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Joined January 2018

sex, books, rock 'n roll
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Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky
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The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
The Secret History | Donna Tartt
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Here are my next 4 books for #52bookclub24
I wasn't blown away by The Thursday Murder Club, but it was OK. The Secret History by Donna Tartt turned out to be an unexpected gem that I had picked up thanks to this challenge. Sorry I'm Late was kind of interesting, but I found it much less relatable than expected. The 4th book was about Hungary's history in 1918-1919, super intriguing but difficult to read due to all the info that was in it.

Librarybelle I have the top two books on my to read list! 3w
TheAromaofBooks I've had Thursday Murder Club on my shelf forever! 3w
eeclayton @Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks I'll be curious to read your reviews when you get around to them! 3w
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Sword of Kings: A Novel | Bernard Cornwell
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My next 4 books for #52bookclub24
I read book 12 of the Saxon Tales for a smelly book - lots of smells, especially in the London scenes.
Wide Sargasso Sea was kind of interesting but also difficult to read and overall a disappointment for me.
The Jókai book was full of twists and turns, I enjoyed it immensely (title translates roughly as Soul Tamer)
The Little Sister didn't quite hold my attention, but I guess I picked it up at a wrong time.

TheAromaofBooks I read all the Phillip Marlowe books a few years, and while I loved some of them, I wasn't a huge fan of The Little Sister. It lacked the dry humor of the earlier books in the series. 1mo
Librarybelle Nice choices for the challenge! 1mo
eeclayton @TheAromaofBooks to be fair, it was a tumultuous time period for me, and I was chipping away at the book a few pages each night, so the conditions definitely weren't ideal. Still, I had read other Marlowe stories that I enjoyed a lot more. 1mo
eeclayton @Librarybelle thanks 🙂 1mo
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The Talented Mr. Ripley | Patricia Highsmith
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My next 4 books for #52bookclub24
The series made me re-read one of my all-time favourites, The Talented Mr Ripley, and enjoyed it immensely. The Hobbit was a good read, but fantasy is still not my cup of tea. The Man Called Ove was a disappointment, I'd read from and loved Backman before, but this one, I just couldn't warm up to it. Slaughterhouse Five made me think. A lot.

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#52bookclub24 Here are the next 4 books I've read for the challenge. I tagged my favourite out of the four, which made me think a lot. “Go Set a Watchman“ and “The Magnolia Palace“ were disappointments; “Never Let Me Go“ was sad and depressing but beautifully written.

Librarybelle Great choices! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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Open: An Autobiography | Andre Agassi
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I still have very little time to post, but here are the next 4 books I've read for the #52bookclub24 challenge.

eeclayton (5) Magical realism -- It's a heartbreaking and also heartwarming story, but it didn't resonate with me as much as it could have if it didn't use all these far-fetched elements like the all-knowing tree and literate mice and storyteller butterflies. 4mo
eeclayton (10) Told in non-chronological order -- To me, the plot was more interesting than the first novel's, but the final chapter with the backstory was so long and boooring #noplacelikeHolmes 4mo
eeclayton (14) A grieving character -- This trilogy will stay with me. I loved the third book, too. 4mo
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eeclayton (21) Written by a ghostwriter -- It's what the title promises: an intimate and brutally honest memoir with lots of life lessons, not the clichéd ones, but real thoughts that stem from real struggles. He doesn't shy away from recounting his bad decisions and taking responsibility. Great read. I also appreciate his afterword about the ghostwriter. 4mo
Librarybelle Great choices for the prompts! 4mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 4mo
eeclayton @Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks Thanks ☺️ I also love how I get to read titles I wouldn't have picked up if it wasn't for the challenge! 4mo
Librarybelle Completely agree with that, @eeclayton ! 4mo
BarbaraBB I am glad you have time to read 🤍 (edited) 4mo
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I've been more of a lurker than a poster lately because it's been such a busy period at work for me, but I have read books and ticked off some prompts, and I'm pretty much on track with the #52bookclub24 challenge.
(Further comments and links to books in comments.)

