Bailed at pg. 123
I was so much looking forward to this book but after a few pages already I sensed that I probably won‘t like it.
After scarcely 100 pages I still couldn‘t keep the protagonists apart. They were diverse but all flat to me. And Boo‘s constant parenthesis “dear parents” was very fast very annoying.
I found nothing that dragged my attention to this book. On the contrary, I guessed the main turning point quickly, scanned the ending and: Right I was.
Wonders never cease‼️🙌🏼
There is a hint on the flyleaf that from page 401 on the reader finds a glossary.
Oh guys. In addition to my life‘s mess I‘m also suffering quite a reading lag.
This one came in from my library‘s holds at the end of last week with a lending period of 4 weeks.
Three days ago another hold dropped in, this time with a lending period of 3 weeks.
So now it‘s 416 pages of hardcover in 22 days left against 545 pages of e-book in 18 days left. (Hate it when that happens.)
To make a long story short: I put away “Boo” for now.
Please excuse this crappy photo.
But I am so excited‼️ With Julie I just yesterday talked about the benefits of libraries and look, what I found in my library‘s catalogue‼️😃
Yes, it‘s a physical copy and yes, it will take some effort to go and get it but this book waits on my Litsy stack for approximately two years, so I am _really_happy_ that I found it.
You see, it‘s worth it to now and then compare libraries‘ databases with Litsy lists. 😃
When Oliver "Boo" Dalrymple wakes up in heaven, the eighth-grade science geek thinks he died of a heart defect at his school. But soon after arriving in this hereafter reserved for dead thirteen-year-olds, #Boo discovers he‘s a 'gommer', a kid who was murdered. What‘s more, his killer may also be in heaven. With help from Johnny, a classmate killed at the same school, Boo sets out to track down the mysterious Gunboy who cut short both their lives.
This is an interesting book, about a boy with the nickname Boo. How a life as a outcast, is cut short. And his adventures in the afterlife.
A quick read for me. I wondered if i would like it or not. Because at first i was unsure, as i read on. I couldn't stop and finished it quickly.
"Boo" by Neil Smith. I honestly cannot fabricate any words from any language to describe the feeling this book gave me when I finished it.
The book drove me through a journey of laughter, excitement, and fear. This book, only 310 pages, is bigger than I imagined. Bigger, not in size. In content.
I recommend this book to everyone, because after reading I was shocked that words written on paper could give me such feelings.