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Joined September 2016

Is it a book? I‘ll probably like it then. NZ 🇳🇿
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This book is quite different to Essex Serpent. If you loved Essex Serpent‘s raw vitality & personalities conflicting - think of this as melancholy, solitary souls looking for life‘s purpose amongst small tragedies. Its nowhere near as epic and there‘s a ton of philosophising. And i loved it, but in an entirely different way. Perry‘s writing and characters just appeal to me, even when the storyline isnt always smooth. ⬇️

Centique There were a couple of plot points and jumps where i wished for something different - but then there were two or three scenes that grabbed me by the heart and ill remember for a long time. So if you know my preferences believe me when i say this is slow and melancholy and right in my wheelhouse - may not be everybodys! 4d
AmyG Sounds good. I loved The Essex Serpent. 4d
LiteraryinLawrence Good to know! Thanks for the great review! 4d
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Suet624 Why yes. Slow and melancholy are just my speed. 4d
BarbaraBB Such a gorgeous photo 🥰 4d
Centique @AmyG me too! 4d
Centique @Suet624 snap! 😍 4d
Centique @BarbaraBB thanks Barbara, its another shot from Waiheke island. Just a 40 minute ferry ride from Auckland city. 💕 4d
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Thank you for putting this on my radar @Megabooks 💕
A thought provoking story of a young woman coming to realise her entrapment in christian patriarchy. Cait‘s father became increasingly controlling as she grew up and more committed to the concept of “stay at home daughters”. If youre interested in how misogyny can thrive within religion this is a fascinating personal account - from entrapment to realisation to dealing with PTSD after leaving.

Cathythoughts Great review 👍🏻 1w
Centique @Cathythoughts thank you Cathy 💕 1w
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I havent read enough non fiction this year so i picked this up. This is one of those “WTF” books where i was constantly reading bits to my husband - saying “listen to this, you won‘t believe it”. It turns out that when Dutertes said in the election campaign that he would kill a lot of people, it wasnt an exaggeration. The drug war he initiated created state sponsored killing squads, with no requirements for justice or legal process ⬇️

Centique & the results are even worse than you might imagine. The bravery of reporters like Evangelista in the field covering these crimes is astounding. 1w
willaful They say it straight out and somehow people don't believe them. Happening right now. 1w
TrishB I have this one and need to read too! 1w
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Centique @willaful i was drawing those same parallels as i was reading! 😱 1w
Centique @TrishB i think you‘ll get a lot out of this. I hope Evangelista one day writes a memoir or more about what her life as a reporter was like. Theres a bit of her personal story but it would be fascinating to know more. 1w
Billypar It's strange because I remember this as the briefest of news soundbites, but never heard any details about something so horrific. Will have to check out! 6d
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Orcas Forever | Marie-Paule Mahoney
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Went to Waiheke Island last week for a day trip and just as we pulled in to Palm Beach, three small orcas had come into the bay to swim and play! It might look like a shark fin here (its one small orca fin in front of a larger one) but they were rolling about and obviously playing and a young man was swimming amongst them for a short while. (And its winter!) A very cool and unexpected sighting.

sarahbarnes Wow!!!! 2w
Soubhiville Cool! 2w
Velvetfur That's so lovely! ☺️ 2w
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Suet624 💕💕💕 2w
CBee Thank you for liking a million of my posts, Paula! 😘😘 2w
Centique @CBee ha ha! I realised i hadnt been to your page for AGES so i had a good old read and enjoyed it heartily. Because my time zone is so different i have to remember to go check ppls pages or otherwise i never see them 😂💕 2w
LeahBergen How beautiful! 2w
Cathythoughts Orcas ❤️ 2w
Chelsea.Poole Amazing! 2w
CBee @Centique that makes me so happy ♥️ thank you! 2w
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Hello Beautiful | Ann Napolitano
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A 5 star read for me. I do love a novel that follows a family over generations (i guess its a family saga but you spend most of the book w the middle generation). I have 3 sisters & a big family & while they‘re nothing like the Padvanos, i appreciated watching the dynamics over the years & patterns repeating. A warm hearted book with family drama, rifts and finding forgiveness along the way.

Suet624 i liked this one too. 2w
CBee Absolute favorite of mine! 2w
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Untitled | Untitled
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And i want to read 34. This NYT list is a good reminder of some of the books that have fallen off my radar!

CarolynM Wow, well done. Only 16 for me. 2w
Centique @CarolynM its funny though - quite a few of these i wouldnt highly recommend anyway! There are some fairly average reading experiences. 2w
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For the first quarter of this book i thought it might be too twee for me - but then i warmed to the characters and devoured the rest of this heart warming story. It really is a light mystery with a touch of romance - and lots of illustrated cryptic puzzles to solve! (Although i didnt bother trying to solve many of them and it was still a good experience) Clayton is a foundling left on the steps of The Fellowship ⬇️

Centique and brought up mostly by Pippa, the president in her 60s. After Pippas death he finds she has left him a series of puzzles to solve and people to meet to work out where he came from. 3w
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Miss Iceland | Audur Ava lafsdttir
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Hekla is a young woman in 1960s Iceland. She is named after a volcano, and like her namesake so much is going on under the calm surface. Hekla is a writer but it seems only men can be? Olafsdottir writes in an observational way - we hear what people say to Hekla, see what she sees and we notice the hypocrisy, but we are left to imagine what Hekla is thinking. I like this style of writing and the way it makes the reader try to figure out Hekla. ⬇️

Centique But i would have liked a little more to dig into and the abrupt ending left me wanting more. Still i think i will remember this book - particularly the friends Isey and Jon John. 3w
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I think i stacked this book thanks to a review by @Megabooks Meg, it was so good! Sarah Polley looks at six dangerous episodes of her life - from being on a film set as a child actor, to a difficult birth, to an accident causing severe concussion. In each episode she examines herself, her family, her memory - with intelligence, humility and grace. There is wonderful honesty and insight and i felt “seen” for my own vulnerable episodes. ⬇️

Centique This is one im going to want to revisit because it had so many “aha!” Moments of truth. 4w
Centique Photo is view from Cooks Beach on the Coromandel Peninsula looking towards Wharekaro. 4w
BarbaraBB Beautiful photo and review 🤍 4w
Megabooks Glad you enjoyed this! Gorgeous picture! 4w
Jeg I love NZ . I feel another visit is needed. 4w
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Let's Celebrate Matariki | Abel Junior Tutagalevao
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Happy Matariki!

