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Fellow Littens! I‘m looking for books about big houses, family secrets, (mystery, thriller, suspense, scary, etc.) that will keep me turning pages. No boring family sagas. Suggestions?

Blueberry The Haunting of Hill House 5d
dabbe I read this during #Scarathlon. It was EXCELLENT! Plus, @Blueberry's choice is a fave, too! And if you read that you have to see the 1963 movie! 🤩 5d
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There has been some interest in doing a fun #monstergirlie / #morallygrey swap. Details to come. I knew I wasn‘t the only one with questionable reading. lol I do suggest Cosmic Kiss by Clio Evans if you are looking something fun to add to your summer reading.
#spicy #monstergirlie #morallygrey #bookswap

ShelleyBooksie Awesome 3w
PuddleJumper I'm tempted to do a monster fucker bingo for #scarathlon 🤣 3w
Blerdgal_Fenix @PuddleJumper I am here for that. Tag me if you do it! 3w
Captivatedbybooks @PuddleJumper im down for that!!!! 4d
PuddleJumper @Captivatedbybooks @Blerdgal_Fenix I've got them up on Storygraph now, they won't be live properly until October. I've done some mini ones so far. If you go to my profile the links will be on the getting ready for October post 4d
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Untitled | Unknown
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Updating my spreadsheet with #ARCs and #ReadYourKindle and #Roll100

I'm already looking forward to #Scarathlon and #Wintergames 😂 I've got several spooky and Christmassy Kindle books that I want to save

Bookwormjillk Me too! I already have a pile of books I‘m saving! 1mo
PuddleJumper @Bookwormjillk ❤️ Glad I'm not the only one! 1mo
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May Day | Jess Lourey
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#Todayscalendarpage was the perfect way to start my month so I couldn‘t resist sharing. Happy May, Littens! And am I the only one wondering how we got here?!? Where did the last 4 months go?🫠

dabbe Didn't we just have #Scarathlon? 🤩🤗😂 3mo
PurpleyPumpkin @dabbe Right?!? Time is flying by… 3mo
UwannaPublishme 😍🙌🏻 3mo
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Crocodile on the Sandbank | Elizabeth Peters
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Another month gone. Wasn't it just #Scarathlon? 😂

Read4life Right? My nieces were just complaining that summer vacation will never get here. I was like “you JUST HAD summer vacation!” 😆 3mo
dabbe @Read4life 🤩😂🤗 3mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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I had read the first chapter back during #scarathlon, then was distracted by other reads, but I finally finished, and it is very much a classic. A slow burn Gothic horror with tons of atmosphere and dread.

Bookwomble I'm glad you've enjoyed it. I've stalled about ⅓ in. I've not given up, but it's not fully drawn me in. 5mo
FlowerFairy Have been reading this one off and on for a couple of months. Keep getting distracted by other books. 5mo
dabbe One of my top five faves of all time! 🤩 5mo
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rretzler I haven‘t read it for many, many years but have read it several times. A great book! 5mo
SpellboundReader This is the #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade book for April should anyone want the extra encouragement to finish it. 5mo
rubyslippersreads One of my very favorite books! 5mo
TieDyeDude @bookwomble @flowerfairy I hadn't read any “classic“ literature in a while, so it took a while for me to adjust to the long descriptions of meals, social calls, etc. The first third is completely different from the rest of the book. Definitely a slow-burn read. It took me a couple weeks to read the first 2/3, then two night to read the rest 😅 5mo
Bookwomble @FlowerFairy That's been my process with it, too 😏 5mo
Bookwomble @BeeCurious I'd like to finish it before March is out, but may join in if not 😊 5mo
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1. I think Anne Elliot is my favorite, but I also love Lizzy and Elinor.
2. I can‘t decide. It‘s obviously one of Jane Austen‘s characters, but I love them all. Okay not all, but Mr. Darcy, Mr. Knightley, Captain Wentworth, Edward Ferras, Colonel Brandon - they all share 1. place 😬
3. Little women. I really like it, but I have to admit it‘s going slooow 🙈
Thanks for the tag @BeeCurious 😊
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

