Lecture pour août
Lecture pour août
Time to enjoy this #staffpick by Desirée from the 2nd floor. “Kandinsky explores the synesthetic aspects of color and how it has the potential to influence our moods on a deeper level. In this in depth analysis, he proposes that colors can not only be seen, but that there are shapes and sounds that can be attributed to them. It ...can help understand the importance of chromatic imagery not only in art but in films, books & life!" #staffpickfriday
"This 'what' is the internal truth which only art can divine, which only art can express by those means of expression which are hers alone". (PG 9)
"The combination of both means of extension in harmony or concord is one of the richest and most powerful elements in purely artistic composition." ?? I want to see yours! #lovelifeon45
-taken from A Book Olive's twitter. Obviously this was way above 140 characters.
This book was originally written in 1914 and republished in 1977 (the edition I stumbled upon) and this is STILL accurate.