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Joined May 2016

coffee and books, gardener and crafter, believer, love life www.goodreads.com/crazeedi crazeedi73.wordpress.com
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This is why I love litsy and my litsy friends.
❤️❤️❤️ @kspenmoll

dabbe 💙💚💙 3w
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#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
Thanks for the tag @kspenmoll ❤️
A day late!!
1. air conditioner! (Sooooo hot!)
2. Fishing on Lake Erie at sunrise
3. Butterfly landing on my chair
4. First year for my strawberries, yum
5. How does your garden grow!

curiouserandcurioser @Crazeedi Beautiful pics-I live at Lake Erie, so always enjoy the beauty of sunrise and sunset here-it is so peaceful❤ 1mo
Crazeedi @curiouserandcurioser you're very lucky! We put in at Ashtabula! It was so fun 1mo
curiouserandcurioser @Crazeedi im glad you had fun!:) i lived in Ashtabula at the beach when i was little❤ 1mo
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Crazeedi @curiouserandcurioser wow that's amazing! My sister has a camp at Holiday Camplands, near Andover so we were close to there! Higs! 1mo
curiouserandcurioser @Crazeedi So cool about your sisters camp!! Hugs back to you, my friend❤ 1mo
DebinHawaii A lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 Fresh 🍓 & butterflies 🦋 are always joy bringers! Thanks for joining in & spreading the joy! 1mo
kspenmoll I love your list! Fresh strawberries, the lake..!🩷 3w
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A day late!! #WhatsNewWednesdays @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4life @TieDyeDude
My 'new' is sad news, one of my oldest and dearest friends has passed. There were 4 of us when our children were young who spent tons of time together. Till we meet again Penni.💔

Mollyanna I‘m sorry for your loss ❤️ 1mo
Bookwormjillk I‘m sorry for your loss 💔 1mo
Jari-chan Sending strength and hugs 🕯️ 1mo
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xicanti I‘m so sorry. 1mo
TheBookgeekFrau Sorry for your loss 💔 1mo
curiouserandcurioser @Crazeedi Im so sorry for your liss, Diane💔 hugs and prayers🙏🫂 1mo
Ruthiella So sorry to hear that.❤️ 1mo
Deblovestoread Oh, Diane, you have my deepest sympathy. 💔 1mo
dabbe I am so sorry to read this. Keeping you in my thoughts. ❤️ 1mo
Read4life I‘m so sorry, Diane. Sending love ❤️ 1mo
PaperbackPirate 💙 Sending love! 1mo
kspenmoll I am so sorry Diane- late in seeing this. I can inly imagine your sorrow. I have a best friend for 55 years- we are so blessed to still have each other. 3w
Crazeedi @kspenmoll thank you Katherine, she was a special friend, many memories together 3w
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
A day late!!
1 I learn new things often, so I'm not an expert but I can muddle through!
2 I really can't think of a techie book I've read!

TheSpineView Never too late to play! Agree with you on "muddling". ? 1mo
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
1 I started the year with a goal of 100 books, we will see if I make it!
2 I definitely fly by the seat of my pants, just choose one as the mood strikes
3 reading takes me to places I'll never visit. I'm always learning new things, and Iove expanding my knowledge!
Wanna play @Cupcake12 @Mitch @julesG @TheAromaofBooks @Chrissyreadit

TheAromaofBooks Thank you for the tag!!! 💕 1mo
Eggs Thanks for joining in fellow pantser 🩵🩵 1mo
Mitch Thanks for the reply tag x 1mo
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
I'm a couple days late Lisa!!
1 not really, except if I start a series I like to read, I want to read them all
2 Really???? Lol, I have about 10 on the top of my tbr! But I'll choose The Story Collector by Evie Woods

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#ThreeListThursday #TLT @dabbe
1 The Sixth Sense
2 The Lion King
3 Titanic
I have never been a big movie goer! I'd rather read, of course!

dabbe And the books are ALWAYS better than the movies! The older I've become, the less I go. The last movie I saw in a theater was INSIDE OUT. 😂 Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii

Rhododendrons blooming
Campfire with my sister
Our boy Gunner
My first roses of the year
The book my daughter sent me

TheBookHippie 🩷🩷🩷🩷 2mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 #gogunner 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
kspenmoll Rhododendron looks beautiful! There is a Rhododendron ( native) hike in CT my son & I hiked last spring- just gorgeous! 2mo
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Crazeedi Thanks! T 2mo
Crazeedi @dabbe he's the best!🐶 2mo
KadaGul Gunner is so adorable 🐾🐶🐕‍🦺 2mo
Crazeedi @KadaGul thanks, he is! 2mo
DebinHawaii A lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 Gunner & flowers! 🐶🌸 Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 2mo
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This is my Mother's day present from my daughter. It is the coolest book! A compendium of new words for emotions.
When she read the first quote she knew it was a book for me
"I read the dictionary. I thought it was a poem about everything. " Steve Wright.
Yes I read it as a child?