Mānawa maiea te putanga o Matariki
Celebrate the rising of Matariki

Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars, that rises in midwinter and for many Māori, heralds the start of the new year.
The return of the cluster is commemorated by Te Rā Aro ki Matariki 2024, which happens on Friday, June 28, this year
It just became a national holiday for us Kiwis in 2022 so many of us are only now learning its significance.

andrew61 Looks beautiful. Thanks for sharing that image. 1mo
Jeg I saw the best night skies when I was visiting friends in NZ. 4w
Centique @Jeg there are some beautiful spots to see the night sky! I recommend Tekapo in the South Island. I do hope you get to visit here again one day 😍 4w
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Sugarbread | Balli Kaur Jaswal
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I loved this book! Pin is an 11yo Sikh girl living in Singapore dealing with the difficulties of being a scholarship kid at a private school. But this story is predominantly about Pin trying to figure out her mother, a woman with secrets who is looked down upon by the local Sikh community & who expresses her feelings predominantly through the food she cooks. This is a great book for foodies! The writing is beautiful ⬇️

Centique & Pin is so well drawn, I felt totally engaged in her perspective and the pages flew by. 1mo
Centique Shes much more famous for having written Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows so i must get to that soon 1mo
TrishB Great review 👍🏻 1mo
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Centique @TrishB thank you Trish 😘 1mo
LeahBergen It‘s been ages since I‘ve read a good foodie novel. Stacked! 1mo
Centique @LeahBergen yay! I think you‘ll really like this 😍 1mo
CarolynM Fabulous review! Stacked🙂 I liked Erotic Stories but didn‘t love it. This one sounds more interesting. 1mo
BarbaraBB Great review. Stacking. And @LeahBergen you should try 1mo
LeahBergen @BarbaraBB I‘ve been reading everyone‘s reviews about it on here and wondering if I‘d like it or not. 😆 1mo
BarbaraBB I think you will @LeahBergen but reviews are very mixed! (edited) 1mo
Centique @CarolynM i love a childs pov when it is done well. Its such a change from the rest of my reading. Hope you are all well and happy 💕 1mo
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Spending time with the crotchety Vera Stanhope is always good fun, so i tore through this (number 4 in the series) in two days. There‘s always something a little far fetched in most good mysteries but as long as the characters are well done, I dont mind at all. This one starts when Vera stumbles upon a body in the steam room of her gym.
And i think this is my last autumn leaves photo - must officially be winter now!

tpixie Lovely photo! 1mo
tpixie lol I guess the world ISN‘T flat!! Heading into summer here! 😅😆 🍁 ❄️ 🌱 1mo
kspenmoll I love Vera! 1mo
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Centique @tpixie 😂 I envy you for the sun at the moment! ⛈️☔️ 1mo
Centique @kspenmoll shes the best! 1mo
tpixie @Centique today summer exploded 🥵 100 degrees F! Luckily, I work inside… but it also means I didn‘t take a walk at lunchtime because I didn‘t wanna come back sweaty! 😓 1mo
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Book 3 in the Salvagers trilogy - and its so filled with battles and near death escapes that ive been biting my nails and sweating hoping this ragtag crew (found family for sure) manage to destroy the bad guys and save the universe despite everything being against them!
Ok - sounds like every Space Movie ever but its beautifully done, the characters are quirky, cool and wonderful, & the mix of magic and tech gives it a special edge.

Rissreads Is this series as good as (edited) 1mo
Centique @Rissreads i havent read Red Rising. Sounds like i need to! 1mo
Rissreads Omg! What! You will bloody love it! 1mo
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Centique @Rissreads yay! That is a high recommendation 😁 How are you and your family doing? 1mo
Rissreads Things here have gone to shit! I‘m hanging on by a thread. Looking after a Mum with Alzheimers and trying to work and do everything else needed is killing me. My reading has definitely suffered lately because of it. Everything is suffering. But hey, it‘s just part of life and most people go through it! How are you? X 1mo
Centique @Rissreads oh my god Nerissa! You poor thing! The couple of years we had dealing with my dad living in his own home with increasing dementia and frailty were so so stressful. I was just lucky I had two sisters nearby to share the load with. Is your Mum living with you? Things here seem to be more stable now, it has been a couple of years of ups and downs, we‘re all a bit exhausted. I hope there is a light at the end of the tunnel for you my friend 1mo
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Edenglassie | Melissa Lucashenko
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Thank you so much for the birthday present @CarolynM 💕 I am very excited about this book after loving Too Much Lip. (Possibly the most memorable book ive read in the past 5 years!) And i am a big, big fan of raspberry with chocolate! Thank you for a lovely surprise on a gray wintery day💕

CarolynM Enjoy 😘 2mo
squirrelbrain Lovely gifts! 2mo
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I know im late to the party with this one but i finally got here. Ive rated it 5 stars because its completely unique, its masterfully done, and i feel like the last third took my head off! Its as if with Yellowface someone said to Kuang “write a 5 star contemporary novel about publishing that perfectly demonstrates appropriation” and on Babel “write a 5 star historical dark academia novel that demonstrates colonialism and capitalism” ⬇️

Centique Im going to be thinking about these characters for a long time. Kuang can really do complex characters and dysfunction in relationships so well. I need to go pick myself up off the floor now….. 2mo
Reggie Wow what a review! I still need to read it. 2mo
CarolynM I‘ve been resisting this but after such a stellar review from you I‘m going to have to stack it. 2mo
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LeahBergen Great review! 2mo
Centique @Reggie thank you 😘 it is a decent chunkster but worth it! 2mo
Centique @CarolynM there is one fantastical element in that a lot of the empire building is supported by this magical silverworking that the students are learning. I dont know if non-fantasy readers would find that a bit off-putting because its a huge part of the plot. 2mo
erzascarletbookgasm Haha great review! I‘ve been meaning to read this and your review just push it way further up :) 2mo
dabbe I couldn't agree more with what you wrote! 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
squirrelbrain Paula - I don‘t read fantasy but really liked this book, and it didn‘t put me off. @CarolynM 2mo
Centique @erzascarletbookgasm thank you 😘 Hope you enjoy it! 2mo
Centique @LeahBergen thank you Leah 😘 2mo
Centique @dabbe oh thank you! Its so good when we love the same books 😍 2mo
Centique @squirrelbrain phew! Im so glad to hear that! I can recommend it without qualms 😍 @CarolynM And i think it will probably help going in to know that the fantasy is quite contained to one element. Its not about to go dragons and wizards on you! 2mo
Rissreads I really enjoyed this one too! 1mo
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My reading theme for 2024 seems to be revisiting & finishing series - just where my reading whims have taken me. This is the 3rd book in French‘s Dublin Murder Squad. Each book takes on a new protagonist from the Dublin Squad - this time it‘s Frank Mackey - and boy does he have some emotional baggage! A body turns up and it upends a number of things in Frank‘s past. Great to get immersed into a dysfunctional family when its done so well ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Centique Image is of The Liberties neighbourhood in Dublin where the novel is set. 2mo
Jas16 This was my favorite in that series. 2mo
Centique @Jas16 it was really good! 2mo
Crazeedi I love series!! Don't think I've read this one 2mo
Centique @Crazeedi it starts with In The Woods - but as each book has a different protagonist, the books arent so closely linked that you have to read them in order. Give it a try! 2mo
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When your favourite fantasy world gets a second trilogy go around - you cross your fingers & hope 🤞

And sometimes you get lucky! While this takes a little while to get going - we have to catch up w our old friends and see where they‘ve settled - the newer, younger characters are so fascinating and flawed. Once their stories start to impact on the original characters, it gets really interesting. A great return to a brilliantly imagined world.