eeclayton (4) Women in STEM -- What a fascinating story, and what a disappointing book. For much of the book, Ada fades into the background. Also, the edition I read had been poorly written, poorly edited, poorly translated, or a combination of all three. I wish more effort had been put into the project. 6mo
eeclayton (20) A revenge story -- A re-read with fellow Littens #NoPlaceLikeHolmes I found the character studies way more enjoyable than the mystery in this one. 6mo
eeclayton (30) Picked without reading the blurb -- A mixed bag: some sections were focused and informative, others a bit all-over-the-place, as if the author couldn't resist including each fact and anecdote that he'd come across. I enjoyed those chapters the most where I went in with some prior knowledge about the leader being discussed. 6mo
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eeclayton (44) Includes a wedding -- The second book in Cornwell's Warlord Chronicles trilogy (a retelling of the Arthurian legend). Happily it fits a prompt, but I would have read it anyway 😄 6mo
BarbaraBB You‘re definitely on track! Great choices for the prompts! 6mo
Librarybelle A nice mix of topics and prompts! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 6mo
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Five Bloody Hearts is a thriller in which a convicted serial killer warns a detective from prison that a copycat killer might be on the loose. The detective has his doubts about the serial killer's intentions, but an investigation starts, and not surprisingly, some gruesome murders are discovered.
The ending was a bit underwhelming, but overall I enjoyed it.
(Full review at https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6106414202?book_show_action=false)

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BarbaraBB The plot sounds great! 7mo
Librarybelle I‘ve wondered about her books - I‘ve not read any, and her name is not huge in the US. But, I‘ve seen some good reviews of her books on Litsy. Sounds intriguing! 7mo
eeclayton @Librarybelle I hadn't heard about her either before my sister got me a blind book box for my birthday last year and this was one of the 10 books in there. 7mo
Crazeedi Sounds interesting, I like finding authors from other countries, the writing is always different. 7mo
Kristy_K The plot sounds good! 7mo
Hooked_on_books Sounds interesting! 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 7mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Another great reading year 🎉

Ruthiella Nice work! 👏👏👏 7mo
eeclayton @Ruthiella Thank you ☺️ 7mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Here are my top reads in 2023. Cornwell has become a steady favourite. Mary Jane was an unexpected summer treasure. Tess was a sad but memorable read. The Caboni book (Garden of Secret Flowers) was a case of picking up the perfect book at a perfect time. I wish more of her books were available in translation.

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I've always known that Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley was amazing, but now I admire her even more. This no-nonsense biography may be a little dry in its style, but it is very well researched and attempts to separate fact from rumour. It describes Mary's strength and how she was able to deal with the many tragedies life dealt her, explains the seeming controversies behind her attitudes, and draws the portrait of an exceptional figure. Great read.

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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

(1) On Goodreads, I challenged myself to read 40 books. I'll accomplish this soon, I'm reading the 40th book right now.
(2) The Winter King by Bernard Cornwell
(3) I hope to continue Cornwell's trilogy as soon as the library opens after the winter break.

Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author ☺️

Would you like to play @Dilara @Kristy_K @marleed ?

Eggs Thank you for playing and sharing 🥰👏🏻📚 7mo
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A retelling of the Arthurian legend, but a much grittier, more realistic tale than the romanticised myth of the knights of the round table.

eeclayton It's a good thing that I saw the series first and read the book later; had I done it the other way around, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy the show at all. The plot was butchered, some characters were altered to the point where they were barely recognizable, and the season finale was kind of meh compared to the the final chapters of the novel, a thrilling battle, which is one of Cornwell's strengths. 7mo
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I've just reached 10000 litfluence! 🎉
I may be slower than others in accumulating points, but I thoroughly enjoy being here even when I don't post so much. Thanks everyone for your comments, likes, and everything you do to make Litsy the best place on the internet! ❤️

Ruthiella Yahoo! Congratulations! 👏👏👏 7mo
IndoorDame Woohoo!!! 🥳 7mo
Meshell1313 🎉📚🙌 7mo
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AnnR 👏 Yay! 👏 7mo
dabbe #yahooyou! 💙❄️💙 7mo
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Stranger Planet | Nathan W Pyle
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I still adore the beings ☺️

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I adored the book up until the point when the drama started. The couple was cute, their chemistry palpable, with a lovely Christmas atmosphere around them.
However, ...

eeclayton ... after Grace finally told Owen that she was the author of the book, everything went downhill. I felt that both characters wildly overreacted, and instead of a simple conversation, lots of melodrama followed. I also didn't like the ending, I found the proposal way too early, they'd only known each other for a few weeks, after all. It's a shame, because 3/4 of the book was great. 7mo
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A light-hearted Christmas romance, an okay read but nothing special. The plot was quite predictable and, while I found her insecurities somewhat relatable, I'm not sure I liked the MC much.

