I hate this twist about the mafia that abbi included in the series after when I‘m back, feels real forced
Lunch and reading on this beautiful Saturday afternoon. Nan's story is the last book in the Rosemary Beach Series. I'm about a third into it and it's okay so far. The last three books before this one were really good and I read each im one sitting. This one has me struggling a bit more to get through it. I'm just not connecting to any of the characters. Hopefully it picks up.
Meh. This book wasn't terrible but it wasn't good either. I've read every book in this series but the last few have fell flat for me. Although I really disliked Nan in the previous books she is somewhat redeemed. I felt like the author could have delved deeper with Nan and completely made the readers love her. The romance fell flat and didn't feel a connection. I just needed a quick light read after my previous book and this was it. ⭐⭐ 1/2 stars
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fun book to pass time . I just couldn't relate to the characters though, this is supposed to be a romance novel but the relationships were purely physical. I felt like the characters could've had more personality and the plot twist at the end didn't make much sense. 4/10 ⭐️
Fans of Abbi Glines will be pleasantly surprised with this addition to the Rosemary Beach series!! Check out my full review on my blog!
"I had so many preconceived ideas about how I thought this book was going to go and I was COMPLETELY wrong. From the very first page this book had me guessing." Reviewed by Melpomene https://goo.gl/RNcoiP
☕️: The story lacks depth everywhere. The romance can't even be called that because it's all purely physical. If you expect to sympathize Nan, you won't with this book at all. The author could have written a good story for Nan, but it went to waste.