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I dont think ive ever seen my neighborhood so red and orange before!
This book hit me just right. You don‘t often see a male+female friendship shown as something deep and complex, and watch it play out over decades. Sam and Sadie are best friends as children and business partners as adults, designing video games. There is also a lot about gaming in here - not my jam IRL but i found it engaging and interesting. A book with a lot of heart. ⬇️

Centique Even though there are some places where it gets a bit slow or repetitive, or the characters seem determined to misunderstand each other - there are pieces that were so touching and fresh that i dont think ill forget them. Makes it a 5 star book for me because i enjoyed being inside this book so very much. 2mo
TrishB Great review👍🏻 I don‘t like games either but really enjoyed this one. 2mo
Bookwormjillk I loved this book too. There aren‘t enough books about adult friendships. 2mo
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CarolynM Great review. I keep meaning to read this but keep getting distracted by all the other books🤦🏻‍♀️ Lovely photo too. 2mo
sarahbarnes Beautiful! 🍁 2mo
erzascarletbookgasm What a lovely path 🍂 2mo
Tamra 😍 2mo
Bookzombie Beautiful photo! 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Gorgeous 🧡🤎 2mo
Ruthiella Did you read The Rachel Incident? That has a really good depiction of friendship, IMO. 2mo
LeahBergen How pretty! 2mo
Centique @CarolynM so MANY! My TBR is terrifying! 😂 2mo
Centique @Ruthiella i have that on my TBR - so many Littens loved it 💕 2mo
Centique @Bookwormjillk so true! And friendship is so important. I have kept up with a bunch of people from high school (not like one friend group but multiple one on one friendships) for over thirty years now! 🤯 2mo
batsy Happy birthday, Paula! ❤️🎂🎉 Hope you have (had, considering the time difference 😁) a fantastic day 😘 2mo
Centique @batsy thank you Suba! I did! It was sunny and i went out for breakfast and then read my book and then went clothes shopping (oversized cardigan because its getting cold here) and ate cake 😂 A pretty perfect day! 2mo
Reggie Happy belated birthday my friend. Cake makes any day better. Lovely pic. 2mo
Rissreads Happy birthday! I hope you got to eat cake! X 2mo
ClairesReads I was surprised by how much I liked this too 2mo
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I enjoyed Fox‘s first biography so much i decided i would read the others this year. A lot of this is about his fight for stem cell research and getting involved in politics in the early 2000s. Less dramatic than his first bio, but Michael‘s philosophy on life, his humility and the way he approached confrontations with grace for the other side, makes this an inspirational read for me.

RayHallucinogen I've heard of him through Larry David bullying him on the curb. 😀 He deserved it. 2mo
Centique @RayHallucinogen i must look for that episode 😁 2mo
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Thoroughly enjoyable Hercule Poirot mystery. I guessed part of the denouement but not all of it! It was an original set up which i really liked. My favourite is still The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. And here are some autumn leaves for you from the Sunday markets 🍃🍂🍁

Bookwormjillk Beautiful 🤩 3mo
Ruthiella The ABC Murders is one of my favorite Christie‘s! 3mo
Cathythoughts Gorgeous Sunday markets ❤️ 3mo
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LeahBergen What a pretty photo! 3mo
LeeRHarry I‘m loving all the autumn leaves right now ! 3mo
batsy Lovely photo! And it's such a good mystery. Definitely watch the adaptation with John Malkovich if you haven't already 🙂 3mo
Centique @Ruthiella it was a great one! 3mo
Centique @LeeRHarry me too! 3mo
Centique @batsy i didnt know about the adaptation - will definitely look for it. Love John Malkovich! 3mo
Reggie Makes me want for October. Great pic. 3mo
CarolynM Beautiful! 3mo
Rissreads Those trees are gorgeous! ♥️💛🧡🤎 2mo
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Sometimes you just need a ragtag crew of war hardened space pirates to blast the crap out of a planet‘s worth of despots to make you feel better. 🙌
Book 2 in the Salvagers series. Kind of like a queer Firefly with a bit of magic alongside the futuristic tech. Lots of plot, lots of battles (mostly close combat) completely absorbing.

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Well i just bailed on another book so i have nothing to tell you about!
Instead here is a walk i just took on the weekend. Most of the decent sized hills around Tamaki Makaurau Auckland are extinct/dormant volcanoes. They are culturally and spiritually very important to tangata whenua (Maori) and a few years ago most of them were given into iwi control. Still open to visit but respectfully - and no cars. ⬇️

Centique So this is what an old volcano crater looks like! Theres a lovely boardwalk right around it and great views. This one Maungawhau (Mt Eden) is in a busy inner city suburb. A nice green space to escape to. 3mo
Suet624 Thank you for sharing! 3mo
BarbaraBB Beautiful photo. Quite a special place. And i feel you about the book bailing. 3mo
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Ruthiella I just finished the Imperial Radch trilogy and thought of you! 😃 3mo
Centique @Ruthiella oh im so glad! Just went and read your great review 🙌 Sci Fi is really working for me at the moment so ive just picked up 3mo
Centique @BarbaraBB thank you Barbara! 😘 3mo
squirrelbrain Gorgeous pic! I hope you find the right book soon…. 3mo
Hooked_on_books That‘s really cool! Very different from the craters here on Hawaii island. I love volcanoes! 3mo
Hooked_on_books And if you haven‘t already read it, this book specifically looks at the terrain in that same spot and indigenous rites. It‘s really good. 3mo
julesG Wonderful picture. Fingers crossed you find a good read soon. 3mo
Centique @Hooked_on_books thank you! I really need to get to some Kiwi mystery authors so thats a great recc. I love volcanoes too and hope to visit Hawaii one day. 🤞💕 3mo
batsy That's fascinating! Such a tranquil looking space after all that tumultuous hot lava-spewing activity in the past 🙂 3mo
Centique @batsy 15,000 years later!! Its amazing to think what this mountain has seen 🤯 (we have newer and active volcanoes as well but none near me) 3mo
Reggie About an hour from here we have a caldera, it‘s flat land from where the top of a volcano blew off 50k years ago. Its beautiful. Just wild and natural. They also say we‘re due for another one in the next 50k years. lol That‘s a beautiful pic. Also, I bailed on 2 books this month. One, I was 150 pages deep. 3mo
Rissreads I‘ve been there! 3mo
Centique @Reggie i feel the bailing pain! Ive given up halfway through on a book recently 🥴 3mo
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You know when your music streaming service plays you music based on other stuff you like? I think thats how i only recently stumbled onto Troye Sivan‘s 2018 album Bloom, but in particular this song Seventeen Ive been playing and replaying.
“I went out looking for love when i was seventeen. Maybe a little too young but it was real to me” 💔 https://youtu.be/4pxdGNVqwnA?si=dl5a39kjaU-NxKkm

