Our book club pick for #SheSaid for October is on sale on both Kobo and Kindle today if you want to pick it up while it is on sale.
Our book club pick for #SheSaid for October is on sale on both Kobo and Kindle today if you want to pick it up while it is on sale.
Hello #SheSaid! How is everyone doing this weekend. Surviving the current world so far 🙄. It‘s been a week and I can not wait to talk about this in the comments.
@vlwelser @SamAnne @Julsmarshall @arlenefinnigan @CoffeeK8 @MallenNC @DebinHawaii @Currey @Augustdana @Suet624 @Singout @mhillis @megnews @AnneCecilie @kspenmoll @staci.reads @AllDebooks @psalva ⤵️
Next up for #SheSaid!
Time to pick up your library holds & interlibrary loans.
I have been waiting to read this one!
Hello #SheSaid!
How did everyone make out with this book? I know a few were excited for it and a few disappointed? Please let us know how it was for you in the comments!
Looks like Amazon in the US is having a sale on all of Terry Pratchett. Might be time to pick up a book if you need it. @julesG
Hello #SheSaid!
How is everyone doing this week?
Hello #SheSaid!
Anyone get any rest this week, not me 😂
See you in the comments!
@vlwelser @SamAnne @Julsmarshall @arlenefinnigan @CoffeeK8. @MallenNC @DebinHawaii @Currey @Augustdana @Suet624 @Singout @mhillis @megnews @AnneCecilie @kspenmoll @staci.reads @psalva @Amor4Libros @DGRachel @Smrloomis @KathyWheeler @Bookwormjillk @JenlovesJT47 @Karisa @fredthemoose @mandarchy @BookBosomed1 @ncsufoxes @Readergrrl ⤵️
Hello #SheSaid!
I have to say when this was the first pick, I thought…maybe we needed something stronger for this time in history. BUT! I was wrong…. In an age when actions are meant to exhaust us and then numb us and make us just check out and tune out…this is exactly the right book for right now. Rest and Resist, and Rest as resistance. See you in the comments ;~)
The Voting Breakdown
Up for this year:
8 Votes:
February: Rest is Resistance - Tricia Hersey
7 Votes:
March: Entitled - Kate Manne
April: Eloquent Rage - Brittney Cooper
6 Votes:
May: The Woman They Could Not Silence - Kate Moore
June: I Who Have Never Known Men - Jacqueline Harpman (Fiction)
July: Unshrinking - Kate Manne
August: Small & the Mighty - Sharon McMahon
September: Eve - Cat Bohannon
October: Hags - Victoria Smith
5 Votes:
8 Book Tie 🤪
Up Next #SheSaid!
Pick up those Library Holds and put in those Interlibrary Loans!
Up Next for February #SheSaid!
Put in your library holds and interlibrary loans!
I‘ll get the whole schedule up soon, but this book got more votes than any other, so it‘s up for February!
It‘s time to decide what we want to read this year!
#Nonfiction2025 is here!
Around the world there seems to be unrest, division, and just generally unhappy populaces. So this year we will look at famous movements for change and of resistance, what drives people to push for change, why, and how.
🎶“Look what's happening out in the streets
Got a revolution, got to revolution”🎶
As always, this is a make it a way that works for you challenge, a little revolt is good for the soul after all ⤵️
Hello #SheSaid! It‘s no secret that I have gotten behind this month while moving. So we do not have a book selected for January. So January will be our catch-up reading month (I need it to finish December‘s yet), and Voting for the books for 2025. I‘ll take all the nominations so far and get a Voting Poll up for you by the first. Sorry for the delay, and please enjoy your holidays and have a great New Year!
Hello #SheSaid!
If you have finished the book, discuss below, if not, please join when you can!
Hello #SheSaid! Sorry for the day late post!
I hope you are all doing well and ready for this holiday season. Please visit the comments as you get caught up with this weeks section.
Hello #SheSaid!
How is the book going? I‘m way behind and still packing, but hoping to be on the other side soon and able to unwind with this book. So I hope it‘s a good one!
Hello #SheSaid!
Sorry for the very late post today. I am in the process of moving and just completely lost track of time today. But, better late than never I guess…
Everyone get the book and get a chance to start it yet, or everyone running behind like me. 🫠
Up next for #SheSaid in December, put in your library holds & interlibrary loans!
Hello #SheSaid!
Thoughts for those of you finishing up this week….for those of you that signed up for the mail list, mine is mailing out this week too.
Hello #SheSaid
Such an odd feeling this week, reading this section about grief, about holding things in and letting them out, about taking up the burden to help others, and then carrying that weight. And how holding it all in our bodies is not great for us…. I need to let it sink in more to comment, but I think we all need to let it out more, stop holding it in to make others comfortable…
“The world will Always Take what you are willing to give.”
