Bail! Folks, run, don‘t walk from this one. See my previous posts for full details.
Bail! Folks, run, don‘t walk from this one. See my previous posts for full details.
Bad editing? Catherine just saw Richard in the previous chapter; now she doesn‘t recognize him, but then this section ends noting she had met him 3 times! 🤔
“Catherine, returning from the kitchens, saw a man she did not recognise unloading a cart drawn by a tired, dusty-looking horse....Red-faced, composure shattered, Catherine fled the stables in a flurry of skirts. She had met him three times and he had reduced her to tears on two of them.”
This “flowery” language over every darned detail is making this a lengthy, wordy, boring read. The “house‘s welcome embrace”...are you kidding me? A wife is described as “colorful, careless, and expensive.” And “skipping”! Ugh. A little is fine; a lot is annoying. Btw, this is 1500s England: which I picture a lot less romantically than this author does. And practically nothing has happened 25% into this looong book. Will I bail? Jury‘s out.
I‘m needing a Q book for #litsyatoz so this freebie from Amazon is up next. Pretty decent read three chapters in.