TrishB My kids love him ♥️ 3mo
CarolynM I don‘t know him at all. I‘ll have to listen. 3mo
Centique @CarolynM this song is relatively quiet but i think hes more famous for his dance music. Just googled and hes an Aussie! 3mo
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TieDyeDude SNL did a skit with Timothee Chalamet playing him, and I had no idea what was going on 😅 Had to look him up after. 3mo
Centique @TieDyeDude ha! I just found and watched that - very good. Love Timothee Chalamet. 3mo
Rissreads Yes he is an Aussie from the same Suburb I lived in until recently, Dianella. He has some fantastic songs! (edited) 3mo
Centique @Rissreads wow - a local star for you! 3mo
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Nettle & Bone | T. Kingfisher
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I needed an easy read & this fitted the bill perfectly. A fantasy that reads like a modern fairytale with found family & great side characters. Marra is the youngest princess of the Harbour Kingdom. Her oldest sister is promised to the Prince of a more powerful neighbour kingdom. When her sister dies Marra suspects something is terribly wrong. This is lighter and faster moving than it might sound. Sweet with some bone magic & a few ghosts.

Centique Photo is Lyttleton Harbour 3mo
Ruthiella Beautiful photo! 🤩 3mo
TrishB Lovely review and photo ♥️ 3mo
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squirrelbrain Gorgeous photo! ❤️ 3mo
LeahBergen Wow! 😍 3mo
erzascarletbookgasm What a stunning view! 3mo
CarolynM What a beautiful picture? I‘m guessing it‘s from your recent trip to the South Island? 3mo
Centique @CarolynM yes! Lyttleton is the port for Christchurch but there are a lot of lovely bays away from the port. I think this is looking down Governors Bay. Wish we had had more time to explore! 3mo
Reggie This pic just made me take a great cleansing breath. Just beautiful. 3mo
Centique @Reggie awww im so glad! There are many times when a Litsy post does the same for me. Just need an image of something tranquil 💙💜💗 3mo
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The Atomic Weight of Love | Elizabeth J. Church
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A beautifully written book about a young woman who sublimates her own scientific ambitions in order to accompany her older “scientific genius” husband working in Los Alamos in the 1940s. There is some lovely nature writing in here as she continues to spend time watching birds in New Mexico. For all that this sounds like my kind of quiet thoughtful book, i struggled to connect with the protagonist and her timidity. Probably me and not the book!

squirrelbrain Great review - love the cover! 3mo
batsy Agree with @squirrelbrain that's such a great cover. 3mo
Tamra I have this stacked a forgot about it - thanks for the reminder! Indeed, such a lovely cover. 3mo
Reggie Stacked! 3mo
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Just finished watching the Netflix version of 3 Body Problem and thoroughly enjoyed it - although of course the books are better. As @vivastory said in his review they had to make changes for cost and marketing reasons. In my heart i always want the entire complexity on screen with no conjoining of characters - but thats never possible. I loved seeing the game in full glory, and the Ye Wenjie section was PERFECT. Love Benedict Wong too 🙌

Centique I havent read the third book yet and there was only one spoiler for the third book so that was lucky for me. I hope, hope, hope we get the second series! 3mo
vivastory I read an article recently with the showrunners & they said that their vision for future seasons would be a second season for book 2 & then two seasons for the third book. This def made sense to me. I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical at first, but I was def won over by the end. 3mo
Centique @vivastory yes same. I didnt love having the characters recreated into the Oxford Five - but i can see that that would be useful for a through line to the narrative and for more engagement/emotions with the audience. 3mo
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batsy Now I'm really looking forward to it! Things have been so crazy at home that I just haven't had time. 3mo
Centique @batsy i hope things settle down for you and its not so busy 💕 One benefit of watching it with my 13yo is the constant “can we watch another one now, can we?” He is my enabler 😂 3mo
batsy @Centique Thank you 💜 That's so cute about your son. My nephew was here for a visit and he was trying to get me to watch this and a few other shows too but we also had to go out a lot and eat his favourite local food, too. There's only so many hours in a day 😆 Aren't the kids great; they make sure we don't miss out 😂 3mo
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Double Indemnity | James M. Cain
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This is a short, fast moving piece of noir crime fiction from 1943. Its deliciously dark, a man and a woman join to commit a crime - possibly the perfect crime. Will they be caught? Can they trust each other?
This is a great single afternoon read - you wont get hugely involved with the characters - but enjoy the plot and the style.

LeahBergen I read this years ago and should pick it up again! 3mo
Suzze And probably the best noir film ever! 3mo
Centique @Suzze i havent seen the film yet but i want to! 3mo
Suzze @Centique I took a film noir class and this was by far my favorite. 3mo
CarolynM I haven‘t seen the film but I saw it as a play a few years ago. Cracking story😃 3mo
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Sometimes i read a book about one historic period and it makes mention of preceding events i know next to nothing about, so then i have to read another book! This is about William of Orange and Mary, daughter of James II, who after the Glorious Revolution of 1688 became joint monarches of England. This had just the right level of detail for me - thorough but included enough personal and domestic detail to stop it being too dry. A fascinating read

Centique Background is Paleis Het Loo in Netherlands - William‘s palace. 3mo
LeahBergen This is totally my reading jam, too. 👏 3mo
Centique @LeahBergen history addicts unite! 🥰 3mo
Librarybelle Stacking! 3mo
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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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I so enjoyed Translation State that i jumped into Provenance, another stand alone novel in the same universe. Again we‘re getting to know other cultures and species - this time its the Hwae and the Geck. Im kinda fond of the Geck - aquatic aliens who stay in water on their ships and interact with humans on land by piloting mechanical spidery things. Theyre kind of grumpy and demand humans stay consistent to their stated ethics 😂 ⬇️

Centique The main characters werent quite as compelling as the ones in Translation State but it was still a great story. Image is of a fish that looks like an alien but probably isnt 🤣 4mo
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The Love Hypothesis | Ali Hazelwood
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Havent read much romance lately so i thought i would try Ali Hazelwood for a change. Really enjoyed the academic setting and the light humorous writing style. The set-up has lots of tropes but it has a sense of humour about using them. Im often wary of the “young girl whose life is chaotic” character falling for “older more successful cold guy ” but Hazelwood makes it clear that Olive is driven & successful too & she instigates most action.

