Cereal Killer | G. A. McKevett
Food lore, a good puzzle, an exciting climax and cats with their therapeutic purring all add to the fun as a PI goes undercover as a plus-size model (Publishers Weekly). In a world where stick-thin women adorn fashion magazines and silver screens, plus-sized private eye Savannah Reid is grateful for the wild successand fabulous fashion tipsof full-figured model Cait Connor. When Cait is found dead after months of extreme dieting, everyone assumes the risky regimen did her in. But then a second full-figured model meets an untimely end, and its time to weigh the facts . . . and search for suspects. At first it seems that Caits death is a clear case of dieting run amok. As the new spokesperson for Wentworths Slenda Flakes, Cait needed to lose thirty pounds in sixty days and apparently died trying. It all seems cut and dried until Kameeka Wills, another plus-size model workingand starvingfor Wentworth, is killed by a hit-and-run driver while jogging at four a.m. Now Savannahs really suspicious, and determined to avenge her curvaceous sisters . . . even if it means going undercover for the camera. There are more models on the Slenda Flakes campaign who could be at risk, and enough suspects to keep Savannah hopping. But shes determined to satisfy her craving for justicebefore a cunning killer strikes again . . .
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