Don Quixote | Miguel de Cervantes
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I should probably start by saying that I didn't read the chunkster original but an abridged version (just over 400 pages). At first I was disappointed that I had only been able to track down this copy, but now I'm perfectly okay with having read this version. In my view, the story was more sad than funny, and I had enough of random people making fun of poor DQ.
Thanks for hosting the buddy read @TheAromaofBooks 🙂

TheAromaofBooks Thanks for joining me! This one is definitely a mixed bag for me 😂 I think it will probably end up in the “I'm glad I read it but once is plenty“ pile LOL 8mo
eeclayton @TheAromaofBooks with all the repetition, it must feel like you've read it at least twice already! 😁 8mo
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Just Kids | Patti Smith
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I had expected to devour this book, instead I read it rather slowly, it took me months to get through the middle part. It was interesting, but perhaps there were too many names I was unfamiliar with, and several times I found myself putting the book down and looking for other things to read. That said, Smith painted a vivid picture of life in NY as an artist, and the final chapters were especially heartbreaking.

Positive Discipline | Jane Nelsen
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What a treasure. Lots of fantastic messages, tips and ideas. Will definitely reread later on.

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Nothing much happened but I still found the book enjoyable. The character studies were excellent and I loved Pym's soothing way of writing.

Thanks @BarkingMadRead for hosting another fun buddy read, and thanks #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade for your commentary 🙂

BarkingMadRead I‘m glad you liked it!! 8mo
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Das doppelte Lottchen | Erich Kstner
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#two4tuesday @TheSpineView

(1) Oh yes. My sister and I used to have a bunk bed, and we made it into a blanket fort all the time ☺️

(2) The tagged, which was probably the first book I picked up because I chose to, and I enjoyed it immensely.

Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author 🙂

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 🌞📖📚 9mo
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Heartbreaking and still eerily relevant today. Domineering men, double standards, obsession, and all this written by a man in the 1800s -- just wow. Also beautifully written and the details of farm life nicely captured. Loved it.

Thanks for leading the buddy read @BarkingMadRead and thanks for all the opinions, insights and laughs #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade , I love reading with you all 💕

BarkingMadRead 😍😍😍 9mo
Bklover I love our #hashtagbrigade! Your review is spot on! 9mo
dabbe Yay for our #hashtagbrigade! 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
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Dracula | Bram Stoker
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

(1) caramels
(2) Dracula

Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author and sorry for the delay 🙃

TheSpineView You can play anytime!🧡🎃🧡📖🧡🍬 10mo
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Somehow this book just couldn't hold my interest. The mystery was good with some twists towards the end, but the story dragged, and the interactions between the characters were a bit boring.

Just Kids | Patti Smith
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

(1) Read, walk, enjoy the colours 🍂
(2) hopeful
(3) Just Kids by Patti Smith

Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author ☺️
Would you like to play @Dilara @sherrisilvera @Sparklemn ?

Eggs The book sounds great! Thanks for playing and sharing 🥳🥳 10mo
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Vanity Fair: A Novel Without a Hero | William Makepeace Thackeray
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I've finally finished Vanity Fair!

It was a bit wordy at times, but overall a great book with fantastic character studies and a fitting ending.

As usual, thanks for the daily posts @BarkingMadRead and all the comments and insights #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade I loved reading this with all of you 💕

BarkingMadRead Very wordy! Somewhat Dickensian, which didn‘t help me lol because I was also reading Pickwick 🤣🤣 11mo
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Bonfire | Krysten Ritter
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In spite of the somewhat generic plot (lawyer returns to the small town she grew up in to investigate, is haunted by her past), the book started out very promising. It was easy to read and the mystery kept me going. The second half, however, was a bit disappointing, with a messy and rather underwhelming ending. It wasn't bad overall, but I don't expect it to be very memorable.

