Please can I have more?
Stellar as always. I got sucked in so quickly I left my shoes behind lol. Now to wait anxiously for the next one.
Please can I have more?
Stellar as always. I got sucked in so quickly I left my shoes behind lol. Now to wait anxiously for the next one.
Couldn't even get through the first chapter :/ I liked the Raven series, too.
I have been away for too long. I have sooo many ARCs to finish and review lol
Working on stuffies for my Hide & Seek event in a few days :)
It's been a stressful year already. I see lots of comfort reads ahead. Looking for a new job, managing my website, boatloads of health and behavioral issues...and I gotta keep it all together lol
Reading and working on a home made gift for a family exchange :)
Slowly making my way through the audio with my listening buddy :)
Early gift from my mom and dad 😍 I knew I was getting it (she ordered it through my store lol) but she doesn't usually give gifts early.
If we don't want to live in a dystopia...
I'm not quite done yet, but I am really enjoying this book (even though it has left me incensed and ragey at times)
What gives, indeed....
So far this has been an enlightening read, as an older Millenial and as a parent.
Picked up on strength of the cover.
I've been absent for a while. Moving, work, health, and running a bookstore online that desperately needs to be in a storefront have had me running pretty ragged. Gonna try to pop back in more regularly though- I always miss this place when I'm not here often enough lol
She found an error and needed help figuring out a sentence with no spaces 😨
This was a great read; very thought provoking. It will be simmering in my brain for quite a while.
"No dummy's guide to avoiding bellicose penises attached to entitled boys..."
Listening (and trying out) on Libro.fm- they have ALCs for booksellers, which is just about the greatest thing ever. #creepyreads #diviners
Wow. Kind of want to go social media silent for a few weeks and devote all my time to survivalist training. Kind of. Not quite lol. Great read. I can't wait for the release now.
Worked on bookstore listings all day. Whew. Gift sets updated, a dent made in new releases catalog. Now it is time to read!
"....At no time did I think it was a good idea to load torpedoes on a newly launched boat of any sort and fire them in the Thames"
???????? This has been a good read so far. Fair example of #steampunk genre fiction.
Whew! What a morning. Farmer's Market, then library (Too Much Glue was the story today). Resting and eating half of a crumb topped cherry cobbler from market, then out again for more errands. Then I have business work slated for the rest of my day off. #marketandbooks #smallbizfun
I love finding indie authors at local festivals (I trawl for them now that I have a bookstore in which to keep their books). I met with a small press I came across last year, met another small press, and THREE new to me indie authors: Patricia Loofburrow, Geoffrey Mandragora, and Andrea Jones. The presses are Monroe St. Press and Line by Lion Publications.
Look. At. That. Cover.
68 pages in. Can't put it down. Can't stop looking at the cover. #beautifulbookcovers #arc
Library and Farmer's Market days are the BEST!
Way to almost make me cry at work 😢 Seriously, a great read with just as much going as Marillier's other books. There's a reason she's one of my favorite authors.
It's been a while! I have been busting it at my day job and on the bookstore, and it is sooooo good to have a few minutes back here! We are taking the kids to the zoo this week (long drive) and I checked out this as audiobook today to help maintain my sanity on the drive. #drivingwithkidsisrough #childrensmusicistorture
I really enjoyed this one. Normally I don't go in for straight mysteries, but this book kept me interested AND in the dark until the big reveal 🕵
This is a great chapter book for middle grade readers 😁 Looking forward to my daughter finishing it so we can discuss it.
Love these little surprises in library books! Someone left a sticky with their notes on the plot 😁
I said I wasn't going to check anything out today because I still have a pile of books from last time, buuuut... then I saw this. #mustreadsequels
I have so many thoughts about this book. So many snarky, snarky thoughts. It could be so good. But instead, it was humorous (unintentionally, and in the same way the Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter movie strikes me as hilarious) The characters are diverse (two Polynesians, a Haitian, a Japanese girl, an Egyptian, a Hopi trickster, and two blondes) but the writing it stilted and somewhat awkward. Ending is open and mostly unresolved.
The agony...the agony...
Every time. This is one of the few books that will get the waterworks going. #onioncuttingninjasagain
Hmm. Which one, which one...
I don't often read non fiction at the rate I read this book, but I hated so much to put it down. There is so much overlooked in history courses of our own history, and this book helped fill in at least a few of the gaps. A must read for sure.
Got some reading done at a wedding my husband officiated- the reception was mostly alcohol and two step, so I found a semi quiet table lol #nonfiction #ritchieboys
Reading Sons and Soldiers while the kids burn off the sugar rush (they asked to make s'mores- couldn't refuse lol) then for their bedtime story I am reading Ivy and the Lonely Raincloud by Katie Harnett- it's an ARC I got today, and they love reading these with me.
TFW you don't want the series to end, but at the same time each successive book is bigger....
Woohoo two ARCs in the mailbox today. They are my reward for catching up on backlogged bookstore admin.
Y'all, this one hit me hard at the end. It's going along like I expect, then bam! Twist ending that makes sense looking back. I HIGHLY recommend this one, with a trigger warning for abuse survivors.
What could be better than a modern dragon tale, complete with virgin 😄?
I love library day. It was even better today because it was also farmers market day 😋📖🍠🍅
^^Book I wish I had. A friend from my daughters dance class brought this to me tonight- a few weeks ago I had mentioned how I love calligraphy, but no longer have the pens and they are hard for me to find. She was cleaning her mothers craft supplies and came across this, and gave it to me. I am really touched that she remembered and thought of me when she has so much else going on.
Working on a book sleeve for my mom for Mothers Day. Running a bit behind lol *crochets until smoke comes from hooks*
Working on reviews tonight. #bookstoreowner #bookreview #advancedreaderscopy #heretherebedragons #comingofage