"Go ahead. Knock the crap out of 'em. Don't worry. I'll pay your legal fees."
-- Donald Trump, 2016
When I read this, I thought about Obama's 2004 DNC speech, when he said, "There is no red state America, or Blue state America. There is only the United States of America." The author immediately addressed this as well. That's not to say that either me or the author are comparing Obama to Hitler. But any student of history should recognize that the right message in the wrong hands can be used for nefarious purposes.
Bookoutlet gets me every time. Looking forward to another deep dive into WWII next year. And it‘s always good to have a few fantasy and sci-fi novels on standby. I‘ve generally (after some weeding) had good luck with Booker books so we‘ll see how The Luminaries and The War of the Poor go.