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Complete Poems and Selected Letters of John Keats
Complete Poems and Selected Letters of John Keats | John Keats
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'I think I shall be among the English Poets after my death,' John Keats soberly prophesied in 1818 as he started writing the blankverse epic Hyperion. Today he endures as the archetypal Romantic genius who explored the limits of the imagination and celebrated the pleasures of the senses but suffered a tragic early death. Edmund Wilson counted him as 'one of the half dozen greatest English writers,' and T. S. Eliot has paid tribute to the Shakespearean quality of Keats's greatness. Indeed, his work has survived better than that of any of his contemporaries the devaluation of Romantic poetry that began early in this century. This Modern Library edition contains all of Keats's magnificent verse: 'Lamia,' 'Isabella,' and 'The Eve of St. Agnes'; his sonnets and odes; the allegorical romance Endymion; and the five-act poetic tragedy Otho the Great. Presented as well are the famous posthumous and fugitive poems, including the fragmentary 'The Eve of Saint Mark' and the great 'La Belle Dame sans Merci,' perhaps the most distinguished literary ballad in the language. 'No one else in English poetry, save Shakespeare, has in expression quite the fascinating felicity of Keats, his perception of loveliness,' said Matthew Arnold. 'In the faculty of naturalistic interpretation, in what we call natural magic, he ranks with Shakespeare.' From the Trade Paperback edition.
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Well, I skimmed or flipped through most of it. He has a lot of long poems, and he‘s very devoted to the classics, so a lot of his poems are odes to that type of subject. There was only one letter and a few poems to Fanny, which was disappointing since I picked up this collection after watching Bright Star. My only favorites were To Hope, To one who has been long in city pent, and Happy is England. I like his penchant for nature and fantasy.

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Whatever the imagination seizes as Beauty must be truth - whether it existed before or not.
John Keats

Sculpture by Bruce Nauman

#johnkeats #poetry

Astroneman Beautiful imagine... 6y
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These are just a few of my favorite books of poetry.

ValerieAndBooks I have the 0'Hara one! 8y
vivastory @ValerieAndBooks he's great, there's a handful of his poems that are among the ones that frequently echo through my head. Almost everytime I hear of a celebrity behaving poorly, I automatically think of "Lana Turner has collapsed." 8y
ValerieAndBooks Or the death of one ... The Day that Lady Died. 8y
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Wow oh wow wow wow 😊 I think Keats might be my favourite poet 😊 All of his poems are so beautiful ( especially Bright Star ❤️❤️❤️) I will be re-reading this collection for sure 😊

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Keats ❤️❤️❤️

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