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love it!! ❤️❤️ 2mo
Libby1 I adore this book. 2mo
Crazeedi @Libby1 isn't it so very cool!! 2mo
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
A bit late!!
1 not really, but I do have a favorite summer reading spot! My front porch!
2 no traveling till fall, but having a family reunion here in July (61 people!!!)
3 grateful for warm weather and rain for my garden!

Eggs #1 - how nice! Thanks for playing❣️ Have a wonderful family gathering 🥳 2mo
Crazeedi @Eggs it'll be great, family coming from around the country!! 2mo
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#ThreeListThursday @dabbe #TLT
1 Dead poets society
2 good morning Vietnam
3 chariots of fire

Wanna play @EadieB @robinb @Librarybelle @brittanyreads

Librarybelle Thanks for the tag! 2mo
dabbe I can see the guys running on the beach and hear that haunting music for #3! Thanks for sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
Crazeedi @dabbe yes!!! 2mo
brittanyreads Thank you for the tag! 2mo
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
1 Amor Towles, Charlie Donlea, Donna Leon, Andrea Camilleri
2 the Gentleman from Moscow, the Girl who was Taken, any by Leon and Camilleri
Who wants to play? @Mimi28 @AmyK1 @BarbaraBB @AmyG @CBee

TheSpineView Love Towles! Thanks for playing! 2mo
BarbaraBB Thanks for the tag!! 2mo
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#scenesonthefarm #beautyallaround
The #phlox are just glorious as are the #irises. And the #bridelveil too

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Gorgeous 🌱💚 2mo
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julieclair Love this! So so pretty! 2mo
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Heresy | S. J. Parris
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My #currentread while sitting in my chair listening to the #raindrops
Planted cucumbers, carrots and green beans today, hopefully the heavy rain 🌧 didn't wash them away!

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My new bookshelf, and it's already full!!! I had piles of books that now have a 🏡

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
wanderinglynn Nice! 😍 2mo
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Crazeedi @curiouserandcurioser and it's a really sturdy one, with lots of space 2mo
Ruthiella Awesome! 🤩 2mo
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Thanks for the tag @Read4life , sorry I'm late!
#WhatsNewWednesday @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TieDyeDude
I just ordered a new shepherds hook to hang my hummingbird feeder on!

Read4life 💙💙💙 (why don‘t I have a hummingbird emoji?!?) 2mo
Crazeedi @Read4life I know, right?! 2mo
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A bit late!! #wondrouswednesday @Eggs
1. No, but I do have a few special books that are 'well loved
2 Michener, Uris
3 wow, hard question. The Mists of Avalon is definitely one

Eggs Thanks for joining in❣️ 2mo
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Book 2 of the Joe Swallow detective series. (Didn't know there was book 1, so reading now!) A dead pawn shop proprietor is found a,week after the murder. And his sister is missing. Did she kill him and run? Boxes of silver and place settings are found in the shop, but not listed on inventory. Swallow is on the case, that takes him to London and back. Of course there is a fractured relationship in Swallows ife too.4.5 ⭐️

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Queenie was born Ellen in squalor in Norwich. At 6 yrs of age her mother sold her to a man and woman who were travelers with a fair. Her life was transformed by people who took her in, they became her parents. There is more to her life but you'll have to read the book! I definitely recommend. Queenie was a real person, see the photo of her and the author at the end of the story ❤️
#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds good! 2mo
DieAReader Fantastic!🥳 2mo
julieclair I have never heard of this book, but it sounds fascinating! Stacked. 2mo
Crazeedi @julieclair I just happened on it while on vacation visiting local library. It was really good 2mo
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Last day at the cabin on the lake. It's been so peaceful and glorious! I've read 7 books, and will have one more finished tonight!
#watersoothsthesoul #campfiresandhotdogs #baldeaglesanctuary

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 2mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
Lynnsoprano Gorgeous! 2mo
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Cupcake12 Lovely photos ❤️🐾 2mo
Hooked_on_books Those pictures are so soothing 2mo
Reggie That‘s beautiful! 2mo
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#SundayFunday @BookmarkTavern
I really don't reread , just too many books on my unread stack! There are a couple I've considered rereading, but maybe later!