Reggie Awww I loved this one. 4mo
Centique @Reggie it was really sweet! Then the sex scenes were surprisingly detailed 😂😂 not a bad thing! 4mo
Suet624 I don‘t read romance, but I read this one and agree with you. I was pleasantly surprised. 3mo
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The Dark Forest | Cixin Liu
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Photo: Lake Tekapo, NZ

This book was a RIDE - reminded me of Foundation - the way we move forward & see how humanity changes based on decisions in the past. This is a galactic chess game, earth playing a civilisation it knows little about, and scientists and military creating strategies with little to go on. I dont even try to understand the science, just the big picture of each manoeuvre. Completely absorbing - i loved it even more than Book 1.

Centique @batsy we nearly read this at the same time! 4mo
Cathythoughts Great review! Gorgeous photo ❤️ 4mo
batsy Great review! I try not to fret the details, too, because in order to that I'll have to keep piles of notes as I read 😆 I've not read the Foundation series but I definitely have to! 4mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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Look what i just pre-ordered! The debut short story collection of our very own Litten @RohitSawant
A reviewer on Good Reads describes it as “a rich collection of tales from the place where weird fiction interacts with horror” and from the blurb
“Anomalous physics, a cosmic game of dice, a mobile bookstore from an outer world” “certain to please both aficionados of weird fiction and readers of Stephen King alike”
Cant wait!

LeahBergen Yayyy! 👏👏 4mo
Cathythoughts That‘s brilliant 🎉 4mo
BarbaraBB That is awesome. I think I follow you! 4mo
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BarbaraBB I can only order it on kindle but I don‘t have an ereader. So I need to wait for a bit I think. Great cover @RohitSawant super proud of you!! 4mo
Suet624 Awesome! 4mo
batsy Nice! 💕 4mo
TrishB Pre ordered too 😁 4mo
RohitSawant Paula! That‘s so incredibly kind of you 💗 I tend to be bashful when it comes to sharing my work, so appreciate the boost. And @BarbaraBB, @TrishB I likewise appreciate you both putting it on your TBR! 💕 Hope you enjoy it. And I really lucked out with the awesome cover art by Don Noble. 4mo
Centique @RohitSawant i figured you were too humble to say a lot about it! Best wishes for the release 💕 4mo
CarolynM Thanks for the heads up, Paula. I‘ll go to preorder now. Congratulations again @RohitSawant 🎉 4mo
RohitSawant @Centique Thank you! 💖 Excited and anxious about it. 4mo
RohitSawant @CarolynM Super nice of you to pick it up, Carolyn! Thanks! 🙏🏽 Hope you like it. 4mo
Reggie Thank you for the reminder but I was ready. Lol, I bought one for me and one for a friend. I‘m so excited for him. 4mo
Rissreads Well done! It must be so exciting! It‘s stacked! 👏🏻 3mo
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The library | Apollodorus
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Possibly the best bar for Littens in New Zealand is The Library Bar in Wellington. Lots of spaces to read! Lots of old books! Very cool staff who look like they know a book or two or three…

I love how vintage everything is including the jazz they were playing.

Forgot to post this when i was there but highly recommend if youre an NZ Litten or visiting 😍

batsy Looks like a lovely space! 4mo
Mrs_B 😍 4mo
BarbaraBB Wow 🤩 4mo
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Hooked_on_books Ooooooo! 🤩 4mo
AmyG What @Hooked_on_books said….OOOOOOOO❤️ (edited) 4mo
marleed That‘s 😎! 4mo
Ruthiella Amazing!🤩 4mo
LeahBergen That‘s beautiful! 4mo
squirrelbrain Gorgeous! ❤️ 4mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
Cathythoughts Looks fab Paula ❤️ 4mo
Chelsea.Poole Love it!!! 🥰 4mo
Reggie Wow, it definitely looks like it has a vibe! 4mo
RohitSawant Love this so much! 4mo
Suet624 So pretty and cozy 4mo
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Sorrow and Bliss | Meg Mason
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I absolutely loved this. Went into it knowing nothing (which is my preference) and started out thinking okay this is a relationship novel with a messed up and unlikeable young protagonist. I guess im up for that. And then she made hilarious dark & deadpan remarks to her sister that honestly cracked me up. And then we get her childhood backstory and then we watch her unravel….⬇️

Centique This would be hard to read without the humor and the caring mismatched odd socks of a family. (Love you Winnie) I‘m super impressed. 4mo
squirrelbrain Great review! I loved this one too. 4mo
Cathythoughts I love your review. I loved this one too 👍🏻♥️ 4mo
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Centique @squirrelbrain @Cathythoughts im so glad to get to join you guys in loving it too 💕 4mo
Librarybelle Great review! I really liked this one too. 4mo
TheLudicReader Such a good book. 4mo
CarolynM Yet another book that‘s been sitting in my library for some time. Thanks for reminding me why I bought it ❤️ 4mo
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Translation State | Ann Leckie
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Just serving you up more beach photos - i never get bored taking photos of this stuff!
I loved the Raddch series by Ann Leckie and now she sets us back in this universe with 3 new characters & we learn more about the Presger & other (human & non-human) civilisations that are not Raadchai. It feels a little Becky Chamber-ish in a “lets understand our differences” way - which i love. Its fascinating to get more insight into this complex universe ⬇️

Centique There are times when i lose track of minor characters (so many names of diplomats and who they represent!) but i just let that go and enjoy the ride. Just huge fun and i wolfed this down 😍 4mo
Bookwormjillk 😍😍😍 4mo
Ruthiella Awesome ! I really need to finish the Radch trilogy but at this point feel I should re-read Ancillary Justice and Ancillary Sword first…it‘s been so long. 4mo
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LeahBergen What a beautiful photo (I say begrudging from my huge dump of spring snow 😆)! 4mo
Centique @Ruthiella i know what you mean! I had a huge gap between one and two i think. Im sure i missed a few things because of it. 4mo
Centique @LeahBergen i am learning that snow isnt always pretty! But ill continue to imagine that you live in a beautiful snow globe 😂😂😂 4mo
batsy Stunning photo 💙 4mo
Megabooks Lovely Fall photo! 💜 😁 4mo
RohitSawant Such a terrific pic! 4mo
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Freshwater | Akwaeke Emezi
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Finally getting to this debut novel from 2018. It was fascinating to view the protagonist from the internal view of the spirits that occupy her body. I had read reviews where people found this bizarre and confronting. I guess my worldview has been widened by my other reading because it didnt seem so strange - very interesting and engaging. Have you read this @Reggie ?

