarbaraBB I put The Invisble Guardian on my wishlist after reading All This Will I Give You 4y
cathysaid @rwmg So glad I discovered this author. Planning to read more. 4y
Reggie This sounds great. Stacked! 4y
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All This I Will Give to You | Dolores Redondo
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These are the nights for which Kindles are made.

Book is good as well. A “First Reads” from Kindle if I remember correctly. A middle aged man is left a vast estate by his late husband who had a secret life he knew nothing about. Halfway through and all kinds of drama and intrigue. #kindle

britt_brooke Perfect!! 4y
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The Last Stone | Mark Bowden
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“Who Killed the Lyon Sisters?” will be on TV this evening (11/28) at 9:00pm (EST) on ID channel. Mark Bowden wrote the tagged book about this crime. I‘m hoping it‘s good! #truecrime

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Still debating about participating in #Booked2021 as I‘m TERRIBLE at book challenges, but I did look at my shelves to see what would fit for the prompts. I‘m interpreting a couple loosely right now, such as using the tagged book for (2) as I‘m not sure if it is technically “women in science.” And of course...I‘m a bit stuck for a book to fulfill (3) so for now, I‘m improvising. 😆

@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen Hahaha!! We love when people get creative!! It‘s ultimately your challenge so interpret away xx we don‘t mind 😜 4y
Cinfhen And #2 is perfectly legit 🎉🙌🏻💜 4y
cathysaid @Cinfhen Oh good. It‘s been on my shelves for a couple of years so maybe this will make me read it. And hopefully I can find a baked-goods-cover. If not, I‘m at least replacing the bread with a yummy blueberry muffin. 4y
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Cinfhen Definitely go for a blueberry muffin or at least a good rustic sourdough 💕 4y
Suet624 I just get cranky when I think about challenges. I‘m such a contrarian. 4y
cathysaid @Suet624 I have good intentions but inevitably get sidetracked ☺️ 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Suet624 It‘s good to know yourself! 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @cathysaid I love your muffin idea ... I think that baked goods prompt will be easy for cozy mystery readers. But maybe not so much for others. 4y
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The Long Call | Ann Cleeves
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A body on a beach in North Devon. A detective struggling with a painful family history. The crime forces Detective Matthew Venn to come to terms with that history while finding solace in his husband and his work. Cleeves weaves an interesting plot with intriguing characters and a gray, moody sense of place to create a satisfying, dramatic mystery. 4/5 ⭐️ #audiobook #crime #mystery

TrishB I enjoyed this one 👍🏻 4y
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Craftsman | Sharon Bolton
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Other unique and meaningful bookmarks...
On the left, a tatted bookmark made by my best friend. And on the right, wooden bookmarks made by my husband. I think they are a combination of black poplar, white poplar and cedar.


Tove_Reads 😍 4y
AlaMich You know a lot of talented people! 4y
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What a fun idea @Tove_Reads ❤️ This is my most treasured bookmark. My aunt who died long ago made it in 1950 when she was in Bible school.

LeahBergen Oh, this is wonderful! 4y
marleed So cool! 4y
Megabooks 💙💙 4y
cathysaid @LeahBergen @marleed @Megabooks It‘s so fragile I don‘t use it as a bookmark but I treasure it. ❤️ that Littens get it. 4y
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I probably enjoyed this fast paced light-on-fact while heavy-on-salaciousness #truecrime novel largely because it embodies escapism at just the right time. The husband is the immediate suspect and while there‘s not a lot of physical evidence, he‘s a ginormous asshat so it doesn‘t help his case. Clearly a biased account but sometimes...if it walks like a duck...🦆🦆🤷‍♀️

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Alrighty then. Some predictability...it‘s true. But all in all...much better than I expected. Housewives that seem bored and “Southern-proper” take on a stranger in Charleston. While occasionally throttle-worthy, in the end I admit I was cheering for these women to prevail. 3.5 ⭐️

TheNeverendingTBR Going to read this soon! 👌 4y
cathysaid @TheNeverendingTBR It‘s quite entertaining 👍 4y
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The Good House | Tananarive Due
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Struggling. I‘ve got four hours left. It‘s good I‘m some ways and soooooo looonnnggg in others. But I‘m stubborn since I‘ve invested so much time. Started it because it‘s ghost story-ish but whew...getting worn out!

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Well alrighty then. As a movie, this would definitely be a slasher flick. As it is, this falls in the gory #horror category. A small cultish group targets a couple and their child at a remote vacation cabin where a fight for everyone‘s survival ensues. The plot is a bit weak but the gore is strong. Moderately entertaining #Halloween read. 3/5 ⭐️

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Welcome Back | Lin Stepp
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Shared! (Also...my brain keeps reading this as “Litsy‘s Town Squirrel” so I‘m voting for a Litsy mascot.) 🐿🐿🐿

@TK421 @LitsyHappenings @MrBook

Pleasantville | Attica Locke
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While it took a while for me to engage (which in our current times might have nothing to do with the book), I ended up devouring the last half in two days. This is Locke‘s second book featuring lawyer Jay Porter. Set in Houston in the 90s, the combination of murder and local politics sets the stage for Porter to either succeed or spectacularly fail depending upon whether he can focus and finally leave the past in the past. Recommended. 4/5 ⭐️

The Hunting Party | Lucy Foley
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Another crime novel about a group of old friends reuniting for New Years Eve. Old grievances and surprising secrets emerge. As does a dead body. Who hated who the most? Entertaining and fast paced. 3/5 ⭐️ #psychologicalthriller #iusethatphraseloosely

Drnkpnkprincess If you‘ve read it, how does this compare to 4y
cathysaid @Drnkpnkprincess To be fair, I only made it halfway through The Guest List before my loan expired, so I can‘t give a full answer until my hold comes in again 😂 But from what I read so far, it seems to be quite similar. I suspect, however, that the ending of each are where the more accurate comparison can be made. Have you read both? 4y
Trashcanman Where you hiding out at??? 4y
cathysaid @Trashcanman Hiya! I‘m around...just not as frequent right now. Trying to moderate my time in social sites until this political season passes. How are you doing? 4y
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A bit late...oops 🤗

1. Depends on whether the person can be trusted to give it back. Also, if it‘s not one I would be interested in reading again in the future, then I usually donate.
2. Tagged. It just released and I love this author.

@TheSpineView @Trashcanman

TheSpineView I love Ron Rash. Saints in the River was my personal favorite. Most say Serena. Looking forward to reading this book! Good luck! ❤📚 4y
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