The sales pitch for this book could be “Perfect for Bedtime!”
1. Interesting enough to keep your attention
2. Boring enough you begin to feel drowsy
3. No temptation to read “just one more page”
In all seriousness, this is quite an approachable book on Roman Britain, a time period I knew absolutely nothing about. The only prior knowledge I had was Bryson stumbling across a mosaic in Notes from a Small Island. Britain may have been an outpost ⬇️
mabell but it still was run with the singular Roman efficiency. I find what the Romans were able to accomplish quite fascinating, especially with regard to infrastructure like the Roman Roads and Hadrian‘s Wall. 3y
mabell Just one of many points I found interesting - Romans tended to blend religiously better with polytheistic territories, as they generally took the stance, “We‘ll accept your gods, and we expect you to accept ours”, a principle which obviously would not be satisfactory to monotheistic religions. 3y
mabell @Librarybelle #1979 for #192025 😊 3y
Librarybelle Love the sales pitch! 😂 Glad you liked this one! 3y
mabell @Librarybelle I did! And I‘ve moved on to Egypt, which will hopefully have the same tagline 😆 3y