BookmarkTavern Totally fair! 😃 Thanks for sharing! 2mo
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3.5 ⭐️ Alma returns to her native Dominican Republic when she decides all her unfinished stories will never be finished. After her father passes she inherits a piece of land near a barrio, and she decides to burn and bury all the boxes of papers with her unfinished stories. Brava, a talented sculptress creates statues and fills the cemetery. Philomena who lives across the street whispers her story at the entrance and is therefore allowed to ⬇️

Crazeedi To enter and she stays to listen to the buried stories. A magical book,even though I'm not fluent in Spanish (lots of phrases and sayings) I still enjoyed. 2mo
TheBookHippie Oh I like her writing I missed this was out. I‘ve heard her speak she‘s phenomenal. I‘ll have to pick it up! I can read Spanish 🙃🙂. 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 2mo
Crazeedi @TheBookHippie you will enjoy 2mo
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Cressida left her village to become a famous dress designer in London, but when the Blitz destroyed her home and her business, she had no place to go but back to the home where she was never welcomed. Her neighbor Grace has been a blessing to the community, helping when her father lost interest in caring for his parish. Grace is to mary a preacher and would love to wear her mother's wedding gown. Would Cressida share her talents with⬇️

Crazeedi The ladies sewing circle? Cressida is determined to only be there for a short time, London is her home and she doesn't fit in anymore. The storyline develops from here. This was an easy delightful read. Women can come together and create something wonderful with very little! 2mo
marleed This is on my shelf and you make me want to push up and off my TBR! 2mo
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DieAReader 🥳Awesome!! 2mo
KadaGul @marleed 2 Words, BLESS LITSY. I pushed up some of my TBR that way. 2mo
Crazeedi @marleed 😉❤️ 2mo
Crazeedi @KadaGul yep!!!❤️ 2mo
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The Heiress of Linn Hagh | Karen Charlton
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Book 1 of a new series for me! Detective Lavender , set in the early 1800s the Detective is called from London to investigate the disappearance of the heiress of a crumbling estate. Her half brother and sister run it at the moment. She has not reached her majority so is still technically under their care. As the book develops, one realizes she's has not been well treated, as she lived away till she came back to care for her dying mother. ⬇️

Crazeedi Lots of angles, twists and dark turns in this very interesting first book. After I borrowed this, I realized I had bought the first 3 or 4 books in the series for my kindle!! And I had a physical copy on my shelf!! Lol 😆 how often do you do that??!! 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Great!! 2mo
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TheSpineView Fantastic! 2mo
robinb I have this one on my Kindle but haven‘t read it yet. Glad it was a pick for you. 😊Hope you‘re doing well, Diane. 2mo
Crazeedi @robinb I'm good, too much to do and my energy runs out fast! 2mo
Crazeedi @robinb all well with you? 2mo
robinb @Crazeedi I‘m totally with you on the energy thing. 😴😂 Doing OK, thanks.🩷 2mo
Crazeedi @robinb I need a couple days just to write some notes! Sending you an email 2mo
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Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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Who is looking forward to reading this??? A go to author me! Can't find on libby yet, I'll have to check for physical copy at my library!
@BarbaraBB @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs @Librarybelle @Read4life @Andrew65 @TheSpineView @dabbe

Librarybelle I was excited to see this! 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Me 🙋🏻‍♀️ 2mo
Crazeedi @Librarybelle me too!! 2mo
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Crazeedi @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I figured you would love! 2mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
Eggs 💙🦋🩵 2mo
TheBookgeekFrau Oooo very excited to see this! 2mo
Hooked_on_books Oh yeah, I‘ll read anything from her! 2mo
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A Darkness Absolute: A Novel | Kelley Armstrong
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Book 2 of the Rockton/Casey Duncan series.
The story continues in Rockton, a town hidden in the Yukon that is invisible to the outside world. Casey and Duncan are exploring a cave and find the girl they thought had died in the wilderness. But no, she's been held captive in pit in the cave for 16 months. So did the 2 other women who they presumed were lost actually captured by some maniac and kept in a cave? The setting of this book is truly⬇️

