Looking forward to this movie, starring my favorite actress, Kiera Knightley! It‘s about a woman who ghostwriters for a man and he tries taking all the credit. Based on a true story.
Short and sweet, Gigi offers a glimpse into the decadence of fin-de-siecle Paris, the scandals, the life and morals of women who lived their lives as celebrated, high-class courtesans - mistresses to important men, celebrities of gossip magazines, recipients of fabulous jewels. Gigi, a young innocent girl is groomed for such life - but she recoils from it. But all is well when it ends well. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I picked up this book because I was interested in the musical and couldn't find a bootleg of it, but boy am I glad I did! In one word, it was charming. It was different than anything I had read before. It was funny, and ridiculous, and unexpected.