“College opened Barbara‘s eyes”
“College opened Barbara‘s eyes”
This book could be a great whole class book to help students dream and follow their dreams. This book would be an excellent addition to a classroom library.
The story is a very cool storyline, and the illustrations this book were spot on.
I need to add this book to my biography section! Such an inspiring story about a great woman. First, public speaking is a talent and a skill. Second, having a person come to a school and speak to inspire students to choose important and seemingly unattainable careers is invaluable (which is what inspired Jordan to become a lawyer). This is a book my students can use.
I think I found this one because the author is going to be at the San Antonio book festival in April. I‘m sure I heard about Congresswoman Barbara Jordan growing up, but didn‘t remember much about her. This picture book biography is a great way to learn about her life. I wish she was still with us today. I also stacked a full length biography to read later. #nonfiction2019 #somethingwithpolitics