It‘s N7 Day over in the video game world today so thought I‘d also celebrate it here too! Mass Effect is one of my all time favorite video games and I‘m so excited that they announced a remaster of the trilogy this morning!
It‘s N7 Day over in the video game world today so thought I‘d also celebrate it here too! Mass Effect is one of my all time favorite video games and I‘m so excited that they announced a remaster of the trilogy this morning!
My #bookstack is made up of the Mass Effect books that I own! Mass Effect is probably my favorite video game series of all time and hearing the theme play over the main menu of the first game feels like home. The books are an extension of that world and are filled with lore and backstory. #30JuneBooks @howjessreads
1) Any and all, especially PC/video lately since my studies finished for the year 🕹🎮💻
2) just one?!?!?!? The Long Dark maybe? Or the Mass Effect games, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Assassins Creed games (mainly the early ones) and lately Crusader Kings II and Banished on PC 😊☺
3) None consistently🤔
4) not sure who the gamers are here, but shout out for all who do 😄
As a huge Mass Effect fan (seriously I've met 3 of the voice actors) I was slightly let down. I assumed there would be more action and when there wasn't I was meh. After finishing the book and looking back on it I found it more enjoyable than I thought originally. I do love that we got some background into Seren and how he became involved with Sovereign and Captain Anderson is amazing.