I have no words… so powerful… I don‘t know how I feel with this one. I‘m not even half way through yet…
I have no words… so powerful… I don‘t know how I feel with this one. I‘m not even half way through yet…
Omg I loved this book so so soooooo much. I finished it on my way to work this morning and I‘m not sure I have ever been more reluctant to leave a character behind. Mitya is not near the top of my list of all time favorite characters. This book is gold. A coming of age story set in Moscow in the late 1990‘s.
Keeping me up late. Little Foxes Took Up Matches is a really compelling blend of classic Russian literary flavor, fairytale and contemporary queer coming of age story. I have about a third more to go. But I‘m really rooting for little Mitya.
#tinhouse #wwnorton #littlefoxestookupmatches