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I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home
I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home | Lorrie Moore
Lorrie Moore's first novel since A Gate at the Stairs--a daring, meditative exploration of love and death, passion and grief, and what it means to be haunted by the past, both by history and the human heart From "one of the most acute and lasting writers of her generation" (Caryn James; The New York Times)--a ghost story set in the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries, an elegiac consideration of grief, devotion (filial and romantic), and the vanishing and persistence of all things--seen and unseen. A teacher visiting his dying brother in the Bronx. A mysterious journal from the nineteenth century stolen from a boarding house. A therapy clown and an assassin, both presumed dead, but perhaps not dead at all . . . With her distinctive, irresistible wordplay and singular wry humor and wisdom, Lorrie Moore has given us a magic box of longing and surprise as she writes about love and rebirth and the pull towards life. Bold, meditative, theatrical, this new novel is an inventive, poetic portrait of lovers and siblings as it questions the stories we have been told which may or may not be true. I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home takes us through a trap door, into a windswept, imagined journey to the tragic-comic landscape that is, unmistakably, the world of Lorrie Moore.
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Not all books are for everyone. This book was not for me. I don't even know what I read. I thought it was ridiculous and pretentious. All over the place and going nowhere at the same time. This is what passes for high brow literature? It makes a mockery of depression and death when I think it was aiming for allegory or something. But smart people think it's genius. Rant over!

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I bet Lorrie Moore was the star student in her creative writing class 😄

This is a heavy story about someone dealing with tremendous grief.

It is told beautifully with lots of alliteration and metaphors. It's almost poetic at times. And there is even some humor.

Parts of the story are from a book the main character found. Those parts were confusing at first on audio, but I got it sorted out.

AmyG This helps. I started this on audio and bailed as I had no clue. I may just try again in book form. 9mo
jdiehr @AmyG I do think it would be much clearer in print 🤞🏻 9mo
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What a strange, surreal story. Liked the parallel conversations happening with dead people. Liked the honest they couple had with each other in death

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He took large swallows of coffee and tested his sanity every morning the same way he did when not on the road: he took out his laptop and replied to the online Times editorials, and waited to see if his reply was actually posted. In this manner he could tell, roughly, how deranged he was that day.

BkClubCare OMG!! And new Lorrie Moore!! 💗 13mo
charl08 @BkClubCare yes, and just in at my library 🤩 13mo
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Lorrie Moore remains a wonder and a gift. She makes me want to write, as in, actually changes the way words form in my head. It's like she fires off all my neglected synapses. This amazing novel explores death and grieving and is primarily set in the upside-down year of 2016. All the trauma of 8 years seems somehow compacted down into a 193-page gut punch.

jlhammar Love your Lorrie Moore shelf! I‘m also a huge fan of her writing so looking forward to this. 1y
BarbaraBB Fab review. I totally see what you mean and agree she‘s a fantastic writer, I just didn‘t feel the story the way you did. (edited) 1y
lauraisntwilder @jlhammar Thanks! I hope you enjoy it, too. 😊 1y
lauraisntwilder @BarbaraBB It definitely hit me while I was in the right frame of mind and that always helps. 1y
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Lorrie Moore does magic with dialogue but unfortunately it didn‘t work for me in this novel. It‘s practically one long dialogue between a man and his dead lover and although it‘s funny at times and poignant at others I was hoping to get through it quick because it was foremost boring.

squirrelbrain Oh dear, I had this on my TBR list to read….might just unstack it now! 😬 1y
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain I‘m not sure, maybe you‘ll like it better but for me it mostly dragged 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
lauraisntwilder Oh, interesting! I just finished it this morning and I loved it. The cover on your edition is perfect. 1y
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BarbaraBB @lauraisntwilder the cover fits the story good indeed 🍊 I‘ll checkout your review. Glad you did like it! 1y
Megabooks Oh too bad! I‘m on the list at the library for this. 1y
BarbaraBB @Megabooks It might be me. Make sure to check out @lauraisntwilder ‘s review too. She loved it. 1y
charl08 Yes, this was my feeling too. I wanted to love it. 13mo
BarbaraBB @charl08 I had been looking forward to this so much but ended up underwhelmed 13mo
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Some irony about book groups 😂 It would be funny if it wasn‘t so sad in the context of this book

CarolynM I‘m glad my book group is not like that😆 1y
BarbaraBB @CarolynM she‘s pretty sarcastic don‘t you think? I am glad you‘re not recognizing it 😀 1y
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In other news, the “talking corpse” in this novel should have a Netflix standup comedy special. Lorrie Moore is as insightful and moving as ever…and she writes great material for the dead.

Bklover Just read the description and I‘m trying to picture a “therapy clown” 🛋️🤡 1y
BarbaraBB Looking forward to it. It‘ll be my next read! 1y
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#WeeklyForecast 27/23

I am reading The Birthday Party and enjoying it but it goes slow and it‘s a chunkster. If I have time I‘ll start the new Lorrie Moore. I have been looking forward to it!

AmyG I look forward to hearing what you think of the new Moore book. 1y
Cinfhen Good luck! I actually bailed on BOTH books 😅😅but you‘re a MUCH BETTER reader than I am. I get frustrated early and easily 😁 1y
batsy Look forward to your thoughts on The Birthday Party! 1y
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BarbaraBB @Cinfhen I am definitely no better reader than you are, silly!! 😘 1y
sarahbarnes I hope you end up liking The Birthday Party! And I‘m interested in the tagged book as well - it sounds intriguing! 1y
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes I have high hopes of liking it! I have no idea where it‘s going and I always love that. 1y
jlhammar Oooh, just ordered The Birthday Party and will definitely be reading the new Moore. Look forward to your thoughts! 1y
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