We all need to be a little less willing to give, remember the old saying, ‘put on your oxygen mask first or you can not help anyone else‘. Save some space for yourself to just be, refresh, regenerate, get grounded, and just be in the moment and refill your own well before everyone drains you dry. “The world will always take what you are willing to give.” Save a little you for yourself
Hello #SheSaid
If you were able to get ahold of this book, how did you like this week‘s sections? If not, did you sign up to get my book as it travels around visiting?
Sorry for the late post, but we can talk in the comments 😉
Hello #SheSaid!
I‘m really enjoying this book so far, not much overlap with her previous book, but the talk about matriarchs, carrying on the traditions over multiple generations, ties to & fighting for the land, the continuing line despite it all, the people that we lean on & in turn become the ones approached to lean on, all feel very solid & centering to me this week. Terrible things happen to people & a people, but humans & families carry on.
Hello #SheSaid!
My book has arrived, so the schedule is up and ready to go!
Hello #She Said!
I know a few of us have had issues getting ahold of this book in the US…not sure why it‘s available in Canada, England, Australia, but not on the US. I got her first book just fine…BUT I do not like being told I can NOT read something. It makes me want to read it more.
I know it is price-prohibitive for us all to order it from overseas, so I have a suggestion. Let me tag everyone & let you know what I‘m thinking in the comments.
Hello #SheSaid
This is supposed to be our next read, but I‘m having a difficult time getting a copy here in the US. Is anyone else having issues?
Hello #SheSaid!
I hope you are having a good week! See you in the comments…
Hello #SheSaid!
I hope everyone is having a good week.
Just a reminder if you have not seen it yet to check out our other post to nominate books to read next year. I‘d like to get the survey out soon, so nominate before the end of the month.
See you in the comments for this weeks section:
Up next for the rest of this year for #SheSaid… put in your library holds and interlibrary loans.
Please add your recommendations for next year in the comments!
Hello #SheSaid. I hope the Fall/Spring season is treating you well wherever you are.
I‘m all caught up this week and really enjoying this book… it‘s funny to me because some of the books she references are ones we have read with SheSaid like Backlash….and other parts remind me of books languishing on my TBR pile (mountain) that I just have not gotten to yet. I am also enjoying the French perspective on all of it.
Hello #SheSaid!
I got through the intro & started Chapter one. Sorry, I did not realize the introduction was a long chapter in and of itself…bad planning on my part.
Join in as you catch up (like me)! I‘m really enjoying this one so far….lots of thoughts…see you in the comments!
I usually have mixed feelings when an author finishes a series & then restarts it… it was a series I hated to let go of to begin with, and had thought about a re-read recently, so I was more than willing to dive in again. Kate & Curran have moved on, out of Atlanta, for a low-profile start for their new family...None of that pesky history hanging over them! But, a missing child has Kate out looking & taking no prisoners…anonymity can‘t last long!
A good memoir that blends in a look at history, thoughtful commentary, and personal lived experiences. This book does all of that and while it emphasizes that not all trans stories or non-binary stories are the same, these were the lived experiences of this author. Very thoughtful & honest, willing to take on the Hollywood version & stereotypes out there, plus a big dose of history we have whitewashed from our collective history.
Is anyone else who runs group reads having a terrible time posting tag lists lately?
Trying to figure out if it‘s a device issue on my end or a site change.
Up Next in for #SheSaid! Put in your library holds, and it is available on Kindle Unlimited if you use that!
4 Years Ago!!! Happy Milestone!
Any thoughts or suggestions for the future?
Let me know what you think #SheSaid!
Hello #SheSaid!
How is everyone this weekend? I‘m a bit behind this week, kindle issues… but I spent some time with customer service today and I‘m up and running again and hope to catch up soon.
Please start without me, and I‘ll jump in when I finish.
Hello #SheSaid!
Sorry for the very late post today, just enjoying the fall weather here this weekend!
How is the book going for you? Thoughts on this week‘s section?
Hello #SheSaid!
How is everyone doing this week?
Thoughts on this week‘s sections?
Hello #SheSaid
I know this book substitution came suddenly, so have you found a copy, and if so, how do you feel about it so far?
Hello #SheSaid!
Our replacement book for this month.
Please put in your library holds & interlibrary loans.
Next up for #SheSaid….not sure…
1 week to catch up, then onto ????
Please read the comments below & discuss
Hello #SheSaid! I‘m still far behind on this one, and I know a few others of you got late starts as well.
How is it going? Getting there slowly, but surely?
Hello #SheSaid!
Hello #SheSaid!
I‘m still behind, but starting to make some progress. Sorry, some unwell women in my household at the moment too…my mom had back surgery last Friday…. But I‘ll get caught up eventually. I hope everyone is learning lots and if not enjoying the topic, enjoying knowing you are not alone or imagining some of this stuff.
Hello #SheSaid!
I‘m a bit behind this week, but I hope the rest of you are enjoying our new selection. I‘ll catch up soon and meet you in the comments.