SpellboundReader Great answers! It is really difficult to decide on just one favorite character.
Even if you finish Little Women before June/July, I hope you'll consider following along with the chapter-a-day buddy read via #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade.
Little Women will be a reread for me but I always learn something new from other reader's perspectives and comments. 🙂
SpellboundReader If you are looking for people to follow on Litsy, you could try looking up the books you like (such as Little Women or Persuasion) and then follow the readers who posted reviews for that book. Someone made that suggestion to me when I joined. 🙂📚 5mo
Eggs Thanks for playing🩵🩵 5mo
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Eggs @BeeCurious Great suggestion❣️ 5mo
funkelbunt.liest @BeeCurious thanks for the suggestion! I tried to do that with a few lesser known books I read recently but most of them aren‘t even listed here 🙈 5mo
funkelbunt.liest @BeeCurious can you explain the # to me? I still don‘t really get how it works here 😬 5mo
funkelbunt.liest @BeeCurious and one other thing - do you know why this post was once posted with and another time without a picture? 🤔 5mo
SpellboundReader @funkelbunt.liest - As this recommendation was kindly made to me upon joining Litsy, I'd also suggest referring to a few helpful Litsy 'how-to' websites and videos that were created by the awesome @Chelleo and, @Chrissiereadit among others. 🙂 They really help new members figure out how Litsy works, which is a bit overwhelming at first. (There are more buddy reads now than listed but you'll get the idea.) Links to 'how-to' in a message below.

(edited) 5mo
SpellboundReader The # hashtags are often used to tag or indicate buddy reads or groups on Litsy, that way you can follow a buddy read you are interested by looking up the hashtags. For example if you are interested in seeing everyone's posts related to #hashtagbrigade , then just look it up using the search function. Hashtags are also used to describe book genres, readathons & holiday team competitions like #scarathlon in October. You can make up hashtags too! 😁 5mo
SpellboundReader Litsy Welcome Wagon tips:

For additional groups, buddy reads, readathons, etc that aren't listed, I'd suggest looking through the old LitsyEvents posts and following them, which I think you already did. 👏

Litsy How-to videos on YouTube:

SpellboundReader As for why you post was listed 2x, once without the photo, I'm not sure. I've had a glitch with it taking an exorbitant amount of time to post, & I think it didn't work. Then I try again, and it ends up posting 2x times. For a double post, you could always go back and delete one of the posts. I'm not sure if you are using the app or the web version. For the web version, just tap the 3 dots ... in the lower right corner. Tap delete. Then tap 'ok'. 5mo
SpellboundReader I didn't mean to write a book here, but I hope this info helps. 😁

Everyone is nice here so if you have a question about someone's specific buddy read or readathon or hashtag, etc, then feel free to ask in the comments below their posts, too.

Thank you to @BethM and @tpixie for originally making some of the suggestions listed in comments above, to me.
(edited) 5mo
funkelbunt.liest @BeeCurious thank you so much for all these information! I‘m really slow at typing so I especially appreciate your time! 5mo
SpellboundReader @funkelbunt.liest - I'm happy to help. 🙂🙂🙂 5mo
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Surprises | Liza Charlesworth
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I was a little down & out this past week (recovering still but much better today) so I was slow to open & post about this wonderful box when it arrived last week from @TheSpineView for winning her #Spookoween Bingo drawing for #Scarathlon

Lisa, Thank you so much!!! 🤗 I was expecting just the book (which came just at the right time as I wasn‘t finished with my library copy & had to return it Saturday). I am blown away by the additional B&N ⬇️

DebinHawaii …gift card, cute tote bag, yummy candle, mushroom note pad, adorable bookmarks & tabs & of course chocolate.🍫🍫You WAY over did it & it was a treat to open on Saturday when I was starting to feel somewhat human again. I truly appreciate it & you! 💙💙💙 6mo
monkeygirlsmama What an awesome gift! 6mo
AmyG Fabulous! 🙌🏻 6mo
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TheSpineView So glad you liked everything. 👍💙📖 6mo
Crazeedi So thoughtful!! 6mo
BethM This is fabulous! Hope you‘re feeling better! 6mo
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The Elementals | Michael McDowell
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive, and ever growing, TBR shelves. Some are new and some are old, some were gifts, and some I don't remember why I bought them.
Day 20

Bookzombie I really liked this one! 6mo
dabbe @Bookzombie I did, too! It was part of my #Scarathlon reads! 🤩 6mo
LeahBergen Oh, this is such a good ol‘ retro horror read! 6mo
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batsy This was great! 6mo
AlaMich Very intriguing cover! 6mo
JaneyWaneyB I still remember this story from when I first read it as a teenager. Must do a re-read 6mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Anyone else suffering from #WinterGames hangover?

AnnR Yep, a little. I'm partially sad and partially relieved not to keep score now. 7mo
dabbe I'm still hung over from #Scarathlon. 🤩😂😍 7mo
TieDyeDude Winter Games looked like fun, but no way I was doing that so soon after scarathlon 7mo
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AmandaBlaze @AnnR I had to stop myself from using my tally clicker. No more Word Search. Now to concentrate on #WickedWords. 7mo
AmandaBlaze @dabbe @TieDyeDude I definitely started to lose steam at the end. Maybe next year will be a solo Scarathlon. 7mo
bthegood OMG - this is perfect 🤣 7mo
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