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Nightwalking: A Nocturnal History of London | Will Self, Matthew Beaumont
""Nightwalking is, in both the physical and the moral meanings of the term, deviant. At night, in other words, the idea of wandering cannot be dissociated from the idea of erring - wanderring. This elision or semantic slurring is present in the final lines of John Milton's Paradise Lost (1667), where the poet offers a glimpse, for perpetuity, of Adam and Eve, after their expulsion from Paradise, entering the post-lapsarian world on foot: 'They, hand in hand, with wandering steps and slow, / Through Eden took their solitary way.' Wandering steps. In a double sense, Adam and Eve are errant: at once itinerant and aberrant. They are condemned to a life of ceaseless, restless sinfulness. ""--
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Nightwalking: A Nocturnal History of London | Will Self, Matthew Beaumont
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I'll admit it, I am unreasonably excited about today's prompt. I'm a huge fan of anything to do with psychogeography.
Night walking focuses on famous authors who have found inspiration in the illuminating darkness of the city of London. I can not recommend this book enough!
#Nightinthecity "A drift away from the straitened and narrow into the wild, the ludic and the untrammelled."
@Cinfhen @batsy

batsy Perfect! 💙🌃 You've reminded me that I want to read this. It sounds fascinating. 7y
Cinfhen I‘m not familiar with that term, I‘m fascinated!!! Great pick🙌🏻 7y
PagesOfKate Thanks @batsy @Cinfhen Psychogeography and new nature writing are quite popular right now so you've probably read a lot of work that makes use of it. It's just a fancy term for landmarks/heartmarks. 7y
Cinfhen Ah, that makes sense 😂😁 7y
Centique This sounds fabulous. Stacked! 7y
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Nightwalking: A Nocturnal History of London | Will Self, Matthew Beaumont
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Here's my current hardcover stack. I've also got one on audio and another on Serial Reader.... Hard to believe I was once a book monogamist! #currentlyreading #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge

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