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The Swedish Art of Aging Well
The Swedish Art of Aging Well: Life Advice from Someone Who Will (Probably) Die Before You | Margareta Magnusson
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From New York Times bestselling author of The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, a book of humorous and charming advice for embracing life and aging joyfully. Margareta Magnusson shared with the world her practical Swedish tradition of döstädning, or “death cleaning”—clearing out unnecessary belongings before others must do it for you—in her international bestseller The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning. Now, unburdened by baggage (emotional and actual) she is able to focus on what makes each day worth living, and reveals her discoveries about growing older—some difficult to accept, many rather wondrous. She reflects on her early days growing up in Sweden and raising her family around the world, offering tips and wisdom on how to age gracefully, such as: don’t be afraid to wear stripes, don’t resist new technology, let go of what doesn’t matter, and much more. As with death-cleaning, it’s never too early to begin and The Swedish Art of Aging Well shows us how to prepare for and understand the aging process, and the joys and sorrows it can bring. While Margareta still recommends ongoing downsizing and decluttering (your loved ones will thank you!) her ultimate message is that we should all be less afraid of the idea of death. Wise, funny, and practical, The Swedish Art of Aging Well is a gentle and welcome reminder that, no matter your age, there are always fresh discoveries ahead, and pleasures both new and familiar to be enjoyed every day.
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I really enjoyed this book. My paternal family immigrated from the north of Sweden around 1900.
I loved her voice and her stories about her family. A delightful read with ideas on how we can downsize at any age. 4/5

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Perhaps because my great grandparents emigrated from Sweden, I found this to be an absolutely delightful book. The author is in her 80s and she's looking back on her life dispensing wisdom from her point of view. This is her follow-up to The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, which I had not read. She includes an appendix entitled Bonus Thoughts and Tips on Death Cleaning.

Yenya1954 My great grandparents also immigrated from Sweden. I have been fascinated by the people and customs since I visited seven years ago. 2mo
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