"In this modern-day take on the classic Frankenstein tale, as told from the monster's perspective, Jolene Hall is dead -- sort of. She can walk, think, and talk, but her heart doesn't beat and her lungs stopped breathing ages ago. After Jo is abducted and subjected to horrific experiments, she wakes up to find her body is a mosaic of jagged wounds and stapled flesh. Jo has a choice: turn herself in to the authorities, or team up with her best friend Lucy and her boyfriend Eli to find a way to save herself. To Jo, the choice is clear. She'd like to know who turned her into a monster, and she'd like to live to see another sunrise. ... " -- jacket.
(less)"In this modern-day take on the classic Frankenstein tale, as told from the monster's perspective, Jolene Hall is dead -- sort of. She can walk, think, and talk, but her heart doesn't beat and her lungs stopped breathing ages ago. After