Billypar I loved this one, especially how convincing the different narrative voices sounded. Not overly weird but unique enough to be memorable. 4mo
Centique @Billypar yes! Unique is a much better word for it i think. 4mo
Reggie I have. I just remember being worried for the main character and hoping they‘d be ok in life. Cause you know, that‘s what we do for fictional characters. lol but seriously, I just remember them being in immense pain, anguish. That i wasn‘t totally sure if they had mental illness or there were actual deities. 4mo
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batsy I thought it was excellent. And I have seen those reviews where people felt the need like they had to judge or adjudicate, like they had to pass off a moral judgment on something that was new and different and perhaps disturbing to them, to refuse anything that seemed alienating. Which kind of defeats the point of reading! I agree with @Reggie I felt a lot for the protagonist and just wanted them to be okay. 4mo
Centique @Reggie @batsy It felt like a book you would like Reggie - real and unreal meshed in some way. I totally went with it being actual spirits/gods - or at least that that was the reality for them. And exactly that Suba - surely we read to walk in someone else‘s shoes, experience someone different from ourselves 🙌 4mo
Megabooks I have this on my shelf and need to get to it. How are you? I've missed seeing you since I haven't been on as much. 4mo
Centique @Megabooks i havent been on top of my friends feeds here lately either - so i just went to read your last few reviews. It sounds like you have had a tough time with your parents and your illness 💕 I hope you have a season now of feeling well and less stressed 💕 I have been fine - but some people around me have been struggling and i am supporting them. They have just started getting professional help now so im hoping for improvement. My dad is ⬇️ 4mo
Centique @Megabooks stable - hes asleep much of the day but when he wakes up he can sometimes make a joke and he usually remembers his family. So that makes us all happy. The carers at his home are lovely people - i can well imagine what a difference your helper makes! Is this week a bit better Meg with health and with your folks? 💕 4mo
Megabooks @Centique thanks for checking in. It is hard to watch our Dads age! My dad sleeps a lot, too, and has good days and bad days confusion-wise. The cancer treatments definitely make thinking harder! Next week I‘m going overnight to a doctor in Indianapolis. I am worried about leaving my parents! They depend on me so much! My health is improving over earlier this month but still a bit fragile. I am much more tired than usual ⬇️ 4mo
Megabooks And still have some brain fog. I am sorry you have friends that are struggling but how lucky they have your support! Take care dear friend!! 4mo
Suet624 I still hold such love for this book - I read it when it first came out and I just wanted to talk to people about it. 4mo
CarolynM Lovely review. I will send you an email soon😘 4mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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Thanks to reviews from @Ruthiella @batsy and @erzascarletbookgasm for putting this on my TBR 😘

Scratch beneath the surface of a pretty little English village and you get a variety of small minded self centred people being nasty to each other. But could one of them go as far as murder? We know right from the first sentence who has murder on his mind but the delight of this book is the dark humour as the plot unfolds ⬇️

Centique Photo is unrelated to book. Sculpture outside Wellington Art Gallery. 4mo
batsy So glad you liked it. The humour and the stoic creepiness really made it stand out. Also: that's a fab photo 4mo
erzascarletbookgasm And the ending was great wasn‘t it? Gorgeous photo ! 📸 4mo
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Ruthiella Glad you liked it! Such a small, uncomfortable mystery but fascinating. And yes, the end is gold. 4mo
LeahBergen This book really surprised me. Loved it! 4mo
Centique @erzascarletbookgasm the best ending!! 4mo
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I was checking out my family tree on Ancestry (its been years since i worked on it!) and got excited when i found records for one of the ships my ancestors came to NZ on - the Roman Emperor in 1860. When i googled that i found one of the men onboard was Samuel Butler who wrote this book. So i get to read a few chapters about what the crossing was like for them! Thank you internet, youve been very helpful today ☺️

Aimeesue Shark! 🦈 5mo
Centique @Aimeesue theres a shark ahead somewhere! 5mo
CarolynM How wonderful! Family history research can throw up some great stories🙂 5mo
Reggie This is awesome. 5mo
Clare-Dragonfly Wow, how cool that someone wrote a book about the same ship your ancestors arrived on! 5mo
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I was looking for a book about women‘s lives in 18th century England and found this one which led me down so many fascinating rabbit holes. The 4 Lennox sisters are unique in that they had a huge correspondence with a lot of intimate detail from the 1750s to 1830. By telling the story of each family Tillyard covers important historical events as well as the social context. We have elopements, adultery, ⬇️

Centique a near liaison with George III, so many births and deaths! Completely fascinating if you are a history buff. I would love to know more about the servants and working class women but unfortunately we dont have the written records to record their experiences 5mo
Librarybelle This sounds so fascinating! Stacking! 5mo
Deblovestoread Great review! Echoing @Librarybelle 5mo
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LeahBergen I‘ve had this on my shelves forever! Great review. 5mo
Centique @LeahBergen i think you will love it Leah! 5mo
Centique @Librarybelle @Deblovestoread there was one section in the beginning where i got a little lost in the politics of the day, but the rest of the time I was completely transfixed. 5mo
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A wee #bookhaul from Wellington. I found three Secret Seven hardbacks from the 1960s with paper dustjackets in a great condition. A Nesbit book I‘d been looking for and a Borrowers hardback that is in much better condition than the old paperback on my shelf. And an Angela Thirkell i have been eyeing up online 😍 There would have been more but i was sharing one suitcase with my husband 🤪!

LeahBergen Oh, look at those wonderful old Blytons! ❤️ I really enjoyed High Rising. 5mo
Centique @LeahBergen im looking forward to it! 5mo
CarolynM Angela Thirkell ❤️ (edited) 5mo
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erzascarletbookgasm I had so much fun reading those Secret Seven stories! 5mo
batsy How lovely! Those Blyton covers 😍 I was so obsessed with the Secret Seven as a kid. 5mo
Ruthiella Awesome haul! 5mo
TheLudicReader I loved Enid Blyton as a kid! 5mo
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Finished listening to this audiobook in such a cute little cafe.
This is definitely a memoir for foodies to enjoy. Tucci adores food and his descriptions of food and cooking are SO mouth watering. He shares memories around food from times spent with family, friends and on movie sets. He briefly covers his first wife‘s death and his own cancer diagnosis but this is not a memoir for sharing every emotion - and I appreciated his restraint. ⬇️

Centique Its a memoir his kids can read and enjoy too. His humour is wonderful; i loved his reenactments of little moments in a big Italian family. Im going to listen to this again just for his voice and the FOOD! 5mo
MicheleinPhilly Have you watched his travel show? It‘s delightful. 5mo
Centique @MicheleinPhilly no i havent! I have to try and find it 😍 5mo
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Pollyanna of the Orange Blossoms | Harriet Lummis Smith
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In Wellington ostensibly for work. May have wandered into a bookshop. May have issues getting my suitcase closed. 😝😝😝 Unfortunately did not have room for all these Pollyannas!

