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What a Plant Knows
What a Plant Knows: A Field Guide to the Senses of Your Garden - and Beyond | Daniel Chamovitz
2 posts | 5 read | 8 to read
How does a Venus flytrap know when to snap shut? Can an orchid get jet lag? Does a tomato plant feel pain when you pluck a fruit from its vines? And does your favourite fern care whether you play Bach or the Beatles? Combining cutting-edge research with lively storytelling, biologist Daniel Chamovitz explores how plants experience our shared Earth – through sight, smell, touch, hearing, memory, and even awareness. Whether you are a green thumb, a science buff, a vegetarian, or simply a nature lover, this rare inside look at the life of plants will surprise and delight.
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Short, plainly explained, reasonably interesting. There‘s quite a bit of dry scientific terminology, but the author—rather successfully—balances it with humor.

(Although, as always, there had to be a cringy—and carelessly inaccurate—line in there on women‘s periods synchronizing, and just... Mr. plant scientist, either just stick to plants, or double-check your data.)


#onedayread #smallbooks #nonfiction #nature

eol Some fun plant facts, rephrased:

Plants keep their inner time the same way we do—so go ahead, and call that philodendron your evolutional daddy.

A fruit can smell when its neighbor is ripe.

Plants take aspirin when they're sick.

You can kill your favorite plant if you pet it too much.

Plants remember trauma.

Zucchinis like classical music but hate rock—allegedly.

(Or rather—and much more probably—plants are deaf.)
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Currently reading! Unfortunately, I was not in the Biology II class that read this book, but I got a copy when they were done with it! So far it's pretty simple information, but still interesting.

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