Engrossing and astute observations on the role of self, identity and beauty in the Instagram Age. A must read for all and a great musing on the role of self in the modern era. Simply excellent!
Engrossing and astute observations on the role of self, identity and beauty in the Instagram Age. A must read for all and a great musing on the role of self in the modern era. Simply excellent!
I knew this book hit a nerve when I started feeling uncomfortable reading it. When I heard my own thoughts, my own insecurities given voice. Why I never feel good enough, why I‘m forever trying to lose weight, why I feel ‘less than‘ when I see images of beautiful people living beautiful lives.
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If you were to stand naked in front of a mirror right now, what would run through your mind? Would you be brave enough to put those thoughts on a page, and send that page out into the world? This is an intimate and laudably honest literary essay about what it means to strive for a beauty (read as thinness) ideal. I devoured it in a single sitting. An extended review will be available to subscribers at http://www.keepingupwiththepenguins.com #NFNov