Jeg Wow. I don‘t think I got to read all the Pollyanna books when I was young. Just looked to see if I had kept any but I haven‘t. 🥲. Those look so good and I bet they smell good too. 😊. 5mo
Tamra So pretty! 5mo
CarolynM I didn‘t know there were so many Pollyannas! Hope your bag‘s not too heavy to carry🤣 5mo
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LeahBergen 😆😆 I can‘t wait to see your haul! 5mo
Daisey I didn‘t realize there was a series of Pollyanna books either! Lovely! 5mo
Ruthiella Like @Daisey and @CarolynM , I didn‘t know it was a series! 😮 5mo
TheBookHippie How fun! 5mo
Bookwormjillk 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
Centique @Jeg @CarolynM @Daisey @Ruthiella i have about 5 myself which i inherited from my mother but apparently there are 13 altogether. The original author wrote the first two and then two other authors carried on after that. 5mo
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Yellowface | R F Kuang
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Thank you for the gift of this book @CarolynM It was such a wild ride and kept me horrified in the best kind of way.. This book is a vehicle for Kuang to explore a variety of terrible behaviors. Beyond the protagonist‘s actions to the way in which an industry can pay lip service to and build PR around diversity while the real power and money still funnels through the existing channels. (The meeting with the Hollywood guys 🤯) ⬇️

Centique Spoiler comment below! 5mo
Centique The one honest moment in the book was when June met the labour camp survivor. There is the story that never got told and the voice that didnt get heard - and even June felt the power of the truth. Its great to have a book that captures so much of the current reality of online bullying and the rewriting of events to appease twitter etc. The new manuscript that June starts writing which will change the accepted narrative - could even be this one? 5mo
Reggie Ohhh June, crazy, you want to feel bad for her but can‘t, crazy, crazy, June. Great review! And every time I eat pancakes, I think of this book. 5mo
Ruthiella @Reggie Make sure you chew thoroughly before swallowing! 🫣😂 5mo
Centique @Reggie thank you Reggie! Yes, she kept trying to get my sympathy and failing because she was TERRIBLE 😱😂😂 5mo
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Other People Manage | Ellen Hawley
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I read this book after watching @shawnmooney interview the author and finding her very interesting. I picked it up thinking ill read a few pages - and didnt stop until i was halfway!
We spend the book in Marge‘s head - she is a bus driver, a strong, self reliant woman who falls in love with Peg, a bundle of thought and energy. Marge‘s examination of their relationship and it‘s ups and downs is unfailingly honest ⬇️

Centique and straight forward. It shows how closely she observes others. There are moments of such clear insight into relationships in here and a depiction of the aftermath of grief that is the most accurate ive ever read. 5mo
Reggie Great review! 5mo
LeahBergen What @Reggie said! 👏 5mo
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sarahbarnes This sounds very intriguing! 5mo
Centique @Reggie @LeahBergen thank you lovely people 😘 5mo
shawnmooney I‘m delighted that you enjoyed it so much! Just in case you didn‘t know, I did a full length interview with Ellen Hawley about this novel: https://youtu.be/2nVa-KvfbTs?si=_K8yycA2bYGAlS-n 5mo
Cathythoughts Great review ❤️ 5mo
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I Don't Want to Go Home | Sinead Poznanski
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Had to jump in for #TuesdayTunes thanks to @TieDyeDude for thinking of it!

Two years ago my daughter introduced me to Kpop and now it is most of what i listen to. Amazing dance tracks, beautiful ballads, the most incredible dance moves … whats not to love??? This is NMIXX and a current fave song is Home. On Spotify https://open.spotify.com/track/0nYtg6MqCDmolLI5vsSAy1?si=ql4DaQPdRnmrrf-GzWCPWQ&...

Librariana I adore K-Pop and am a big BTS fan (although by most people's standards, I'd say I'm a baby ARMY ?) I am in complete agreement with you that most acts have beautiful ballads and amazing choreography. Gosh, I could watch the "Run BTS" dance practice on a loop! ? Have you by chance listened to TxT (Tomorrow by Together) or NewJeans? Love them both! 5mo
LeahBergen I haven‘t listened to much K-pop but have you watched Singles Inferno? I‘m obsessed (in a really lame way 😂). 5mo
Centique @Librariana oh i love TXT and NewJeans! Also Ateez, Stray Kids, Enhyphen, Xdinary Heroes, Seventeen…. (I describe myself as Mother of a Stay 😝) I only know a little about BTS but i have Run on my playlist so i listen to that a lot. And i love watching the dance practices too! 5mo
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Centique @LeahBergen i didnt know about Singles Inferno! I probably shouldnt watch it because im obsessed enough with watching my favourite groups - and then when would i read? 😂😂 5mo
Librariana @Centique ☺️🥰 I introduced Stray Kids to my boss, and she is now *obsessed*. She got a license plate frame for her car and covered her water bottle in their stickers! I think they're energetic, talented boys, and I could listen to Felix read ANYTHING out loud 😊 I've listened to a few tracks by Seventeen and Enhyphen, but c 5mo
Librariana Hit SEND too soon! But my heart belongs to BTS 😁🥰🥰💜 5mo
Librariana @Centique Forgot to add that I feel a lot of Auntie energy towards them... wanna just put 'em inside a bubble and keep 'em safe. But it's also safe to say my husband knows they (BTS) are my Roman Empire - Lol! 5mo
Centique @Librariana yes! Ive got the auntie energy too - thats a great description. Especially towards Felix - such an angel 😍 Its so good you have one group to really belong with like BTS. When ive watched their videos, theyre SO polished, absolute masters. 🏆🏆🏆 5mo
Centique @Librariana i bought my daughter and i the Stray Kids sleep masks. 😂😂 5mo
batsy Not really well-versed in kpop but there's certain songs and albums that I love, by the likes of NewJeans, Twice, and Blackpink's earlier stuff 😁 5mo
TieDyeDude K-Pop is one genre I have not had any exposure to. Thanks for the recommendation. 5mo
Reggie I come to KPop from choreography not because I‘m a dancer but I love watching it and they have some of the most intricate stuff out there. I do love me some New Jeans-ETA and Supershy. 5mo
Centique @Reggie yes! The choreography was the first thing that appealed to me too. This is a relay dance version of one of my favourites (they stand in a line and each take a turn rather than spread out - its like a fun relaxed version) https://youtu.be/UZMAIH7AdeQ?si=xVMIpGnRu6X-YLXn 5mo
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Remote Sympathy | Catherine Chidgey
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Finally getting around to reading this Kiwi author. And it was a masterpiece IMO. Yes the subject matter is harrowing (the wife of a Nazi officer living next door to the Buchenwald work camp meets a doctor who is an inmate) but seeing these horrors from the perspectives of some of those who were nearby asks fresh questions. The format is also clever - we have the perspective of the wife and doctor but also the Nazi husband and the villagers nearby

