"Shan't you and I have fun with my museum?"The past, present and future of human culture can be found inside glass, on walls or tucked away in a climate controlled environment. But what attracts society to collect fine art, pottery, and other ancient artifacts?In "Beyond the Halls: An Insider's Guide to Loving Museums" you'll find a brief history of museums while exploring the present nature of these institutions and the thought-provoking ways to interact with them. Inside you'll find answers to the questions: * What's the point of museums and why do they exist? * What's the history and how have they evolved? * What's so cool about museums? * What makes museums more relevant and successful in the twenty-first century?There is a stigma in the world that museums are boring, dusty, and stagnant, but within these pages you'll find games you can play with friends while inside museums. Explore the many ways that you can appreciate displays and gain more memorable, exciting experiences inside museums. "Beyond the Halls" is a book that speaks to museum lovers (and haters) who are looking to discover, for the first time, the history of museums and the dynamic nature of the industry.
(less)"Shan't you and I have fun with my museum?"The past, present and future of human culture can be found inside glass, on walls or tucked away in a climate controlled environment. But what attracts society to collect fine art, pottery,