I have read a shocking number of Elizabeth I bios in my time, and this one is my favorite. Comprehensive but still an absolute pleasure to read.
I have read a shocking number of Elizabeth I bios in my time, and this one is my favorite. Comprehensive but still an absolute pleasure to read.
Don Carlos, Philip II's son, contemplated as a match for Mary Queen of Scots, sounds like a real winner: “He had always been an unpromising youth, but in 1562 his 'natural imbecility' had been aggravated by brain damage incurred when he had fallen downstairs while chasing a maidservant.“
Every biography of Elizabeth I devotes pages and pages to the question of why she never married but honestly I feel like “My father had my mother and one of my stepmothers beheaded“ serves as an adequate reason. That is not a great introduction to the institution of matrimony!