Apparently nobody ever made a full-length audiobook of this, but after his The Making of the Atomic Bomb, I had to keep going. All in all, six hours suited me better than whatever 700 pages would be!
Apparently nobody ever made a full-length audiobook of this, but after his The Making of the Atomic Bomb, I had to keep going. All in all, six hours suited me better than whatever 700 pages would be!
This book is a worthy, and very different, follow up to “The Making of the Atomic Bomb”. While MAB was focused very closely on the Manhattan Project and its genesis. DS is focused on the American thermonuclear program, the Soviet atomic and thermonuclear programs, the geopolitics of the era, and the arms race. It is quite an expansive read. (FYI, no book that I‘ve read about Edward Teller has made me think well of him.).