#emojinov Day 2 - 🏝📚
Kali is hoping that her primping and good looks will be good enough to get her into The Twin Palms
#emojinov Day 2 - 🏝📚
Kali is hoping that her primping and good looks will be good enough to get her into The Twin Palms
Not gonna lie, I have no idea how the cover design relates to the story (it's pretty, though!), but I enjoyed this book. It's kind of hard to articulate why I liked it so much--maybe because Anka is fearless to a fault or the book ended before it waxed too moralistic at the end--but I really liked it. Scratched my California dreaming itch.
(I'm also inarticulate right now because I'm coming down with some form of sickness and I feel awwwwful.)
Started reading this one before bed last night and I'm already hooked. I haven't read a novel about the immigrant experience quite like this one.
And the cover is so eye-catching!