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What Really Happened to Humpty?
What Really Happened to Humpty? | Jeanie Franz Ransom
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A scrambled mess . . . Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. Or--as his brother Detective Joe Dumpty thinks--was he pushed? This case isn't all it's cracked up to be. Suspects are plenty (as are the puns) in this scrambled story of nursery rhyme noir. Was it Little Miss Muffet? There's something not right about her tuffet. Or could it have been Chicken Little, who's always been a little cagey? Or was it the Big Bad Wolf, who's got a rap sheet as long as a moonless night? Joe's on the beat and determined to find the truth. Readers of all ages will delight in the word play and hilarious illustrations in this mystery of what really happened to Humpty Dumpty on that fateful day.
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What Really Happened to Humpty? | Jeanie Franz Ransom

I think this book would be great to use on a unit about folk stories since it mentions so many of them all in their own world together. You could also use this book to learn about solving mysteries and how to be a detective. I think that kids would really enjoy this book and the pictures. There‘s also a lot of jokes throughout which makes it a fun read for kids and adults.

What Really Happened to Humpty? | Jeanie Franz Ransom
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“after all, he‘d been sitting up there for as long as I can remember with no problems whatsoever. Until that awful, scrambled-up day”

What Really Happened to Humpty? | Jeanie Franz Ransom
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This book is a twist on the tale of Humpty Dumpty. It‘s about Joe, Humpty‘s younger brother who is investigating Humpty‘s fall. He believes that his brother was pushed off the wall. Joe learns lots of new information throughout his investigation, and mentions lots of other folk tale friends like miss muffet and the spider.