This one hasn't aged well. It's full of racism, sexism, and I didn't find the story too compelling, either. I'd expected it to be a quick read, but it took me several days to finish it, because I wasn't too eager to continue.
This one hasn't aged well. It's full of racism, sexism, and I didn't find the story too compelling, either. I'd expected it to be a quick read, but it took me several days to finish it, because I wasn't too eager to continue.
Oh, E.R. Burroughs...you were everything to me from ages 10 to 14. I inherited all of these vintage paperbacks from my uncle and just read them one after the other time and again. Tagged book was a favorite. I was always a bit embarrassed by the covers and can remember getting side eyed from teachers when I would pull these pulp classics from my backpack. These are probably the pride of my collection and I am so lucky they survived the LA flood.
Making my way through this. Edgar Rice Burroughs may well be my favorite pulp/sci-fi writer ever. #biblioweekend
"I had come to Greenland for the summer, on the advice of my physician, and was slowly being bored to extinction, as I had thoughtlessly neglected to bring sufficient reading-matter"
Every reader's greatest fear. Not packing enough to read.
Looking forward to starting this. I love classics, especially Edgar Rice Burroughs.