Centique Its a chunkster of a book but i flew through it in just a few days. 5mo
Tamra I‘ve been wanting to read this one, so I‘m happy to read your positive review! 5mo
LeahBergen Great review! I‘m intrigued by the sound of this one (I have Pet waiting on my shelves). 5mo
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squirrelbrain Yes, I agree, such a good book, with a quite different perspective from the villagers etc 5mo
batsy Sounds fascinating. Pet is on the list and looks like I'll add this to the TBR, too! 5mo
BarbaraBB Great review. I really want to read this too. 5mo
sarahbarnes Agreed - this was so good. Great review! 5mo
Cathythoughts Great review, Paula. I just finished Pet by this author and really enjoyed it. Maybe I‘ll try this one next 👍🏻❤️ She‘s a lovely writer. 5mo
Centique @Cathythoughts thank you Cathy - i think youd love this! I have put Pet on my TBR 😍 5mo
Suet624 I‘m in the midst of reading this now. I really love this author and how she pulls you into the story. 4mo
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Lucky Man: A Memoir | Michael J. Fox
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Published in 2002, its taken me over 21 years to get to this book! You get a taste of the 80s and 90s, Michael‘s childhood and time in Hollywood - but of course so much of this is about his Parkinsons diagnosis and dealing both with that and his turbulent “young Hollywood star” lifestyle. I was amazed at the perspective he had for 2002, not just in considering illness and his life purpose but also understanding ⬇️

Centique … his privilege compared to working class people etc with the same diagnosis. His insight into the artificiality of Hollywood and fame was also clear. Thought provoking and im keen to read his further memoirs. 5mo
squirrelbrain I have this on my physical TBR shelf -I *will* get to it one day…. 5mo
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Cantoras: A Novel | Carolina De Robertis
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1970s Uruguay in the midst of a dictatorship where family members disappear, where curfews keep people indoors and where secrets could get you killed - five queer women take a huge chance to escape to a deserted seaside village for a week where they can be free to speak and love openly. But can one week change anything? This novel is filled with heat - both passion and rage. All five characters are unforgettable I ADORED this book!

Ruthiella I‘ve had this on my list for forever. I even checked it out once but didn‘t get to it. I think I originally wanted to read it because of Jenny @ReadinEnvy ❤️ 5mo
sarahbarnes Yes! I loved this one too!! 5mo
Centique @Ruthiella i didnt know about her review until after i read it. Always bittersweet to read her reviews 💕 5mo
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Centique @sarahbarnes it was a joy to read 😍 5mo
Hooked_on_books Yes, I loved this one! 5mo
Reggie Malena💔 5mo
Centique @Reggie ALL the love for Malena 💔 5mo
Rissreads There is a lot of Litsy love for this book. I can‘t believe I haven‘t heard of it! Stacked! 5mo
CarolynM Stacked for sure🙂 5mo
Centique @Rissreads @CarolynM i think you would both love this! 5mo
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Tom Lake: A Novel | Ann Patchett
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Listened to this read by Meryl Streep which was fantastic. The set up here is a mother telling her grown children about her past as a young actress. There was so much i could recognise in having an adult child and talking to them about your past - Patchett made me laugh so much and feel so much for the joys and frustrations in those relationships. Its a contemplative book with a lot of heart. Image is a river rather than a lake! Waipapa River

Crazeedi Great book, I heard the audio was great 6mo
Centique @Crazeedi yes! And its so funny to hear Meryl Streep‘s voice saying things about giving up acting like she was never THAT good. 😂 6mo
Crazeedi @Centique o my gosh that would be hilarious 6mo
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CarolynM Lovely review! I keep picking this up then deciding to keep it for later. I think I should just dive in. 6mo
Centique @CarolynM oh yes do! Its hard to compare audio to the physical reading experience but i would think its a lovely read either way. 💕 6mo
LeahBergen What a beautiful photo (and great review)! 6mo
batsy That scene looks serene and beautiful! (and such a blessed contrast to the horrific heat we're having here) 6mo
Tamra Makes me long for greenery! 6mo
Hooked_on_books I think this is my favorite book of hers that I‘ve read. And the Streep pairing is absolute perfection. 6mo
charl08 Gorgeous picture. This book is making me miss my mum. But also a bit of a kind hug. 6mo
Reggie I loved this book. And I loved Emily and how complicated her role in the family was. And then when they break the news why they don‘t want to have kids. I have to say this is my favorite book of the year so far. 6mo
Centique @Reggie that complicated relationship, yes! Its so good at portraying that. The way certain people you love, still have to be handled carefully, you know where the cracks are in your favourite mug. And how you treat your children differently - but careful to treat them equally - because they are so different. God when they said why theyre not having children it sucked the air out of the room for me - it was like a moment of horror &realisation 🤯 6mo
Centique @Reggie i am reading Cantoras at the moment and absolutely loving it. I saw that you loved it when you read it too 💕 6mo
rockpools You‘re reading some fabulous books this year. Think I‘ll just go through, stacking… 5mo
Centique @rockpools i have had a string of good ones - i was so burnt out with reading at the end of last year, i think i brought a lot of strong all round faves (from friends reviews) to the top of my TBR. 5mo
Suet624 I agree with @rockpools. I‘m just stacking everything you‘ve reviewed. 4mo
Centique @Suet624 thank you Sue! I did start the year with some good reads this year 😍 4mo
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Babbacombe's | SUSAN. SCARLETT
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Felt like something sweet and picked this based on the reviews from the #furrowedmiddlebrowclub It was so sweet and i really enjoyed the insight into the way department stores used to work and the jolly antics of this spry little family. Of course being a “good girl” is the idea being celebrated here and its all a bit of a fairytale - but lightly done and with plenty of humour. ⬇️

Centique I loved Beth‘s straightforward common sense contrasted to Dulcie‘s committed manipulating. A little gem of a book that made me smile 😍 6mo
Ruthiella Glad you enjoyed it! It was a cute story. 6mo
elkeOriginal Nice to see the group read inspired you too! 6mo
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batsy Oh, Dulcie! She was a handful 😆 Happy that you liked it, too. 6mo
CarolynM Absolutely a fairy tale and all the better for it😀 6mo
jlhammar Nice review! Glad you enjoyed it. 6mo
LeahBergen We all need a little fairy tale once in a while, don‘t we? ❤️ 6mo
Centique @LeahBergen @CarolynM thank god for fairytales - a sweet escape! 6mo
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