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It's official: I've given up on Catch-22 and returned it to the library.
Thanks for hosting the buddy read @TheAromaofBooks . Even though I bailed on it, at least it's off the TBR now! 😁

TheAromaofBooks This has been a tough one! I think I'm going to make it through, but it's not going on my reread shelf! 😂 Thanks for coming along for the ride!!! 11mo
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A farkas gyomrban | Lszl Kolozsi
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#Two4Tuesday for last week, but it's a busy time so I'm only posting now. Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView 💕

(1) I started several books in August but only finished one, A farkas gyomrában (In the Belly of the Wolf). I wouldn't call it a favourite, but it had been on my TBR forever so I'm glad it's off the list now.

(2) It was thought provoking. Although it was preachy at some points, it did a decent job of exploring different viewpoints.

TheSpineView Never to late to play! 11mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

(1) Nope.
(2) Rebecca (tagged)

Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author ☺️

TheSpineView Thanks for playing 11mo
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Iskola a hatron | Gza Ottlik
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

(1) September 1 for students, but the first meeting for teachers at my school is on August 21st

(2) Tagged; plus Villette (by Charlotte Brontë), which I didn't exactly enjoy, but it was fun to read it with my fellow #PemberLittens

Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author ☺️
Would you like to play @willaful @RamsFan1963 @hannah-leeloo ?

TheSpineView Happy Tuesday and thanks for playing! 11mo
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Mary Jane | Jessica Anya Blau
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

(1) Mary Jane (tagged)
(2) It had been on my TBR for a while but some recent posts by Littens made me actually pick it up.

Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author ☺️

Would you like to play @RosePressedPages @AmandaBlaze ?

TheSpineView Not like a blame it on Litsy moment. 😂👍🤩 12mo
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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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#WondrousWednesday on a Friday, I've had a busy week 🙃

(1) The Feminine Mystique
(2) About 4 months (War and Peace), if we don't count the books that I tried to pick up several times and ended up bailing on
(3) 18 years (and counting) in teaching

Thanks for the tag @Eggs 💕

Eggs Congratulations #3 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 12mo
eeclayton @Eggs Thank you ☺️ 12mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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(1) Making mango ice cream from frozen mango, using the AC when it's too unbearable

(2) Julia Cameron started me on my journey of letting go of my perfectionalism

Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView @The_Penniless_Author and sorry about posting so late, I've had a busy week.

TheSpineView No worries. Never too late to play! 🌞 12mo
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Mary Jane | Jessica Anya Blau
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What a delightful book!
It had been on my TBR for a long time, so thank you @ItsAnotherJen and @fredthemoose for your recent posts, which made me actually pick the book up! 😊🤘

ItsAnotherJen I'm glad you liked it so much too!😊 12mo
fredthemoose So glad you liked it. It was such an unexpected bright spot in the summer reading list! 12mo
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Part of the joys of going through a blind bargain box of books is trying new genres and authors. So I'm glad I tried this one, but this soap opera style storytelling with all the repetitions, bloated descriptions and family drama is not my cup of tea.

A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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#pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade

Nice read, but why are we robbed of the Rome chapters?

Thanks for hosting @BarkingMadRead 💕

TheBookHippie Yes!!! WHY?!?! 12mo
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

(1) Home-made lemonade, also cold brew coffee. I actually drink cold brew all year round, but this is the season when it tastes the best.
(2) Outside, if the weather permits. I have a balcony and I love reading there, surrounded by my potted plants.

Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author 😊

TheSpineView 💛🍋💛 Thanks for playing 12mo
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This is supposed to be a true story of a road trip. It's also marketed (at least where I live) as a prequel to Rocket Boys/ October Sky. It didn't take long for me to realize, however, that neither of the above is true.
First, it has nothing to do with Rocket Boys apart from the fact that the two main characters happen to be the author's parents. Second, the author did not only record the tall tales his parents had told him, but most probably...⬇️

eeclayton ... chose to add his own embellishments as well. At some points the exaggeration, the extraordinary situations and the cartoonish characters may have felt a bit tiring, but the emotion in the final chapters made up for it.
A nice, light-hearted read for summer.
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This exceptional woman would deserve a much better book than this. Of course, the story itself is interesting, but the author can hardly take credit for Madame Curie's life choices. The novel is somehow lifeless and devoid of emotional depth, even when the characters go through traumatic events.
I don't regret that I read the book, but those who are seriously interested in the life and work of Marie Curie should look elsewhere.

