Supporting another great Minnesota author. I am excited to start this series by Gerry Schmitt (aka Laura Childs) This one looks like its going to be pretty dark.
Supporting another great Minnesota author. I am excited to start this series by Gerry Schmitt (aka Laura Childs) This one looks like its going to be pretty dark.
Really loved this book. Kept me on the edge of my seat. Had to buy the second book off Amazon just now 😂
On page 236 (72% done). So tempted to buy the next book in the series now 😂
This book is starting out great. I'd keep reading if I didn't have to get up at 3:30am 😂
"On a frozen night in an affluent neighborhood of Minneapolis, a baby is abducted from her home after her teenage babysitter is violently assaulted. The parents are frantic, the police are baffled, and, with the perpetrator already in the wind, the trail is getting colder by the second."
When you REALLY wanna read one of the books you picked up a couple months ago but you cant decide what one to start. (Help! 😬) 😂
Next up on this long road trip. Seems I picked a thriller theme for this trip. They make for easy page turners I guess. BTW: Northern California is BEAUTIFUL right now with its neon colored fall leaves and snow capped peaks. Words can't express. 🍁🍂🍁🏔
A baby is snatched from her crib while her parents are out for the evening. From the start readers know who is behind the kidnapping, but in the end there were still unanswered questions for me... I wanted to love it because of the local details; I still may try the next in the series. This is the 1st in a planned series, Afton Tangler Thrillers.
I realized that this was written by a favorite author who uses a pen name. I found some aspects of this story to be awfully convenient but overall I liked the story and found it to be suspenseful.
Digging this mystery so far, nothing like reading about a cold Minnesota winter in 90 degree weather!
So this wasn't a mystery cause you pretty much know " who did it "right off the bat. It was a well written start to a new series and I enjoyed it. A baby goes missing and the hunt is on. It has some creepiness to it also ... dolls ... I find them creepy! It was fast paced and a quick read.
It's kinda late in the night but I'm starting this one anyways!
A good start to a new series. Afton Tangler is a great protagonist. In this she is trying to find a baby that has been kidnapped. And there are dolls involved. I was going to use a picture of a creepy doll, but it was freaking me out to look at them.