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The Red Wolf Conspiracy
The Red Wolf Conspiracy | Robert V. S. Redick
7 posts | 8 read | 3 to read
Six hundred years old, the Imperial Merchant Ship Chathrand is a massive floating outpost of the Empire of Arqual. And it is on its most vital mission yet: to deliver a young woman whose marriage will seal the peace between Arqual and its mortal enemy, the Mzithrin Empire. But Thasha, the young noblewoman in question, may be bringing her swords to the altar. For the ships true mission is not peace but wara war that threatens to rekindle an ancient power long thought lost. As the Chathrand navigates treacherous waters, Thasha must seek unlikely alliesincluding a magic-cursed deckhand, a stowaway tribe of foot-high warriors, and a singularly heroic ratand enter a treacherous web of intrigue to uncover the secret of the legendary Red Wolf.
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The Red Wolf Conspiracy | Robert V. S. Redick
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📚📚📚📚 Magic and mystery and action on the high seas. A mythical Great Ship, the Chathrand is a legend in the water. She sets sail to bring a young woman to a foreign land for peace but on-board a conspiracy brews and no one is safe. Tarboy Pazel wishes to return home but his sudden berth on this voyage & the cryptic warnings of his mentor leave him stranded with no direction. ⬇️

The_Literary_Jedi These two and others join forces to stop a raving magic from rising. Great action from start to finish, easy to read and follow. I liked all the characters and there‘s some great villains too. 3y
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The Red Wolf Conspiracy | Robert V. S. Redick
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#WyrdAndWonday day 22: tall ships

I‘m taking this prompt literally because it‘s another excuse to revel in just how damn good the cover art for the Chathrand books are. They‘re also books that deserve more attention so consider this your irregular reminder to look them up!

The Red Wolf Conspiracy | Robert V. S. Redick

Apparently I forgot to review this book as well. I really enjoyed it (obviously since I continued on to the 2nd book). It had plenty of action and intrigue to carry you through to this first installment's conclusion. Looking forward to finishing out the series some day.

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The Red Wolf Conspiracy | Robert V. S. Redick
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Hoping to finish this tonight, only 100 pages left. It's a good book and I've had it forever, I'm not sure why it took me so long to pick up.

The Red Wolf Conspiracy | Robert V. S. Redick
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This is a book that's been on my shelf for forever, along with its sequel. I've been making a serious effort to get through my huge backlist. I'm only about 5 chapters in but so far here seems to be an interesting cast of characters. And just look at that cover

The Red Wolf Conspiracy | Robert V. S. Redick
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I read this book many years ago. The first three chapters preview blew me away to the point l bought the book for its full price. But after the middle point it started to slide down and by the final chapters l found it rather illogic and childish.

I did finished it, but never picked up the rest of the trilogy

CrowCAH It does sound good; I added it to the TBR. It might be different for me reading this later in life for the first time. 8y
JazzFeathers Maybe. I hope it will do the trick for you. Let me know what you think of it when you read it ;) 8y
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The Red Wolf Conspiracy | Robert V. S. Redick
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"First Mate Uskins laughed: a sound like a sheep poked with a dagger.” ⚓️⚔?

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