Crazeedi A wilderness, with people living as settlers outside the settlement. Some willingly left the town, some have been there for generations. Looking forward to book 3! 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Awesome!! 2mo
Hooked_on_books Love this series! 2mo
TheSpineView Excellent! 2mo
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Freya has avoided her antique mentor for 20 years, since she believes he helped kill her love in Egypt at that time. When her mentor Arthur is found dead, and she receives a letter from him telling her to where to find the unique bird he's looked for, she is pulled back into the career she was so good doing. If you like descriptions of antiques and a whodunit story, you will like this book. Between a 3 and 4 for me

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#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
✨️Watching the sunrise and sunset
✨️cooking over the campfire and eating outside
✨️watching Gunner having fun at camp, and then crashing for some zzzzz's
✨️sitting on the porch at camp in comfys and reading the day away
✨️ looking forward to my kitty Klinger welcoming me home!

dabbe #gorgeousgunner #kuteklinger 🖤🐾🐾🖤 2mo
ShelleyBooksie Camp looks beautiful!! 2mo
DebinHawaii A wonderful list of joys! 💛💛💛 Your camping looks so relaxing & food cooked & eaten outdoors is very joyful! Thanks for sharing & for spreading the joy! 🤗 2mo
Crazeedi @dabbe ❤️❤️ 2mo
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The Women: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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Another excellent story by Hannah. Frankie's brother goes to Vietnam and his friend says "women can be heroes too". This Frankie's decides to enlist, but only the army will accept her. Her time in the medical Corp is Vietnam is eye opening, how medics worked under the most horrific conditions. I don't know if how she brings the book to a close is what I expected and liked. But Frankie's growth as a woman between the 50s ideas of womanhood⬇️

Crazeedi And the modern idea is revelatory. I definitely recommend reading. Well written, graphic scenes, struggles of a woman who comes into her own in the midst of war, the book is worth your time 2mo
AmyG I enjoyed this one, too. 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 2mo
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#ThreeListThursday #TLT @dabbe
1 Steely Dan greatest hits or Aja
2 Doobie Brothers greatest hits
3 Huey Lewis and the News greatest hits
Honorable mention- Jim Croce Time in a Bottle, Steve Winwood Hits
Trained every morning at 5am for 10 years with the first 2 albums in my headphones , same songs every day.

AmyG Oh, how I love Aja. ❤️ 2mo
Crazeedi @AmyG saw them in concert years ago❤️ 2mo
AmyG Oh wow. I bet they were fantastic. 2mo
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dabbe With such great bands, of course their songs could be played all day every day. What were you training for? Thanks for sharing. 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
UwannaPublishme Huey Lewis! 🙌🏻 2mo
RamsFan1963 @Crazeedi I never appreciated Steely Dan when I was younger, but they're now one of my favorite bands 2mo
Crazeedi @dabbe in the gym, competitive bodybuilder 2mo
Crazeedi @RamsFan1963 just such a unique sound and each instrument played so well, also vocs. 2mo
dabbe @Crazeedi Wowza! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
TheBookHippie Steve Winwood!! 2mo
Crazeedi @TheBookHippie 😍 saw him in concert 2mo
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Saint Mazie: A Novel | Jami Attenberg
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What a fabulous book! Based on a real person. Maizie was raised by her older sister in NYC. When her sister married a mob boss life became easier. Maizie rand the booth of the movie theater, and spent her nights walking the streets , helping the homeless of the city. Her friendship with a little nun was a beautiful part of her life. I highly recommend
#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2mo
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Table For Two | Amor Towles
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Not sure how to review this. I've loved all his books, but this one left me shaking my head. I didn't know it was short story collection. And each one left me wanting resolution. I've never been a short story reader so maybe that's why. The book was beautifully written as all his books are. Lyrical, excellent use of language. Can't even discuss the stories, read for yourself if you want! ⬇️

DieAReader 🥳Great! I‘ve never been much for short stories either🤷🏻‍♀️ 2mo
CoffeeNBooks I don't usually like short stories, either- glad I'm not the only one! 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I think I will pass on this one! 2mo
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Tell No Lies: A Novel | Allison Brennan
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Books 2, 3 and 4 of the Quinn & Costa crime series. Book 2 tells the story of a student killed who was investigating something killing the wildlife. The team gets caught in a web of child trafficking. Book 3 begins with a bomb exploding a pleasure cruise, and a detective who was on the trail of a cold case murder is killed. Does the case relate to the explosion? Book 4 is set in the bayou of Louisiana, where several young girls have been⬇️

