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Under a Painted Sky
Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
A powerful story of friendship and sacrifice, for fans ofCode Name VerityMissouri, 1849: Samantha dreams of moving back to New York to be a professional musiciannot an easy thing if youre a girl, and harder still if youre Chinese. But a tragic accident dashes any hopes of fulfilling her dream, and instead, leaves her fearing for her life. With the help of a runaway slave named Annamae, Samantha flees town for the unknown frontier. But life on the Oregon Trail is unsafe for two girls, so they disguise themselves as Sammy and Andy, two boys headed for the California gold rush.Sammy and Andy forge a powerful bond as they each search for a link to their past, and struggle to avoid any unwanted attention. But when they cross paths with a band of cowboys, the light-hearted troupe turn out to be unexpected allies. With the law closing in on them and new setbacks coming each day, the girls quickly learn that there are not many places to hide on the open trail.This beautifully written debut is an exciting adventure and heart-wrenching survival tale. But above all else, its a story about perseverance and trust that will restore your faith in the power of friendship.
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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On our 2025 schedule #SUNDAYBUDDYREAD

In case you want to pick it up now

Under a Painted Sky https://a.co/d/2xLje7l

Deblovestoread Thanks! 💜 4mo
Sargar114 Awesome, thanks! 4mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Just snagged it! The deal's still on. 4mo
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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I didn‘t have many books starting with the #letterU but this one was excellent.

#alphabetgame @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing 📚 2y
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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I enjoyed this story of two teenage girls-one a runaway slave and the other a Chinese girl who has been accused of murder-who join the Oregon Trail disguised as boys. I loved how the relationships of the characters developed, especially between the 2 girls who barely knew each other at the beginning.

This is my #bookspin for March @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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The tagged is my #bookspin and Migrations is my #doublespin for March. Apparently I have a color theme going on this month 😂


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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I decided to read this one as a last hurrah for the Women's History Month. But I also read this because the author is Asian American! Support AAPI authors! Anyway, this one is set during the Gold Rush era, and I love the adventure aspect of this book. I can see this book having a sequel. #ya #historical #womenshistorymonth

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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This book is really fun. It's YA historical fiction with a Chinese girl as the protagonist. And it's sort of a western. I thought it was cute. But it actually covers some pretty serious topics like racism and slavery.

Huge thank you to @TheBookHippie and #SundayBuddyRead for introducing me to this author. I never would have found this on my own.

#BookSpinBingo square 6

TheBookHippie She has a new one coming I went back and read all her books they are so good!! The new one is about the titanic ! 3y
vlwelser @TheBookHippie I don't usually read books about the Titanic but she probably has an interesting viewpoint and I would read hers. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Julia Harris
Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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Genre: fiction

Date Started: Oct. 6th, 2019

Date Completed: Oct. 21st, 2019

How did you choose this book: It looks really interesting

Summary of the novel: Samantha dreams of moving back to New York to be a professional musician but not an easy. But a tragic accident dashes any hopes of fulfilling her dream, and instead, leaves her fearing for her life. With the help of a runaway slave named Annamae, Samantha flees town for the unknown

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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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Not really my kind of story but I thought the writing was very funny & smart.

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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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My #boutofbooksTBR looks suspiciously like my #AugustTBR... I‘ve only finished one paper book, which was replaced with a library hold but I have knocked out a couple of audios, included the tagged book, which I finished today. I really need to buckle down and read this week, the top book is for #mummydaughterbookclub on Sun, 2nd is for #girlybookclub next Tues and the bottom two are still in progress since July!


Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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Have my own lightly painted sky for tonight‘s #audiowalk

kspenmoll Gorgeous sky! 6y
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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After a very long and trying week I'm treating myself to a new book today. I would love to hear others thoughts/opinions on this one. #mentalbreak #saturdayreading #underapaintedsky #staceylee

Jess7 Welcome to Litsy!! #LitsyWelcomeWagon #Whotofollow - check out @Chelleo ‘s #LitsyHowTo videos if you have any questions 6y
Chelleo Welcome! 👋🏾Check out the Litsy Tips by @RaimeyGallant : https://raimeygallant.com/2017/10/31/litsytips/ and Litsy Video tutorials here: https://youtu.be/mH6Xdr_CACI Hopefully they‘ll help you to get settled in here. 6y
the.bookish.valkyrie Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚💕I hope you enjoy it here as much as I have! 6y
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PebblesReadsItAll @ValkyrieAndHerBooks thank you! I am overwhelmed by finding so many kindred spirits ❤📖😄 6y
the.bookish.valkyrie That‘s awesome! This is what makes Litsy so great! 6y
LoveToReadLiveToRead Welcome to Litsy! X 6y
Kaye Thanks for the follow 💕 6y
tpixie Check out @litsybookclub and @LitsyHappenings Welcome!! @Jess7 & @Chelleo how did I miss out on the videos?!!! 6y
RaimeyGallant Welcome from me too! 6y
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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Working on my #readharder challenge on my commute to rehearsal.

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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I read this with the book club I run where I teach high school. A great YA historical fiction debut novel about a young Chinese American and African American, on the run from the law, who dress as males and join a group of travelers headed West on the Oregon Trail. They become fast friends as they face a number of challenges on their journey west. Great for upper middle school and high school students.🌟🌟🌟🌟

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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#AmReading this lovely book today. It's one of my library's choices for city-wide reading this year, so the author is coming for a visit next week—have to be prepared. 🤓

Daisey I really enjoyed this one! 7y
intothehallofbooks Oh I loved this one! 7y
DivineDiana I just read the synopsis, and I just finished a Western which involves a woman disguising herself as a man! (edited) 7y
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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We have to traipse into the fields today to care for a horse and of course it's raining heavily 😭😭😭

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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This cover reminds me of #dusk. A great western historical fiction read!


Well-ReadNeck ❤️ 7y
Evelien The colours are just beautiful 7y
[DELETED] 206653737 Good one! 7y
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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Thank you to @BestOfFates for recommending this when I asked about other audiobooks narrated by Emily Woo Zeller. A crossdress romp through the Wild West, with a pair of teenage girls, one Chinese and one Black, on the run from the law, towards a brighter future. Sweet and fun. Zeller has perfected the art of the whisper-scream, one of the trickiest feats in audio narration.
#ownvoices #weneeddiversebooks

BestOfFates ❤️❤️❤️ I'm so glad you liked it!! 7y
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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Super good. I ended up getting completely hooked.

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee

His face lights up and he does it, a kiss as sweet as a serenade and achingly familiar. The smoke of a lonely fire and something wild fills my senses and lifts me from my ordinary existence. My sigh echoes in his throat.

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee

"There ain't nothing free in this world except bad ideas."

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee

"It's too dark, but we could shoot the stars."

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee

"And they was as close as Saturday night and Sunday morning. He loved how pure was her heart, and she loved how steady were his shoulders."

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee

". . . She's not wild, she's spirited. 'Wild' means 'I no care about what I do.' But 'spirited' means, 'I love what I do.' Big difference."

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee

. . . I wonder at the power of a single word to goad males into doing things they don't want to do to acquire things they don't want to have.

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee

Negative thoughts pour gravel in your shoes and make your step unsteady.

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee

"Don't want safety, only freedom."

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee

"God makes our bodies want to live, no matter what our minds want to do."

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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Under a Painted Sky is the story of Sammy and Annamae, two girls on the run on the Oregon Trial. They disguise themselves as boys and join up with a group of young cowboys.

Lee deals head on with the realities of that period for a Chinese girl and a runaway slave. This book has heart-pounding adventure, engaging characters with fun & witty dialogue, and lovely writing.

(Just realized those were dragons/snakes/rabbits on the cover: so perfect)

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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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#readjanuary #booksbyasianwriters

Last spring I discovered a new favorite book store in Pasadena and found this treasure there. I haven't read it yet but it looks good and I've heard good things about it.

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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⚠Annamae fell dangerously close to the "magical negro" trope
⚠Very little adventure happened before the "hot cowboys" thing started
⚠Geographical, historical, and character inconsistencies and way too much repetition
⚠Felt like vehicle to teach Chinese culture
⚠They made it to Wyoming(ish?) without encountering ANY American Indian tribes?!
⚠All outcomes predictable

I wanted a story about two kickass girls on the range; I got a flimsy love story.

