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Die Tribute von Panem X
Die Tribute von Panem X: Das Lied von Vogel und Schlange | Suzanne Collins
5 posts | 2 read
Ehrgeiz treibt ihn an. Rivalitt beflgelt ihn. Aber Macht hat ihren Preis. Es ist der Morgen der Ernte der zehnten Hungerspiele. Im Kapitol macht sich der 18-jhrige Coriolanus Snow bereit, als Mentor bei den Hungerspielen zu Ruhm und Ehre zu gelangen. Die einst mchtige Familie Snow durchlebt schwere Zeiten und ihr Schicksal hngt davon ab, ob es Coriolanus gelingt, seine Konkurrenten zu bertrumpfen und auszustechen und Mentor des siegreichen Tributs zu werden. Die Chancen stehen jedoch schlecht. Er hat die demtigende Aufgabe bekommen, ausgerechnet dem weiblichen Tribut aus dem heruntergekommenen Distrikt 12 als Mentor zur Seite zu stehen tiefer kann man nicht fallen. Von da an ist ihr Schicksal untrennbar miteinander verbunden. Jede Entscheidung, die Coriolanus trifft, knnte ber Erfolg oder Misserfolg, ber Triumph oder Niederlage bestimmen. Innerhalb der Arena ist es ein Kampf um Leben und Tod, auerhalb der Arena kmpft Coriolanus gegen die aufkeimenden Gefhle fr sein dem Untergang geweihtes Tribut. Er muss sich entscheiden: Folgt er den Regeln oder dem Wunsch zu berleben um jeden Preis.
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I didn‘t really like it. I finished it but there was no “Panem”-feeling carrying me along. I was disappointed that “President” Snow is the protagonist. I mean he‘s the antagonist in the trilogy so it‘s hard to route for him. His personal development couldn‘t convince me.

The whole plot for me was empty, hallow and just dragging and towards the end all those songs were annoying.

I liked the moral questions but they don‘t carry over 16,5 hours.

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Littens, been away for a little while. Life is very demanding to me at the moment. So I often have no time and energy to peek in.

Anyway, happy weekend, happy reading to you all‼️

Okay, concerning this I need to amend my first impression. Meanwhile I do like it better.
But … It‘s asking the right questions but lacks answers. It‘s completely not what I expected and I‘m still unsure if I think that it fits into the “original” series …

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⭐️ There‘s quite many. My bed, my balcony, my cozy sofa corner, enjoying togetherness on my significant other‘s side. I‘m quite able to notice and enjoy the so-called “little things” of life, so almost every situation in my private life can be a happy place/evoke a happy moment.

⭐️⭐️ Most of them are calm spots suitable for (audio-)reading, so I have my own peace there.

⭐️⭐️⭐️ See (⭐️) to see why I skip this. 🤷🏽‍♀️


MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing 💜 5y
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If Litsy would offer polls, I‘d start one now.

I‘m about 1,5 hours into this audiobook – and … I‘m having issues … Like a pullover that prickles on your skin and/or is too small … It‘s all itchy and scratchy and doesn‘t _feel_ like it fits together.

I don‘t sympathise with Coriolanus. And his cousin right from the beginning reminds me of future Effie Trinket.

So far, all feels wooden.

How do _you_, who have already read this, feel about it❓

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Look, what audiobook dropped from my hold-ons into my library account on Saturday. 😍

I expect 17 hours of memory lane. Checked it out for the full 21 days because, don‘t ask me why, I decided to _first_ finish “Enter”, my current audiobook, which will be running 11 hours in total. Absolutely understandable if you consider that I‘m less than 1 hour into it. 🤷🏽‍♀️😂