Do people buy travel guidebooks still? #ontheroadagain
Tamra We had in the past, but the interwebs are so convenient now......😜 6y
Karizma I still do. It's how I dream about new locales. I usually buy used or borrow from the library though. 6y
Coleen I do a bit of both....I find that a physical book that you can easily flip through is more convenient, although I more often borrow one from the library than buy one. 6y
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JenReadsAlot I do!! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I do. 6y
umbrellagirl @Tamra Very true. I do research o line before I go but sometimes my internet connection is limited overseas. I know a lot of things are blocked in China, which is my next destination, so I‘ll buy a book before I go. 6y
umbrellagirl @Karizma I do that too. I try to make sure the book isn‘t too old if I am buying used. 6y
umbrellagirl @Coleen sometimes it is nice to have a book to flip through. I don‘t usually like to take library books with me when I travel though. 6y
umbrellagirl @JenReadsAlot @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I‘m glad I‘m not the only one. 🙂 6y
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