Pain day reading. I want to finish A PRINCESS OF THE CHAMELN, which remains great, and another volume of SKIP BEAT!, and I hope I can make some progress with EXCALIBUR. It hasn‘t grabbed me the way I expected it to.
Pain day reading. I want to finish A PRINCESS OF THE CHAMELN, which remains great, and another volume of SKIP BEAT!, and I hope I can make some progress with EXCALIBUR. It hasn‘t grabbed me the way I expected it to.
A PRINCESS OF THE CHAMELN is the only unsolicited ARC I‘ve ever gone ahead and downloaded. I think I went for it because it‘s distributed by Open Road and I‘ve reviewed their stuff before, but it could‘ve been because Cherry Wilder was a Kiwi. Now I‘m finally reading it, five years late.
And I like it so far! Wilder‘s 80s prose style really works for me, and she leans on the Royal In Disguise trope, which I can still enjoy very much.