Welcome to my rose garden! These are three of my favourite books with Rose in the title. #flowers #readingresolutions
Welcome to my rose garden! These are three of my favourite books with Rose in the title. #flowers #readingresolutions
I persevered for 100 pages but from the start this is a compendium of bad writing: cardboard characters; artificial dialogue; poor command of plot and pacing; both clichéd and ostentatious word-choice... . It reads like a first draft that skipped editing altogether and went straight into print. It pains me not to find at least one good thing to say about an author's work but in truth I don't recall having read a novel this poorly written.
One chapter in and I'm astonished this wasn't sent back for a rewrite. Just one example, of the many things we are asked to take on trust about Will we're told 'he was committed to experience life, whatever the cost.' OK, so he rides a Ducati but all we have seen him actually do so far is have a shower and a shave, rinse out a wineglass and freshen up a stale baguette in the oven. Swap the baguette for some teacakes and he could be Alan Bennett!
If you ever come across this, burn it. No plot, no character, how this EVER came to be published is beyond me... #fahrenheit451 #burnit