Harmony Nice is at the heart of a growing community of modern-day wiccans who practise natural magic to improve their own lives and the world around them #Wicca #DontJudgeBeforeYouRead
Harmony Nice is at the heart of a growing community of modern-day wiccans who practise natural magic to improve their own lives and the world around them #Wicca #DontJudgeBeforeYouRead
I listened to this audiobook as it was free for booksellers for the month on libro.fm. Some of it was interesting as I didn‘t know much about Wicca, but after finishing it...I still don‘t feel like I know much about Wicca. A lot of the book was just lists, lists of deities, lists of holidays, lists of crystals, etc. I‘m marking it so-so instead of pan because I can imagine it would be practical for someone serious, but I wanted more depth.