Crazeedi Murdered, all from the same small town. The local sheriff seems disinterested in finding the murderer. This series is excellent! Kept me guessing till the end! #Serieslove2024 @TheSpineView #ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES #litsylove @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TieDyeDude @Read4life 2mo
kspenmoll Great review! 2mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 2mo
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Darkness Absolute | Kelley Armstrong
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView
1 every summer the bookmobile would come every couple weeks, and in between a lady at the end of our road had library books to check out, so I had 2 places to keep my reading addiction going till school started!
2 I multi use buy fromAbe books or Amazon, borrow from libby, and the library
3 see tagged, 2nd in a series
Who wants to play??
@curiouserandcurioser @Coleen_Nieto @Cupcake12

Eggs Thanks for playing and sharing 😍🥰 2mo
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Shutter | Ramona Emerson
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Rita is a crime scene photographer who sees ghosts. She has seen them all her life, being born in the Navajo nation. One ghost haunts her relentlessly after she photographs her body in pieces everywhere.
I definitely recommend this if the crime scenes don't bother you! Looking forward to next book in series
#Serieslove2024 #ReadAway2024 @TheSpineView @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES #litsylove @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TieDyeDude @Read4life

TheSpineView Fantastic!👍📖 2mo
Read4life Stacked! 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Great!! 2mo
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SamAnne I loved this one. Can‘t wait to read whatever she writes next. 2mo
Cathythoughts Great review 👍🏻 Stacked. 2mo
Crazeedi @SamAnne I know! 2mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @SamAnne, the sequel comes out in October. I feel there is so much more to explore in her family history so I‘m glad that there is at least one more. 2mo
SamAnne @thegirlwiththelibrarybag thanks for the heads up! 2mo
Crazeedi @thegirlwiththelibrarybag thank you for the info! Can't wait! 2mo
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So I don't read many paranormal books, but I got this at the local library at the lake. Luzia sings phrases of magic to help her through the drudgery of a scullion in a home in Madrid. When her mistress catches her turning burnt bread into a golden loaf, she thinks she can use Luzia to open the doors to the rich and influential people of the city. When she commands Luzia to break a glass and assemble again, Santangel is there , a stranger⬇️

Crazeedi Who carries the information to his master. They plot to use Luzia to regain a place in King Phillip's palace. The king wants someone who can help him in regaining his ships and fortunes. I definitely recommend! Lots of intrigue! 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 2mo
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City of the Lost | Kelley Armstrong
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While at the lake I've gone to the local library, the girl there told me she read the 7 books in this series in a week! A new series?! Yes!
Casey takes a friend who needs to disappear to a place totally off the grid, in Yukon territory. Rockton doesn't exist , you must be approved to get there. Casey is a detective, the sheriff of Rockton has never lived anywhere but there. 3 murders happen in a town of 200⬇️

Crazeedi The surrounding forests and wilderness can get one lost quickly. Can Casey help Dalton before more are murdered? Great first book in the series! 2mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 2mo
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BarbaraBB Looking forward to this one! 2mo
LiseWorks I'm on book 5 of this series. I listen to the audio version. The MC Is incredible. 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Awesome! 2mo
Crazeedi @LiseWorks the librarian said that's how she read them too, couldn't stop! I couldn't find audio 2mo
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Sorry I've been away from you all! I had such a busy April with my sister's medical issues, and then packing up a household of stuff to bring to the cabin! We've been here a week, one week to go! I have lots of book reports to post! But I'm just chilling and reading the days away!!
#litsylove #peaceful #serenity #watersoothesthesoul

