This is a great set up for a very long running comic series. I know some of the drawing of Sara would not fly today but the 90's are my decade for comics and just like Lady Death, I love it. 4/5 stars.
This is a great set up for a very long running comic series. I know some of the drawing of Sara would not fly today but the 90's are my decade for comics and just like Lady Death, I love it. 4/5 stars.
I am so excited to start this series. I have wanted to read it for ages. So much so that I have a full set of the trading cards and several original art cards (one of one's). The problem is that the old editions are either expensive or really hard to find. But that all ended last night when I went on Humble Bundle and saw that they were selling all of them for the 25th anniversary. So much wooping!