Kammbia1 You have a Jonathan Carroll in your stack. He is one of my favorites. I've read The Wooden Sea, White Apples, and Glass Soup. And I have Sleeping in Flame, Outside The Dog Museum, and The Land of Laughs on TBR for this year. Looking forward to reading those books soon. 8y
DeborahSmall He's a big favourite of mine @Kammbia1 I have everything he's written. I read Bathing The Lion most recently, it was fantastic 8y
Kammbia1 @DeborahSmall Good to know about Bathing The Lion. I will have to add that one as well. Thanks! 8y
DeborahSmall @Kammbia1 not sure if I said before, but for me From The Teeth of Angels is amazing. It's so difficult to have favourites. I love Sleeping in Flame so much too. You're still the only JC fan I've come across and I've been on Litsy for almost 5 months! 8y
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