LindsayReads Ugh, and I made this a blurb instead of a review. Pffft. 7y
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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I might not be super into this book, but I'm thoroughly enjoying the side projects! #audiocoloring

RiotMom 😍 7y
Mariposa_Bookworm Please tell me where I can find Prince coloring pages! 💜💜💜💜 7y
Mariposa_Bookworm 👍🏾 THANK YOU! 7y
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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Uhhhh...I've never heard of flounder living in Kansas, but that's what they just caught in the river.

[DELETED] 1409720085 😂😂😂 7y
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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A little over an hour into this and already feeling some disappointment. The adventures have hardly started, and already it's falling back on the romantic interest thing. I hope it bounces back, otherwise this will be a painful read... 😒😴

angrylilasian I hope it comes back to surprise you. I've been wanting to read this. I'll be looking for your final review. 7y
LindsayReads @angrylilasian Thanks! I hope so, too. I mean, it's YA, so I'm not necessarily surprised, but with the premise...you're just kinda like, "REALLY." 7y
angrylilasian @LindsayReads Yup. I've had that reaction many times. 😞 7y
Mdargusch I bailed on this book. I could never get into it. I do hope to finish it someday. I will be interested to see if you like it. 7y
LindsayReads @Mdargusch I'd bail if it wasn't for the book club I run. I was hoping the romantic plot would take a backseat to the western. It's still early, so fingers crossed. 7y
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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I know for sure I'll be reading Under a Painted Sky and One Crazy Summer (reread) for book clubs this month. As for the rest, I will probably let my reading challenges guide me...maybe start to dig into XO Orpheus? Which Litten out there mentioned reading a short story as a sort of palate cleanser between books? What a brilliant idea, especially for these types of compilations! #ReadJanuary #ThisMonthsTBR

lovelybookshelf Ohhh I really loved XO Orpheus! Enjoy 😄 8y
LindsayReads @lovelybookshelf That's great to hear! I'm excited to get started! 8y
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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There are some books that I know I'm going to love and then I put off reading them for ages. This is one of those books and I'm so happy I finally got to it.

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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A few of the many kickass heroines in YA. Samantha and Annamae are two girls heading west on their own, Jessie is a girl trying to save her community and almost traveling through time to do so, Katniss, and Isabelle who deserves more credit than I think she usually gets.

#kickassheroines #SeasonsReadings2016 #ya #MsDsLibrary

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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A day late... but I just moved cross country for 6 months and limited myself to only one box of books so I could also bring clothes and pots and pans. #booknerdproblems #photoadaynov16

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee

Oh man, this was good. Sure, it has awful "slave speak" in some places and the occasional plot hole, but there wasn't a time between when I started and when I finally closed it in the end that I didn't want to be reading this book.

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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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Let's see if I can stick with this one.

shgmclicious The ungrammatical Ebonics (as in she did them wrong, not that AAVE is wrong) will drive you up a wall, but it's otherwise really engaging. 8y
Jessisreading @shgmclicious I did notice some...strange word formations, but yeah, it very much is. 8y
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee

Lee does the best historical fictions

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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#recommendsday: I love Stacey Lee's books, and Under a Painted Sky is so great. Friendship, found families, and the fact that it made me cry over a violin.

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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Another great YA western infused with culture and diversity.

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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My #favbookishfriendship has to go to Sammy and Andy. This book had so much I love: unlikely friends who learn to trust each other, girls passing as boys, setting off on a journey, adventures, horses, and a violin. Plus, that cover is gorgeous!

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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Maybe what matters is not so much the path as who walks beside you. 😭😭😭 #24in48

Daisey I loved this book! 8y
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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Picked up Robin from daycare and he wants to lay in bed... So I guess we'll spend the afternoon in bed reading. 🐺📚💕 #24in48

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee

Loved the diversity and the strong friendships and family bonds in this book. It had an interesting historical setting as well, and was unputdownable from start to finish. I would definitely recommend it.

Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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Loving this book so far