#mapsinbooks #NYC #1886 #Pinkertonfemsledetective
Great map Of 1886 NYC.
#mapsinbooks #NYC #1886 #Pinkertonfemsledetective
Great map Of 1886 NYC.
Now a junior Pinkerton agent, Rose is finding her way in this new world. As a gal from Five Points she dislikes cases with the NYC elite but when someone is killing the city's political candidates using supernatural means, one does what one must. She works with Nikola Tesla, Samuel Clemens, & Teddy Roosevelt on this case. Things culminate on the dedication day of Bartholdi's famous copper statue on Bedloe's Island. Another fun entry to the series!
A good second installment in the series was good. If you like your paranormal mystery with a bit history (or your historical mystery with a bit of paranormal), this series is recommended.