Titkos virgok kertje | Cristina Caboni
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Sometimes you come across a story at precisely the best time, and that is what happened to me here. I loved everything about this book, from the way the characters treated their plants and gardens like true companions to the story of the family riddled with secrets.
Also #coverlove 😍

A Thousand Ships | Natalie Haynes
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It's great that all these women are finally given voices, their stories are finally told, their experiences are finally put into focus.
Calliope's chapters felt a bit didactic, a bit overexplaining to me, but I enjoyed everything else. Each voice was distinct and authentic. Penelope's letters and her sarcasm especially grew on me.

A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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#pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Starting this one today 😊

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#pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
A sequel to all six published Austen novels, Old Friends and New Fancies manages to star, revisit or at least mention most of the characters we know and love from the Austen books. The first chapters were quite confusing for me, it wasn't easy to follow who was who and how people knew one another. The connections were quite clever, but that's all I can say on the positive side. ⬇️

eeclayton Sadly, most characters lost their charm, they all acted and sounded similarly throughout the book. The plot revolved around three budding romances, which weren't too compelling without the layers of Austen's character studies and social commentary.
All in all, it was an interesting read, but nothing that you shouldn't miss.
Thanks @BarkingMadRead for hosting ❤️
willaful I agree, only the buddy read really made it fun for me. (edited) 13mo
eeclayton @willaful Oh yes, that part made it absolutely worth it 😊 13mo
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Us Against You | Fredrik Backman
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I loved Beartown (and also Anxious People) so I was looking forward to the sequel, but I am disappointed. It's a good story with a lot of value in both the plot and the characters; however, the way the author had chosen to tell it just didn't work for me. Each chapter started with some quotable life wisdom, then something happened to confirm it, then the wise words were repeated. Every single chapter. The format had its power in the beginning...⬇️

eeclayton ... but after a while it was just tiring. There were also explanations of character activities that I felt unnecessary, like the author hadn't trusted his readers enough to let them work things out on their own. I almost DNFed the book; I'm not sorry I didn't, but I'm not planning to read the third installment. 13mo
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My sister and I bought two blind bargain boxes in the Alexandra Publishing House sale, one for her and one for me. Then we negotiated and exchanged some books, and here's the pile I walked away with.
These are all new-to-me authors (I didn't know that Krysten Ritter wrote a novel) so I'm really excited to dive in! #bookhaul

Austenland: A Novel | Shannon Hale
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

(1) Yes, my sister used to have a writer friend and I got a signed book of his once. Unfortunately, the book didn't turn out to be my cup of tea.
(2) No, not accidentally.
(3) Austenland maybe? But only for a few days, then I'd come back to post on Litsy, of course 😁

Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author 😊

Eggs Ha ha great post (Austen Land) Thanks for joining in🥳🥳 13mo
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(1) Somewhere in a forest, where I could go on nice walks in the mornings and then read all afternoon 😊
(2) My husband. We really could use some quiet time together!

Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView ☺️
Would you like to play @The_Penniless_Author @Enchanted_Bibliophile ?

TheSpineView You're welcome and thanks for playing! 13mo
Enchanted_Bibliophile Thanks for the tag 13mo
eeclayton @Enchanted_Bibliophile You're welcome 🙂 13mo
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

(1) Quiet by Susan Cain. When I read it, it was the first time I felt normal about being "quiet", and I wish I could have experienced that earlier.
(2) There isn't one that sticks out, but the last one I gifted was The Age of Innocence.
(3) Nick Hornby is my absolute favourite but I'm not sure I'd like to meet him. I'd have no idea what to say, except for "I love your books" ?

Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author ?

Eggs 🌸❤️🌺 14mo
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War of the Wolf | Bernard Cornwell
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Another enjoyable book in the series. I especially liked the parts where Uhtred was talking to the priest about the poem.