TheBookHippie Lovely. Enjoy a good rest. 2mo
kezzlou85 Enjoy the time away. 2mo
Ruthiella Beautiful picture. Looking forward to seeing what you post! 😃 2mo
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dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
curiouserandcurioser @Crazeedi Beautiful:) enjoy the peace❤ 2mo
Deblovestoread Looks so peaceful. Enjoy your time! 2mo
Read4life Gorgeous! Enjoy it. 💙💙💙 2mo
Librarybelle Enjoy!! 2mo
BarbaraBB I hope you enjoy the peace and quiet 💕 2mo
Cupcake12 Lovely photo x 2mo
quietjenn Looks wonderful! Enjoy the rest of your time there. 2mo
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May is almost halfway done!! The Birthday Fairies are getting ready to celebrate June Birthdays! Whoohoo! If you would like to add your name to the list so we can sing and dance and celebrate with you, send the date and your handle to LitsyBirthdays@gmail.com, but only for yourself please!!
@julesG @robinb @CarolynM @KarenUK @squirrelbrain

robinb What a great group of Littens celebrating in June! 🎉🎉🎉 2mo
squirrelbrain ❤️🎉❤️🎉❤️🎉 2mo
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Saint Mazie: A Novel | Jami Attenberg
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
1 see above
2 I'm not sure yet! A visit to the library is coming. Ill be taking some books from my tbr stack at home on vacation

TheSpineView I need a trip to the library. 🌞 3mo
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
1 the return of the Baltimore orioles!
2 Saint Mazie
3 two weeks at the cabin on the lake!

Eggs 3 sounds so lovely!! Enjoy 🧺 💦 ☀️ 3mo
kspenmoll Enjoy your vacation! 3mo
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Happy spring my Litsy friends! I've been MIA, between garden, and lots of days with my sister who has been having cardiac issues, I've not been on here . But our 2 week vacation at the cabin by the lake is next week so I hope to catch up! My French lilacs are blooming!
#litsylove @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TieDyeDude @Read4life

Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 3mo
LiseWorks How lovely! We are just getting leaves here. 3mo
Read4life I hope your sister is doing better now. Missed your posts. 💙💙💙 3mo
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Ruthiella Welcome back! ❤️ 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome back 💜 3mo
julieclair Oh my gosh… I took one look at that picture and immediately smelled my childhood backyard! 💜 I hope your sister improves. 💗 3mo
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
1 my mom and dad, deeply loved each other,showed me true love
2 my husband, children and my sister
3 the Cleavers!

Eggs Thanks for joining in🩵 3mo
Mimi28 My mom still watches the Cleavers every morning on MeTv instead of the morning news!! She turns to the news during the third hour when they are doing fun stuff, lol 😂😉 3mo
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My current stack of library books!!
#libraryhaul #litsylove

TheBookHippie I love the library! 4mo
kspenmoll They look interesting- libraries ate the best! 4mo
CatLass007 The Underground Library is a fictional story and The Little Wartime Library is a fictional story. And they are about the exact same nonfictional events. Wow. Now I want to read the book you‘re reading. (edited) 4mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🩷🩷🩷 4mo
Eggs These look GOOD 👍🏼 4mo
robinb I really enjoyed this one, Diane. Looks like you‘ve got a good stack there. 🤗 4mo
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Saint Mazie: A Novel | Jami Attenberg
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Reading tagged book at the moment. This paragraph struck me. Let's all try to be "real human beings" with each other. We are more alike than we are different
#litsylove ?❤️?⚘️ @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

AmyG Agree. Some people seem to forget-we are all human. 4mo
kspenmoll Thanks for this necessary reminder Diane! 4mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 4mo
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#Bookspin #Doublespin @TheAromaofBooks
At least I read both books last month! Yay!! I hope to do even better in April

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!!! 4mo
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April #readyourkindle #readyourebooks @CBee
I didn't accomplish one last month😮‍💨
I'm determined to do better this month!!

CBee You can do it ☺️ 4mo
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#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
So in audio the Bombay book went back before I finished, so it's on hold again. Currently listening to the Undertakers Assistant . Reading The Lion from library, not sure if I'll finish. Sisters Sweet is my kindle book as soon as it charges(I had it charging but it says low battery so it might be dying on me). I just finished Vera Wong, review coming!

rachelsbrittain I *loved* Vera Wong! 4mo
Crazeedi @rachelsbrittain it was so good 4mo
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#libraryhaul @Librarybelle here's my recent stack! Lol
#litsylove #litsymademedoit
Tagged book is current read!

Librarybelle That‘s a great library stack!! 4mo
Chelsea.Poole Loved The Art Thief and 4mo
kspenmoll A mountain of books there! 4mo
Crazeedi @Chelsea.Poole great cause I just picked at random! 4mo
Crazeedi @kspenmoll I've spied yours occasionally, trying to mimic you maybe?? Lol ❤️ 😍 4mo
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