A quietly heartbreaking study of grief, family obligation and small town stagnation. Not my favourite Anne Tyler but definitely worth reading.
Also, entirely fortuitously, features an #ObnoxiousCharacter (Ansel) #AuldLangReads
A quietly heartbreaking study of grief, family obligation and small town stagnation. Not my favourite Anne Tyler but definitely worth reading.
Also, entirely fortuitously, features an #ObnoxiousCharacter (Ansel) #AuldLangReads
I‘ve always meant to try an Anne Tyler and saw this one on my library audiobook app. It was a lovely story, well told and nicely narrated. What I would call a good palate cleanser. Any other Anne Tyler recommendations?
Anne Tyler may not be overly fond of her earlier books, but I find this second novel of hers (written in 1965) brilliantly haunting in its realism. It reminded me of how life can be as stagnant as our old photographs when we choose comfortable routine over the uncharted path of change.