Took me a minute to get use to the language as I don‘t read many “classics” however I fell in love with all the adventures and struggles the little women endured. Immediately watched the 2019 adaptation and was underwhelmed but still cried!
Took me a minute to get use to the language as I don‘t read many “classics” however I fell in love with all the adventures and struggles the little women endured. Immediately watched the 2019 adaptation and was underwhelmed but still cried!
I made time after work for book bombing. I visited this library in November but I had not left Little Women books in it. Since I was in the neighborhood, I decided to share. This is the only chartered LFL in this community.
"Don't cry so bitterly, but remember this day, and resolve with all your soul that you will never know another like it.”
I really love Meg, Jo, Beth, & Amy...and Laurie. Also, Mrs. March so sweet and wise, I find her to be extremely quotable. This was actually a re-read for me but it's been at least 15 years since the first time I read it. I am really looking forward to seeing the Greta Gerwig screen adaptation. I have heard great things so far.
a little night time book bombing #LittleWomenLibraries #LittleWomenMovie #OwnYourStory #LittleFreeLibrary
a bit more #LittleWomenMovie book bombing today @ Little Free Library #63685
I received some unexpected mail from Sony Pictures today~bookmarks!!
What a lovely neighborhood for this rustic Little Free Library #18644 near the office of my 2nd job. I think under that snow there are license plates for the roof. I sure am enjoying book bombing with these special books from Sony Pictures. #LittleWomenLibraries #LittleWomenMovie #OwnYourStory
Book bombing with one set of my Little Women books from Little Free Library & Sony Pictures. This adult library included a dog tie hook and official guest book. #68378 #littlewomenlibraries #littlewomenmovie #littlefreelibrary
Now available in my Little Free Library. Read the story here https://littlefreelibrary.org/introducing-our-little-women-libraries/ #LittleWomenLibraries #LittleWomenMovie #OwnYourStory